{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, libjack2, gtk2, lv2, faust, pkg-config }: stdenv.mkDerivation { version = "git-2015-05-21"; pname = "foo-yc20"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "sampov2"; repo = "foo-yc20"; rev = "edd9d14c91229429b14270a181743e1046160ca8"; sha256 = "0i8261n95n4xic766h70xkrpbvw3sag96n1883ahmg6h7yb94avq"; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ]; buildInputs = [ libjack2 gtk2 lv2 faust ]; makeFlags = [ "PREFIX=$(out)" ]; # remove lv2 until https://github.com/sampov2/foo-yc20/issues/6 is resolved postInstallFixup = "rm -rf $out/lib/lv2"; meta = with lib; { broken = true; # see: https://github.com/sampov2/foo-yc20/issues/7 description = "A Faust implementation of a 1969 designed Yamaha combo organ, the YC-20"; homepage = "https://github.com/sampov2/foo-yc20"; license = with licenses; [ bsd3 lgpl21 mpl11 ] ; maintainers = [ maintainers.magnetophon ]; platforms = platforms.linux; }; }