{ pkgs , stdenv , lib , fetchFromGitHub , python3 , nix-update-script # To include additional plugins, pass them here as an overlay. , packageOverrides ? self: super: {} }: let mkOverride = attrname: version: sha256: self: super: { ${attrname} = super.${attrname}.overridePythonAttrs ( oldAttrs: { inherit version; src = oldAttrs.src.override { inherit version sha256; }; } ); }; py = python3.override { self = py; packageOverrides = lib.foldr lib.composeExtensions (self: super: {}) ( [ # the following dependencies are non trivial to update since later versions introduce backwards incompatible # changes that might affect plugins, or due to other observed problems (mkOverride "flask-babel" "1.0.0" "0gmb165vkwv5v7dxsxa2i3zhafns0fh938m2zdcrv4d8z5l099yn") (mkOverride "rsa" "4.0" "1a836406405730121ae9823e19c6e806c62bbad73f890574fff50efa4122c487") (mkOverride "markdown" "3.1.1" "2e50876bcdd74517e7b71f3e7a76102050edec255b3983403f1a63e7c8a41e7a") (mkOverride "tornado" "5.1.1" "4e5158d97583502a7e2739951553cbd88a72076f152b4b11b64b9a10c4c49409") (mkOverride "unidecode" "0.04.21" "280a6ab88e1f2eb5af79edff450021a0d3f0448952847cd79677e55e58bad051") (mkOverride "sarge" "0.1.5.post0" "1c1ll7pys9vra5cfi8jxlgrgaql6c27l6inpy15aprgqhc4ck36s") # Requires websocket-client <1.0, >=0.57. Cannot do mkOverride b/c differing underscore/hyphen in pypi source name ( self: super: { websocket-client = super.websocket-client.overridePythonAttrs ( oldAttrs: rec { version = "0.58.0"; src = oldAttrs.src.override { pname = "websocket_client"; inherit version; sha256 = "63509b41d158ae5b7f67eb4ad20fecbb4eee99434e73e140354dc3ff8e09716f"; }; propagatedBuildInputs = [ self.six ]; } ); } ) # Octoprint needs zeroconf >=0.24 <0.25. While this should be done in # the mkOverride aboves, this package also has broken tests, so we need # a proper override. ( self: super: { zeroconf = super.zeroconf.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { version = "0.24.5"; src = oldAttrs.src.override { inherit version; sha256 = "0jpgd0rk91si93857mjrizan5gc42kj1q4fi4160qgk68la88fl9"; }; buildInputs = [ self.nose ]; checkPhase = "nosetests"; }); } ) # Built-in dependency ( self: super: { octoprint-filecheck = self.buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "OctoPrint-FileCheck"; version = "2020.08.07"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "OctoPrint"; repo = "OctoPrint-FileCheck"; rev = version; sha256 = "05ys05l5x7d2bkg3yqrga6m65v3g5fcnnzbfab7j9w2pzjdapx5b"; }; doCheck = false; }; } ) # Built-in dependency ( self: super: { octoprint-firmwarecheck = self.buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "OctoPrint-FirmwareCheck"; version = "2020.09.23"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "OctoPrint"; repo = "OctoPrint-FirmwareCheck"; rev = version; sha256 = "1l1ajhnsc39prgk59mp93h90dgl9gh660cci00z5b5gj2h6dv1d1"; }; doCheck = false; }; } ) ( self: super: { octoprint = self.buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "OctoPrint"; version = "1.5.3"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "OctoPrint"; repo = "OctoPrint"; rev = version; sha256 = "sha256-ZL/P/YIHynPmP8ssZZUKZDJscBsSsCq3UtOHrTVLpec="; }; propagatedBuildInputs = with super; [ blinker cachelib click emoji feedparser filetype flask flask-babel flask_assets flask_login frozendict future itsdangerous jinja2 markdown markupsafe netaddr netifaces octoprint-filecheck octoprint-firmwarecheck pkginfo psutil pylru pyserial pyyaml regex requests rsa sarge semantic-version sentry-sdk tornado unidecode watchdog websocket-client werkzeug wrapt zeroconf ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ py.pkgs.appdirs ]; checkInputs = with super; [ pytestCheckHook mock ddt ]; postPatch = let ignoreVersionConstraints = [ "emoji" "sentry-sdk" "watchdog" ]; in '' sed -r -i \ ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" ( map ( e: ''-e 's@${e}[<>=]+.*@${e}",@g' \'' ) ignoreVersionConstraints )} setup.py ''; dontUseSetuptoolsCheck = true; preCheck = '' export HOME=$(mktemp -d) rm pytest.ini ''; disabledTests = [ "test_check_setup" # Why should it be able to call pip? ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ "test_set_external_modification" ]; passthru = { python = self.python; updateScript = nix-update-script { attrPath = "octoprint"; }; }; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://octoprint.org/"; description = "The snappy web interface for your 3D printer"; license = licenses.agpl3; maintainers = with maintainers; [ abbradar gebner WhittlesJr ]; }; }; } ) (import ./plugins.nix { inherit pkgs; }) packageOverrides ] ); }; in with py.pkgs; toPythonApplication octoprint