import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ... }: { name = "wordpress"; meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; { maintainers = [ flokli grahamc # under duress! mmilata ]; }; nodes = { wp_httpd = { ... }: { services.httpd.adminAddr = "webmaster@site.local"; services.httpd.logPerVirtualHost = true; services.wordpress.sites = { "site1.local" = { database.tablePrefix = "site1_"; }; "site2.local" = { database.tablePrefix = "site2_"; }; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ]; networking.hosts."" = [ "site1.local" "site2.local" ]; }; wp_nginx = { ... }: { services.wordpress.webserver = "nginx"; services.wordpress.sites = { "site1.local" = { database.tablePrefix = "site1_"; }; "site2.local" = { database.tablePrefix = "site2_"; }; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ]; networking.hosts."" = [ "site1.local" "site2.local" ]; }; wp_caddy = { ... }: { services.wordpress.webserver = "caddy"; services.wordpress.sites = { "site1.local" = { database.tablePrefix = "site1_"; }; "site2.local" = { database.tablePrefix = "site2_"; }; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ]; networking.hosts."" = [ "site1.local" "site2.local" ]; }; }; testScript = '' import re start_all() wp_httpd.wait_for_unit("httpd") wp_nginx.wait_for_unit("nginx") wp_caddy.wait_for_unit("caddy") site_names = ["site1.local", "site2.local"] for machine in (wp_httpd, wp_nginx, wp_caddy): for site_name in site_names: machine.wait_for_unit(f"phpfpm-wordpress-{site_name}") with subtest("website returns welcome screen"): assert "Welcome to the famous" in machine.succeed(f"curl -L {site_name}") with subtest("wordpress-init went through"): info = machine.get_unit_info(f"wordpress-init-{site_name}") assert info["Result"] == "success" with subtest("secret keys are set"): pattern = re.compile(r"^define.*NONCE_SALT.{64,};$", re.MULTILINE) assert machine.succeed(f"cat /var/lib/wordpress/{site_name}/secret-keys.php") ) ''; })