#!/usr/bin/env bash # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # trivial-builders test # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # This file can be run independently (quick): # # $ pkgs/build-support/trivial-builders/test.sh # # or in the build sandbox with a ~20s VM overhead # # $ nix-build -A tests.trivial-builders # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # strict bash set -euo pipefail # debug # set -x # PS4='+(${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}): ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }' cd "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})" # nixpkgs root if [[ -z ${SAMPLE:-} ]]; then sample=( `nix-build test/sample.nix` ) directRefs=( `nix-build test/invoke-writeDirectReferencesToFile.nix` ) references=( `nix-build test/invoke-writeReferencesToFile.nix` ) else # Injected by Nix (to avoid evaluating in a derivation) # turn them into arrays sample=($SAMPLE) directRefs=($DIRECT_REFS) references=($REFERENCES) fi echo >&2 Testing direct references... for i in "${!sample[@]}"; do echo >&2 Checking '#'$i ${sample[$i]} ${directRefs[$i]} diff -U3 \ <(sort <${directRefs[$i]}) \ <(nix-store -q --references ${sample[$i]} | sort) done echo >&2 Testing closure... for i in "${!sample[@]}"; do echo >&2 Checking '#'$i ${sample[$i]} ${references[$i]} diff -U3 \ <(sort <${references[$i]}) \ <(nix-store -q --requisites ${sample[$i]} | sort) done echo 'OK!'