""" This script generates a Docker image from a set of store paths. Uses Docker Image Specification v1.2 as reference [1]. It expects a JSON file with the following properties and writes the image as an uncompressed tarball to stdout: * "architecture", "config", "os", "created", "repo_tag" correspond to the fields with the same name on the image spec [2]. * "created" can be "now". * "created" is also used as mtime for files added to the image. * "store_layers" is a list of layers in ascending order, where each layer is the list of store paths to include in that layer. The main challenge for this script to create the final image in a streaming fashion, without dumping any intermediate data to disk for performance. A docker image has each layer contents archived as separate tarballs, and they later all get enveloped into a single big tarball in a content addressed fashion. However, because how "tar" format works, we have to know about the name (which includes the checksum in our case) and the size of the tarball before we can start adding it to the outer tarball. We achieve that by creating the layer tarballs twice; on the first iteration we calculate the file size and the checksum, and on the second one we actually stream the contents. 'add_layer_dir' function does all this. [1]: https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/master/image/spec/v1.2.md [2]: https://github.com/moby/moby/blob/4fb59c20a4fb54f944fe170d0ff1d00eb4a24d6f/image/spec/v1.2.md#image-json-field-descriptions """ # noqa: E501 import io import os import re import sys import json import hashlib import pathlib import tarfile import itertools import threading from datetime import datetime, timezone from collections import namedtuple def archive_paths_to(obj, paths, mtime, add_nix, filter=None): """ Writes the given store paths as a tar file to the given stream. obj: Stream to write to. Should have a 'write' method. paths: List of store paths. add_nix: Whether /nix and /nix/store directories should be prepended to the archive. filter: An optional transformation to be applied to TarInfo objects. Should take a single TarInfo object and return another one. Defaults to identity. """ filter = filter if filter else lambda i: i # gettarinfo makes the paths relative, this makes them # absolute again def append_root(ti): ti.name = "/" + ti.name return ti def apply_filters(ti): ti.mtime = mtime ti.uid = 0 ti.gid = 0 ti.uname = "root" ti.gname = "root" return filter(ti) def nix_root(ti): ti.mode = 0o0555 # r-xr-xr-x return ti def dir(path): ti = tarfile.TarInfo(path) ti.type = tarfile.DIRTYPE return ti with tarfile.open(fileobj=obj, mode="w|") as tar: # To be consistent with the docker utilities, we need to have # these directories first when building layer tarballs. But # we don't need them on the customisation layer. if add_nix: tar.addfile(apply_filters(nix_root(dir("/nix")))) tar.addfile(apply_filters(nix_root(dir("/nix/store")))) for path in paths: path = pathlib.Path(path) files = itertools.chain([path], path.rglob("*")) for filename in sorted(files): ti = append_root(tar.gettarinfo(filename)) # copy hardlinks as regular files if ti.islnk(): ti.type = tarfile.REGTYPE ti.linkname = "" ti.size = filename.stat().st_size ti = apply_filters(ti) if ti.isfile(): with open(filename, "rb") as f: tar.addfile(ti, f) else: tar.addfile(ti) class ExtractChecksum: """ A writable stream which only calculates the final file size and sha256sum, while discarding the actual contents. """ def __init__(self): self._digest = hashlib.sha256() self._size = 0 def write(self, data): self._digest.update(data) self._size += len(data) def extract(self): """ Returns: Hex-encoded sha256sum and size as a tuple. """ return (self._digest.hexdigest(), self._size) # Some metadata for a layer LayerInfo = namedtuple("LayerInfo", ["size", "checksum", "path", "paths"]) def add_layer_dir(tar, paths, mtime, add_nix=True, filter=None): """ Appends given store paths to a TarFile object as a new layer. tar: 'tarfile.TarFile' object for the new layer to be added to. paths: List of store paths. mtime: 'mtime' of the added files and the layer tarball. Should be an integer representing a POSIX time. add_nix: Whether /nix and /nix/store