{ stdenv , fetchurl , pkg-config , autoconf , gtk2 , alsaLib , SDL , jack2 , audiofile , goocanvas # graphical envelope editing }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "soundtracker"; version = "1.0.1"; src = fetchurl { # Past releases get moved to the "old releases" directory. # Only the latest release is at the top level. # Nonetheless, only the name of the file seems to affect which file is # downloaded, so this path should be fine both for old and current releases. url = "mirror://sourceforge/soundtracker/soundtracker-${version}.tar.bz2"; sha256 = "0m5iiqccch6w53khpvdldz59zymw13vmwqc5ggx3sn41riwbd6ks"; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config autoconf ]; buildInputs = [ gtk2 SDL jack2 audiofile goocanvas ] ++ stdenv.lib.optional stdenv.isLinux alsaLib; hardeningDisable = [ "format" ]; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "A music tracking tool similar in design to the DOS program FastTracker and the Amiga legend ProTracker"; longDescription = '' SoundTracker is a pattern-oriented music editor (similar to the DOS program 'FastTracker'). Samples are lined up on tracks and patterns which are then arranged to a song. Supported module formats are XM and MOD; the player code is the one from OpenCP. A basic sample recorder and editor is also included. ''; homepage = "http://www.soundtracker.org/"; downloadPage = "https://sourceforge.net/projects/soundtracker/files/"; license = licenses.gpl2Plus; maintainers = with maintainers; [ fgaz ]; platforms = platforms.all; # gdk/gdkx.h not found broken = stdenv.isDarwin; }; }