#!/usr/bin/env bash declare -a autoPatchelfLibs declare -Ag autoPatchelfFailedDeps gatherLibraries() { autoPatchelfLibs+=("$1/lib") } # wrapper around patchelf to raise proper error messages # containing the tried file name and command runPatchelf() { patchelf "$@" || (echo "Command failed: patchelf $*" && exit 1) } # shellcheck disable=SC2154 # (targetOffset is referenced but not assigned.) addEnvHooks "$targetOffset" gatherLibraries isExecutable() { # For dynamically linked ELF files it would be enough to check just for the # INTERP section. However, we won't catch statically linked executables as # they only have an ELF type of EXEC but no INTERP. # # So what we do here is just check whether *either* the ELF type is EXEC # *or* there is an INTERP section. This also catches position-independent # executables, as they typically have an INTERP section but their ELF type # is DYN. isExeResult="$(LANG=C $READELF -h -l "$1" 2> /dev/null \ | grep '^ *Type: *EXEC\>\|^ *INTERP\>')" # not using grep -q, because it can cause Broken pipe # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/305547/broken-pipe-when-grepping-output-but-only-with-i-flag [ -n "$isExeResult" ] } # We cache dependencies so that we don't need to search through all of them on # every consecutive call to findDependency. declare -Ag autoPatchelfCachedDepsAssoc declare -ag autoPatchelfCachedDeps addToDepCache() { if [[ ${autoPatchelfCachedDepsAssoc[$1]+f} ]]; then return; fi # store deps in an assoc. array for efficient lookups # otherwise findDependency would have quadratic complexity autoPatchelfCachedDepsAssoc["$1"]="" # also store deps in normal array to maintain their order autoPatchelfCachedDeps+=("$1") } declare -gi depCacheInitialised=0 declare -gi doneRecursiveSearch=0 declare -g foundDependency getDepsFromElfBinary() { # NOTE: This does not use runPatchelf because it may encounter non-ELF # files. Caller is expected to check the return code if needed. patchelf --print-needed "$1" 2> /dev/null } getRpathFromElfBinary() { # NOTE: This does not use runPatchelf because it may encounter non-ELF # files. Caller is expected to check the return code if needed. local rpath rpath="$(patchelf --print-rpath "$1" 2> /dev/null)" || return $? local IFS=':' printf "%s\n" $rpath } populateCacheForDep() { local so="$1" local rpath found rpath="$(getRpathFromElfBinary "$so")" || return 1 for found in $(getDepsFromElfBinary "$so"); do local rpathElem for rpathElem in $rpath; do # Ignore empty element or $ORIGIN magic variable which should be # deterministically resolved by adding this package's library # files early anyway. # # shellcheck disable=SC2016 # (Expressions don't expand in single quotes, use double quotes for # that.) if [[ -z "$rpathElem" || "$rpathElem" == *'$ORIGIN'* ]]; then continue fi local soname="${found%.so*}" local foundso= for foundso in "$rpathElem/$soname".so*; do addToDepCache "$foundso" done # Found in this element of the rpath, no need to check others. if [ -n "$foundso" ]; then break fi done done # Not found in any rpath element. return 1 } populateCacheWithRecursiveDeps() { # Dependencies may add more to the end of this array, so we use a counter # with while instead of a regular for loop here. local -i i=0 while [ $i -lt ${#autoPatchelfCachedDeps[@]} ]; do populateCacheForDep "${autoPatchelfCachedDeps[$i]}" i=$i+1 done } getSoArch() { $OBJDUMP -f "$1" | sed -ne 's/^architecture: *\([^,]\+\).*/\1/p' } # NOTE: If you want to use this function outside of the autoPatchelf function, # keep in mind that the dependency cache is only valid inside the subshell # spawned by the autoPatchelf function, so invoking this directly will possibly # rebuild the dependency cache. See the autoPatchelf function below for more # information. findDependency() { local filename="$1" local arch="$2" local lib dep if [ $depCacheInitialised -eq 0 ]; then for lib in "${autoPatchelfLibs[@]}"; do for so in "$lib/"*.so*; do addToDepCache "$so"; done done depCacheInitialised=1 fi for dep in "${autoPatchelfCachedDeps[@]}"; do if [ "$filename" = "${dep##*/}" ]; then if [ "$(getSoArch "$dep")" = "$arch" ]; then foundDependency="$dep" return 0 fi fi done # Populate the dependency cache with recursive dependencies *only* if we # didn't find the right dependency so far and afterwards run findDependency # again, but this time with $doneRecursiveSearch set to 1 so that it won't # recurse again (and thus infinitely). if [ $doneRecursiveSearch -eq 0 ]; then populateCacheWithRecursiveDeps doneRecursiveSearch=1 findDependency "$filename" "$arch" || return 1 return 0 fi return 1 } autoPatchelfFile() { local dep rpath="" toPatch="$1" local interpreter interpreter="$(< "$NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker")" if