directories should be added to a layer. filter: An optional transformation to be applied to TarInfo objects inside the layer. Should take a single TarInfo object and return another one. Defaults to identity. Returns: A 'LayerInfo' object containing some metadata of the layer added. """ invalid_paths = [i for i in paths if not i.startswith("/nix/store/")] assert len(invalid_paths) == 0, \ "Expecting absolute store paths, but got: {invalid_paths}" # First, calculate the tarball checksum and the size. extract_checksum = ExtractChecksum() archive_paths_to( extract_checksum, paths, mtime=mtime, add_nix=add_nix, filter=filter ) (checksum, size) = extract_checksum.extract() path = f"{checksum}/layer.tar" layer_tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(path) layer_tarinfo.size = size layer_tarinfo.mtime = mtime # Then actually stream the contents to the outer tarball. read_fd, write_fd = os.pipe() with open(read_fd, "rb") as read, open(write_fd, "wb") as write: def producer(): archive_paths_to( write, paths, mtime=mtime, add_nix=add_nix, filter=filter ) write.close() # Closing the write end of the fifo also closes the read end, # so we don't need to wait until this thread is finished. # # Any exception from the thread will get printed by the default # exception handler, and the 'addfile' call will fail since it # won't be able to read required amount of bytes. threading.Thread(target=producer).start() tar.addfile(layer_tarinfo, read) return LayerInfo(size=size, checksum=checksum, path=path, paths=paths) def add_customisation_layer(tar, path, mtime): """ Adds the contents of the store path as a new layer. This is different than the 'add_layer_dir' function defaults in the sense that the contents of a single store path will be added to the root of the layer. eg (without the /nix/store prefix). tar: 'tarfile.TarFile' object for the new layer to be added to. path: A store path. mtime: 'mtime' of the added files and the layer tarball. Should be an integer representing a POSIX time. """ def filter(ti): ti.name = re.sub("^/nix/store/[^/]*", "", ti.name) return ti return add_layer_dir( tar, [path], mtime=mtime, add_nix=False, filter=filter ) def add_bytes(tar, path, content, mtime): """ Adds a file to the tarball with given path and contents. tar: 'tarfile.TarFile' object. path: Path of the file as a string. content: Contents of the file. mtime: 'mtime' of the file. Should be an integer representing a POSIX time. """ assert type(content) is bytes ti = tarfile.TarInfo(path) ti.size = len(content) ti.mtime = mtime tar.addfile(ti, io.BytesIO(content)) def main(): with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as f: conf = json.load(f) created = ( datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) if conf["created"] == "now" else datetime.fromisoformat(conf["created"]) ) mtime = int(created.timestamp()) with tarfile.open(mode="w|", fileobj=sys.stdout.buffer) as tar: layers = [] for num, store_layer in enumerate(conf["store_layers"]): print( "Creating layer", num, "from paths:", store_layer, file=sys.stderr) info = add_layer_dir(tar, store_layer, mtime=mtime) layers.append(info) print("Creating the customisation layer...", file=sys.stderr) layers.append( add_customisation_layer( tar, conf["customisation_layer"], mtime=mtime ) ) print("Adding manifests...", file=sys.stderr) image_json = { "created": datetime.isoformat(created), "architecture": conf["architecture"], "os": "linux", "config": conf["config"], "rootfs": { "diff_ids": [f"sha256:{layer.checksum}" for layer in layers], "type": "layers", }, "history": [ { "created": datetime.isoformat(created), "comment": f"store paths: {layer.paths}" } for layer in layers ], } image_json = json.dumps(image_json, indent=4).encode("utf-8") image_json_checksum = hashlib.sha256(image_json).hexdigest() image_json_path = f"{image_json_checksum}.json" add_bytes(tar, image_json_path, image_json, mtime=mtime) manifest_json = [ { "Config": image_json_path, "RepoTags": [conf["repo_tag"]], "Layers": [layer.path for layer in layers], } ] manifest_json = json.dumps(manifest_json, indent=4).encode("utf-8") add_bytes(tar, "manifest.json", manifest_json, mtime=mtime) print("Done.", file=sys.stderr) if __name__ == "__main__": main()