{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub , dbus, cmake, pkgconfig , glib, udev, polkit, libmodule , pcre, libXdmcp, utillinux, libpthreadstubs , enableDdc ? true, ddcutil , enableDpms ? true, libXext , enableGamma ? true, libXrandr , enableScreen ? true }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "clightd"; version = "4.0"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "FedeDP"; repo = "Clightd"; rev = version; sha256 = "0cskxy3xsy187in5vg8xcs3kwcx2s160qv009v0ahkcalp29ghz4"; }; # dbus-1.pc has datadir=/etc SYSTEM_BUS_DIR = "${placeholder "out"}/share/dbus-1/system-services"; # systemd.pc has prefix=${systemd.out} MODULE_LOAD_DIR = "${placeholder "out"}/lib/modules-load.d"; # polkit-gobject-1.pc has prefix=${polkit.out} POLKIT_ACTION_DIR = "${placeholder "out"}/share/polkit-1/actions"; postPatch = '' sed -i "s@/etc@$out\0@" CMakeLists.txt sed -i "s@pkg_get_variable(SYSTEM_BUS_DIR.*@set(SYSTEM_BUS_DIR $SYSTEM_BUS_DIR)@" CMakeLists.txt sed -i "s@pkg_get_variable(MODULE_LOAD_DIR.*@set(MODULE_LOAD_DIR $MODULE_LOAD_DIR)@" CMakeLists.txt sed -i "s@pkg_get_variable(POLKIT_ACTION_DIR.*@set(POLKIT_ACTION_DIR $POLKIT_ACTION_DIR)@" CMakeLists.txt ''; cmakeFlags = with lib; optional enableDdc "-DENABLE_DDC=1" ++ optional enableDpms "-DENABLE_DPMS=1" ++ optional enableGamma "-DENABLE_GAMMA=1" ++ optional enableScreen "-DENABLE_SCREEN=1"; nativeBuildInputs = [ dbus cmake pkgconfig ]; buildInputs = with lib; [ glib udev polkit libmodule pcre libXdmcp utillinux libpthreadstubs ] ++ optional enableDdc ddcutil ++ optional enableDpms libXext ++ optional enableGamma libXrandr; postInstall = '' mkdir -p $out/bin ln -svT $out/lib/clightd/clightd $out/bin/clightd ''; meta = with lib; { description = "Linux bus interface that changes screen brightness/temperature"; homepage = https://github.com/FedeDP/Clightd; platforms = platforms.linux; license = licenses.gpl3; maintainers = with maintainers; [ eadwu ]; }; }