{ mkDerivation , lib , extra-cmake-modules , breeze-icons , breeze-qt5 , kdoctools , kconfig , kcrash , kguiaddons , kiconthemes , ki18n , kinit , kdbusaddons , knotifications , knewstuff , karchive , knotifyconfig , kplotting , ktextwidgets , mlt , shared-mime-info , libv4l , kfilemetadata , ffmpeg-full , frei0r , phonon-backend-gstreamer , qtdeclarative , qtquickcontrols , qtscript , qtwebkit , rttr , kpurpose , kdeclarative }: mkDerivation { name = "kdenlive"; nativeBuildInputs = [ extra-cmake-modules kdoctools ]; buildInputs = [ breeze-icons breeze-qt5 kconfig kcrash kdbusaddons kfilemetadata kguiaddons ki18n kiconthemes kinit knotifications knewstuff karchive knotifyconfig kplotting ktextwidgets mlt phonon-backend-gstreamer qtdeclarative qtquickcontrols qtscript qtwebkit shared-mime-info libv4l ffmpeg-full frei0r rttr kpurpose kdeclarative ]; patches = [ ./mlt-path.patch ]; inherit mlt; postPatch = # Module Qt5::Concurrent must be included in `find_package` before it is used. '' sed -i CMakeLists.txt -e '/find_package(Qt5 REQUIRED/ s|)| Concurrent)|' substituteAllInPlace src/kdenlivesettings.kcfg ''; meta = { license = with lib.licenses; [ gpl2Plus ]; }; }