{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, makeDesktopItem, makeWrapper , freetype, fontconfig, libX11, libXrender, zlib , glib, gtk3, gtk2, libXtst, jdk, jdk8, gsettings-desktop-schemas , webkitgtk ? null # for internal web browser , buildEnv, runCommand , callPackage }: # use ./update.sh to help with updating for each quarterly release # # then, to test: # for e in cpp modeling platform sdk java jee committers rcp; do for s in pkgs pkgsCross.aarch64-multiplatform; do echo; echo $s $e; nix build -f default.nix ${s}.eclipses.eclipse-${e} -o eclipse-${s}-${e}; done; done let platform_major = "4"; platform_minor = "29"; year = "2023"; month = "09"; #release month buildmonth = "09"; #sometimes differs from release month timestamp = "${year}${buildmonth}031000"; gtk = gtk3; arch = if stdenv.hostPlatform.isx86_64 then "x86_64" else if stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64 then "aarch64" else throw "don't know what platform suffix for ${stdenv.hostPlatform.system} will be"; in rec { # work around https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=476075#c3 buildEclipseUnversioned = callPackage ./build-eclipse.nix { inherit stdenv makeDesktopItem freetype fontconfig libX11 libXrender zlib jdk glib gtk libXtst gsettings-desktop-schemas webkitgtk makeWrapper; }; buildEclipse = eclipseData: buildEclipseUnversioned (eclipseData // { productVersion = "${platform_major}.${platform_minor}"; }); ### Eclipse CPP eclipse-cpp = buildEclipse { name = "eclipse-cpp-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}"; description = "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?r=1&nf=1&file=/technology/epp/downloads/release/${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-cpp-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz"; hash = { x86_64 = "sha256-r9ZDt1D7Wt0Gp2JvW4Qwkw0Rj8F4IhUiNpVgm8FDdbY="; aarch64 = "sha256-fyIvDY9jQfLwwNL4iaLb80X2eWaYqkLqtMd09yOQGo4="; }.${arch}; }; }; ### Eclipse Modeling eclipse-modeling = buildEclipse { name = "eclipse-modeling-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}"; description = "Eclipse Modeling Tools"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?r=1&nf=1&file=/technology/epp/downloads/release/${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-modeling-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz"; hash = { x86_64 = "sha256-eO+fnoN0jZCURwmy6M0Okb9U4R3z8u1gzfm2mGp+Chc="; aarch64 = "sha256-gN0wu7QOyVslvWum9SIkptADtQoX47UPentEupJBnQ8="; }.${arch}; }; }; ### Eclipse Platform eclipse-platform = buildEclipse { name = "eclipse-platform-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}"; description = "Eclipse Platform ${year}-${month}"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?r=1&nf=1&file=/eclipse/downloads/drops${platform_major}/R-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}-${timestamp}/eclipse-platform-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz"; hash = { x86_64 = "sha256-+0yzlB89v8KrhDfo5oqT0NKY/3hPk+Pkp2yGQ0silEg="; aarch64 = "sha256-CvzDldzcmLzL7z9ZRxHQblmvkzza4wQYeDIZf6V6uXk="; }.${arch}; }; }; ### Eclipse Scala SDK eclipse-scala-sdk = (buildEclipseUnversioned.override { jdk = jdk8; gtk = gtk2; } { name = "eclipse-scala-sdk-4.7.0"; description = "Eclipse IDE for Scala Developers"; productVersion = "4.7"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://downloads.typesafe.com/scalaide-pack/4.7.0-vfinal-oxygen-212-20170929/scala-SDK-4.7.0-vfinal-2.12-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz"; sha256 = "1n5w2a7mh9ajv6fxcas1gpgwb04pdxbr9v5dzr67gsz5bhahq4ya"; }; }).overrideAttrs(oa: { # Only download for x86_64 meta.platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ]; }); ### Eclipse SDK eclipse-sdk = buildEclipse { name = "eclipse-sdk-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}"; description = "Eclipse ${year}-${month} Classic"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?r=1&nf=1&file=/eclipse/downloads/drops${platform_major}/R-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}-${timestamp}/eclipse-SDK-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz"; hash = { x86_64 = "sha256-Qp9yKSNWVPH8SX1D4PMfSv3XqiKAQCVXWFcSyQaMFmA="; aarch64 = "sha256-cp8/BiewoNt4txhHmpiBTSXZ2sXXPu6zxuAYi24DF9I="; }.