{ mkDerivation, lib, fetchurl, fetchpatch, extra-cmake-modules, kdoctools, boost, qttools, qtwebkit, breeze-icons, karchive, kcodecs, kcompletion, kconfig, kconfigwidgets, kcoreaddons, kcrash, kguiaddons, ki18n, kiconthemes, kitemviews, kio, ktexteditor, ktextwidgets, kwidgetsaddons, kxmlgui, kdb, kproperty, kreport, lcms2, libmysqlclient, marble, postgresql }: mkDerivation rec { pname = "kexi"; version = "3.2.0"; src = fetchurl { url = "mirror://kde/stable/${pname}/src/${pname}-${version}.tar.xz"; sha256 = "1zy1q7q9rfdaws3rwf3my22ywkn6g747s3ixfcg9r80mm2g3z0bs"; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ extra-cmake-modules kdoctools ]; buildInputs = [ boost qttools qtwebkit breeze-icons karchive kcodecs kcompletion kconfig kconfigwidgets kcoreaddons kcrash kguiaddons ki18n kiconthemes kitemviews kio ktexteditor ktextwidgets kwidgetsaddons kxmlgui kdb kproperty kreport lcms2 libmysqlclient marble postgresql ]; propagatedUserEnvPkgs = [ kproperty ]; patches = [ # Changes in Qt 5.13 mean that QDate isn't exported from certain places, # which the build was relying on. This patch explicitly imports QDate where # needed. # Should be unnecessary with kexi >= 3.3 (fetchpatch { url = "https://cgit.kde.org/kexi.git/patch/src/plugins/forms/widgets/kexidbdatepicker.cpp?id=511d99b7745a6ce87a208bdbf69e631f1f136d53"; sha256 = "0m5cwq2v46gb1b12p7acck6dadvn7sw4xf8lkqikj9hvzq3r1dnj"; }) ]; meta = with lib; { description = "A open source visual database applications creator, a long-awaited competitor for programs like MS Access or Filemaker"; longDescription = '' Kexi is a visual database applications creator. It can be used for creating database schemas, inserting data, performing queries, and processing data. Forms can be created to provide a custom interface to your data. All database objects - tables, queries and forms - are stored in the database, making it easy to share data and design. ''; homepage = http://kexi-project.org/; maintainers = with maintainers; [ zraexy ]; platforms = platforms.linux; license = with licenses; [ gpl2 lgpl2 ]; }; }