{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, python3Packages, libunistring , harfbuzz, fontconfig, pkg-config, ncurses, imagemagick, xsel , libstartup_notification, libGL, libX11, libXrandr, libXinerama, libXcursor , libxkbcommon, libXi, libXext, wayland-protocols, wayland , lcms2 , librsync , installShellFiles , dbus , darwin , Cocoa , CoreGraphics , Foundation , IOKit , Kernel , OpenGL , libcanberra , libicns , libpng , python3 , zlib , bashInteractive , zsh , fish , fetchpatch , nixosTests }: with python3Packages; buildPythonApplication rec { pname = "kitty"; version = "0.24.4"; format = "other"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "kovidgoyal"; repo = "kitty"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "sha256-c6XM/xeGZ68srf8xQJA1iYCUR3kXNceTMxsZAnbFmug="; }; buildInputs = [ harfbuzz ncurses lcms2 librsync ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ Cocoa CoreGraphics Foundation IOKit Kernel OpenGL libpng python3 zlib ] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.isDarwin && (builtins.hasAttr "UserNotifications" darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks)) [ darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.UserNotifications ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [ fontconfig libunistring libcanberra libX11 libXrandr libXinerama libXcursor libxkbcommon libXi libXext wayland-protocols wayland dbus ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ installShellFiles ncurses pkg-config sphinx furo sphinx-copybutton sphinxext-opengraph sphinx-inline-tabs ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ imagemagick libicns # For the png2icns tool. ]; propagatedBuildInputs = lib.optional stdenv.isLinux libGL; outputs = [ "out" "terminfo" "shell_integration" ]; patches = [ (fetchpatch { name = "fix-zsh-completion-test-1.patch"; url = "https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty/commit/297592242c290a81ca4ba08802841f4c33a4de25.patch"; sha256 = "sha256-/V6y/4AaJsZvx1KS5UFZ+0zyAoZuLgbgFORZ1dX/1qE="; }) (fetchpatch { name = "fix-zsh-completion-test-2.patch"; url = "https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty/commit/d8ed42ae8e014d9abf9550a65ae203468f8bfa43.patch"; sha256 = "sha256-Azgzqf5atW999FVn9rSGKMyZLsI692dYXhJPx07GBO0="; }) ]; # Causes build failure due to warning hardeningDisable = lib.optional stdenv.cc.isClang "strictoverflow"; dontConfigure = true; buildPhase = let commonOptions = '' --update-check-interval=0 \ --shell-integration=enabled\ no-rc ''; in '' runHook preBuild ${if stdenv.isDarwin then '' ${python.interpreter} setup.py kitty.app \ --disable-link-time-optimization \ ${commonOptions} make man '' else '' ${python.interpreter} setup.py linux-package \ --egl-library='${lib.getLib libGL}/lib/libEGL.so.1' \ --startup-notification-library='${libstartup_notification}/lib/libstartup-notification-1.so' \ --canberra-library='${libcanberra}/lib/libcanberra.so' \ ${commonOptions} ''} runHook postBuild ''; checkInputs = [ pillow # Shells needed for shell integration tests bashInteractive zsh fish ]; checkPhase = let buildBinPath = if stdenv.isDarwin then "kitty.app/Contents/MacOS" else "linux-package/bin"; in '' # Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file: No such file: (null) export FONTCONFIG_FILE=${fontconfig.out}/etc/fonts/fonts.conf env PATH="${buildBinPath}:$PATH" ${python.interpreter} test.py ''; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall mkdir -p $out ${if stdenv.isDarwin then '' mkdir "$out/bin" ln -s ../Applications/kitty.app/Contents/MacOS/kitty "$out/bin/kitty" mkdir "$out/Applications" cp -r kitty.app "$out/Applications/kitty.app" installManPage 'docs/_build/man/kitty.1' '' else '' cp -r linux-package/{bin,share,lib} $out ''} wrapProgram "$out/bin/kitty" --prefix PATH : "$out/bin:${lib.makeBinPath [ imagemagick xsel ncurses.dev ]}" installShellCompletion --cmd kitty \ --bash <("$out/bin/kitty" +complete setup bash) \ --fish <("$out/bin/kitty" +complete setup fish2) \ --zsh <("$out/bin/kitty" +complete setup zsh) terminfo_src=${if stdenv.isDarwin then ''"$out/Applications/kitty.app/Contents/Resources/terminfo"'' else "$out/share/terminfo"} mkdir -p $terminfo/share mv "$terminfo_src" $terminfo/share/terminfo mkdir -p $out/nix-support echo "$terminfo" >> $out/nix-support/propagated-user-env-packages cp -r 'shell-integration' "$shell_integration" runHook postInstall ''; passthru.tests.test = nixosTests.terminal-emulators.kitty; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty"; description = "A modern, hackable, featureful, OpenGL based terminal emulator"; license = licenses.gpl3Only; changelog = "https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/changelog/"; platforms = platforms.darwin ++ platforms.linux; maintainers = with maintainers; [ tex rvolosatovs Luflosi ]; }; }