${arch}; }; }; ### Eclipse Java eclipse-java = buildEclipse { name = "eclipse-java-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}"; description = "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?r=1&nf=1&file=/technology/epp/downloads/release/${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-java-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz"; hash = { x86_64 = "sha256-TX8LbbBxRGWJ7lmf3tfK+Eux54dSapCsP7OmLfDw4Do="; aarch64 = "sha256-AltrVmCuSTAoRgVsw98oNiR1HPpbYovz3UNGRXQgiVs="; }.${arch}; }; }; ### Eclipse Java EE eclipse-jee = buildEclipse { name = "eclipse-jee-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}"; description = "Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?r=1&nf=1&file=/technology/epp/downloads/release/${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-jee-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz"; hash = { x86_64 = "sha256-kMEeY27Q97+5/pbl3of93p43dMXE1NQmuESCsK5sK3g="; aarch64 = "sha256-sf+l/BjJ1VAyrc94oJUKYEInG7wEivbYEhpEXLi4C+w="; }.${arch}; }; }; ### Eclipse Committers eclipse-committers = buildEclipse { name = "eclipse-committers-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}"; description = "Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers and Eclipse Platform Plugin Developers"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?r=1&nf=1&file=/technology/epp/downloads/release/${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-committers-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz"; hash = { x86_64 = "sha256-K9+Up4nDXZCBKxzj2LX7F9ioPocHnxPdpHMQuc5oehs="; aarch64 = "sha256-ibB3D+0UuX2c+Cbr0L5r8Rh6BfpmOyXNnSk13m2Q7Zk="; }.${arch}; }; }; ### Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP Developers eclipse-rcp = buildEclipse { name = "eclipse-rcp-${platform_major}.${platform_minor}"; description = "Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP Developers"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?r=1&nf=1&file=/technology/epp/downloads/release/${year}-${month}/R/eclipse-rcp-${year}-${month}-R-linux-gtk-${arch}.tar.gz"; hash = { x86_64 = "sha256-J+8UbkDiG9F+mDBZwr4HVGJWqeSBGMsl3EIRtA7+fK0="; aarch64 = "sha256-+oYY37fBjEi2GJCZVaCsUyWwAhsPPD6nAstUDGmywwo="; }.${arch}; }; }; ### Environments # Function that assembles a complete Eclipse environment from an # Eclipse package and list of Eclipse plugins. eclipseWithPlugins = { eclipse, plugins ? [], jvmArgs ? [] }: let # Gather up the desired plugins. pluginEnv = buildEnv { name = "eclipse-plugins"; paths = with lib; filter (x: x ? isEclipsePlugin) (closePropagation plugins); }; # Prepare the JVM arguments to add to the ini file. We here also # add the property indicating the plugin directory. dropinPropName = "org.eclipse.equinox.p2.reconciler.dropins.directory"; dropinProp = "-D${dropinPropName}=${pluginEnv}/eclipse/dropins"; jvmArgsText = lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (jvmArgs ++ [dropinProp]); # Base the derivation name on the name of the underlying # Eclipse. name = (lib.meta.appendToName "with-plugins" eclipse).name; in runCommand name { nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ]; } '' mkdir -p $out/bin $out/etc # Prepare an eclipse.ini with the plugin directory. cat ${eclipse}/eclipse/eclipse.ini - > $out/etc/eclipse.ini <