isExecutable "$toPatch"; then runPatchelf --set-interpreter "$interpreter" "$toPatch" # shellcheck disable=SC2154 # (runtimeDependencies is referenced but not assigned.) if [ -n "$runtimeDependencies" ]; then for dep in $runtimeDependencies; do rpath="$rpath${rpath:+:}$dep/lib" done fi fi local libcLib libcLib="$(< "$NIX_CC/nix-support/orig-libc")/lib" echo "searching for dependencies of $toPatch" >&2 local missing missing="$(getDepsFromElfBinary "$toPatch")" || return 0 # This ensures that we get the output of all missing dependencies instead # of failing at the first one, because it's more useful when working on a # new package where you don't yet know its dependencies. for dep in $missing; do # Check whether this library exists in libc. If so, we don't need to do # any futher searching -- it will be resolved correctly by the linker. if [ -f "$libcLib/$dep" ]; then continue fi echo -n " $dep -> " >&2 if findDependency "$dep" "$(getSoArch "$toPatch")"; then rpath="$rpath${rpath:+:}${foundDependency%/*}" echo "found: $foundDependency" >&2 else echo "not found!" >&2 autoPatchelfFailedDeps["$dep"]="$toPatch" fi done if [ -n "$rpath" ]; then echo "setting RPATH to: $rpath" >&2 runPatchelf --set-rpath "$rpath" "$toPatch" fi } # Can be used to manually add additional directories with shared object files # to be included for the next autoPatchelf invocation. addAutoPatchelfSearchPath() { local -a findOpts=() # XXX: Somewhat similar to the one in the autoPatchelf function, maybe make # it DRY someday... while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in --) shift; break;; --no-recurse) shift; findOpts+=("-maxdepth" 1);; --*) echo "addAutoPatchelfSearchPath: ERROR: Invalid command line" \ "argument: $1" >&2 return 1;; *) break;; esac done while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do addToDepCache "$file" done < <(find "$@" "${findOpts[@]}" \! -type d \ \( -name '*.so' -o -name '*.so.*' \) -print0) } autoPatchelf() { local norecurse= while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in --) shift; break;; --no-recurse) shift; norecurse=1;; --*) echo "autoPatchelf: ERROR: Invalid command line" \ "argument: $1" >&2 return 1;; *) break;; esac done if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "autoPatchelf: No paths to patch specified." >&2 return 1 fi echo "automatically fixing dependencies for ELF files" >&2 # Add all shared objects of the current output path to the start of # autoPatchelfCachedDeps so that it's chosen first in findDependency. addAutoPatchelfSearchPath ${norecurse:+--no-recurse} -- "$@" while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' file; do isELF "$file" || continue segmentHeaders="$(LANG=C $READELF -l "$file")" # Skip if the ELF file doesn't have segment headers (eg. object files). # not using grep -q, because it can cause Broken pipe grep -q '^Program Headers:' <<<"$segmentHeaders" || continue if isExecutable "$file"; then # Skip if the executable is statically linked. grep -q "^ *INTERP\\>" <<<"$segmentHeaders" || continue fi # Jump file if patchelf is unable to parse it # Some programs contain binary blobs for testing, # which are identified as ELF but fail to be parsed by patchelf patchelf "$file" || continue autoPatchelfFile "$file" done < <(find "$@" ${norecurse:+-maxdepth 1} -type f -print0) # fail if any dependencies were not found and # autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps is not set local depsMissing=0 for failedDep in "${!autoPatchelfFailedDeps[@]}"; do echo "autoPatchelfHook could not satisfy dependency $failedDep wanted by ${autoPatchelfFailedDeps[$failedDep]}" depsMissing=1 done # shellcheck disable=SC2154 # (autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps is referenced but not assigned.) if [[ $depsMissing == 1 && -z "$autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps" ]]; then echo "Add the missing dependencies to the build inputs or set autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps=true" exit 1 fi } # XXX: This should ultimately use fixupOutputHooks but we currently don't have # a way to enforce the order. If we have $runtimeDependencies set, the setup # hook of patchelf is going to ruin everything and strip out those additional # RPATHs. # # So what we do here is basically run in postFixup and emulate the same # behaviour as fixupOutputHooks because the setup hook for patchelf is run in # fixupOutput and the postFixup hook runs later. # # shellcheck disable=SC2016 # (Expressions don't expand in single quotes, use double quotes for that.) postFixupHooks+=(' if [ -z "${dontAutoPatchelf-}" ]; then autoPatchelf -- $(for output in $outputs; do [ -e "${!output}" ] || continue echo "${!output}" done) fi ')