{ stdenv , fetchFromGitHub , gtk3 , intltool , json_c , lcms2 , libpng , librsvg , gobject-introspection , gdk-pixbuf , pkgconfig , python2 , scons , swig , wrapGAppsHook }: let inherit (python2.pkgs) pycairo pygobject3 numpy; in stdenv.mkDerivation { pname = "mypaint"; version = "1.2.1"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "mypaint"; repo = "mypaint"; rev = "bcf5a28d38bbd586cc9d4cee223f849fa303864f"; sha256 = "1zwx7n629vz1jcrqjqmw6vl6sxdf81fq6a5jzqiga8167gg8s9pf"; fetchSubmodules = true; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ intltool pkgconfig scons swig wrapGAppsHook gobject-introspection # for setup hook ]; buildInputs = [ gtk3 gdk-pixbuf json_c lcms2 libpng librsvg pycairo pygobject3 python2 ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ numpy ]; postInstall = '' sed -i -e 's|/usr/bin/env python2.7|${python2}/bin/python|' $out/bin/mypaint ''; preFixup = '' gappsWrapperArgs+=(--prefix PYTHONPATH : $PYTHONPATH) ''; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "A graphics application for digital painters"; homepage = "http://mypaint.org/"; license = licenses.gpl2Plus; platforms = platforms.linux; maintainers = with maintainers; [ goibhniu jtojnar ]; }; }