{ stdenv, fetchurl, meson, ninja, pkgconfig, gettext, itstool, python3, wrapGAppsHook , cairo, gdk-pixbuf, colord, glib, gtk3, gusb, packagekit, libwebp , libxml2, sane-backends, vala, gnome3, gobject-introspection }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "simple-scan"; version = "3.34.2"; src = fetchurl { url = "mirror://gnome/sources/simple-scan/${stdenv.lib.versions.majorMinor version}/${pname}-${version}.tar.xz"; sha256 = "1fk3g4f9slckqfwm576jrjq1d1qihw0dlgzdf00ns7qbhzb0kxsp"; }; buildInputs = [ cairo gdk-pixbuf colord glib gnome3.adwaita-icon-theme gusb gtk3 libwebp packagekit sane-backends vala ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ meson ninja gettext itstool pkgconfig python3 wrapGAppsHook libxml2 # For setup hook gobject-introspection ]; postPatch = '' patchShebangs data/meson_compile_gschema.py ''; doCheck = true; passthru = { updateScript = gnome3.updateScript { packageName = "simple-scan"; }; }; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "Simple scanning utility"; longDescription = '' A really easy way to scan both documents and photos. You can crop out the bad parts of a photo and rotate it if it is the wrong way round. You can print your scans, export them to pdf, or save them in a range of image formats. Basically a frontend for SANE - which is the same backend as XSANE uses. This means that all existing scanners will work and the interface is well tested. ''; homepage = https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/simple-scan; license = licenses.gpl3Plus; maintainers = gnome3.maintainers; platforms = platforms.linux; }; }