import ./make-test-python.nix { name = "systemd-confinement"; machine = { pkgs, lib, ... }: let testServer = pkgs.writeScript "" '' #!${pkgs.runtimeShell} export PATH=${lib.escapeShellArg "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin"} ${lib.escapeShellArg pkgs.runtimeShell} 2>&1 echo "exit-status:$?" ''; testClient = pkgs.writeScriptBin "chroot-exec" '' #!${pkgs.runtimeShell} -e output="$(echo "$@" | nc -NU "/run/test$(< /teststep).sock")" ret="$(echo "$output" | sed -nre '$s/^exit-status:([0-9]+)$/\1/p')" echo "$output" | head -n -1 exit "''${ret:-1}" ''; mkTestStep = num: { config ? {}, testScript }: { systemd.sockets."test${toString num}" = { description = "Socket for Test Service ${toString num}"; wantedBy = [ "" ]; socketConfig.ListenStream = "/run/test${toString num}.sock"; socketConfig.Accept = true; };"test${toString num}@" = { description = "Confined Test Service ${toString num}"; confinement = (config.confinement or {}) // { enable = true; }; serviceConfig = (config.serviceConfig or {}) // { ExecStart = testServer; StandardInput = "socket"; }; } // removeAttrs config [ "confinement" "serviceConfig" ]; __testSteps = lib.mkOrder num ('' machine.succeed("echo ${toString num} > /teststep") '' + testScript); }; in { imports = lib.imap1 mkTestStep [ { config.confinement.mode = "chroot-only"; testScript = '' with subtest("chroot-only confinement"): paths = machine.succeed('chroot-exec ls -1 / | paste -sd,').strip() assert_eq(paths, "bin,nix,run") uid = machine.succeed('chroot-exec id -u').strip() assert_eq(uid, "0") machine.succeed("chroot-exec chown 65534 /bin") ''; } { testScript = '' with subtest("full confinement with APIVFS"):"chroot-exec ls -l /etc")"chroot-exec chown 65534 /bin") assert_eq(machine.succeed('chroot-exec id -u').strip(), "0") machine.succeed("chroot-exec chown 0 /bin") ''; } { config.serviceConfig.BindReadOnlyPaths = [ "/etc" ]; testScript = '' with subtest("check existence of bind-mounted /etc"): passwd = machine.succeed('chroot-exec cat /etc/passwd').strip() assert len(passwd) > 0, "/etc/passwd must not be empty" ''; } { config.serviceConfig.User = "chroot-testuser"; config.serviceConfig.Group = "chroot-testgroup"; testScript = '' with subtest("check if User/Group really runs as non-root"): machine.succeed("chroot-exec ls -l /dev") uid = machine.succeed('chroot-exec id -u').strip() assert uid != "0", "UID of chroot-testuser shouldn't be 0""chroot-exec touch /bin/test") ''; } (let symlink = pkgs.runCommand "symlink" { target = pkgs.writeText "symlink-target" "got me\n"; } "ln -s \"$target\" \"$out\""; in { config.confinement.packages = lib.singleton symlink; testScript = '' with subtest("check if symlinks are properly bind-mounted"):"chroot-exec test -e /etc") text = machine.succeed('chroot-exec cat ${symlink}').strip() assert_eq(text, "got me") ''; }) { config.serviceConfig.User = "chroot-testuser"; config.serviceConfig.Group = "chroot-testgroup"; config.serviceConfig.StateDirectory = "testme"; testScript = '' with subtest("check if StateDirectory works"): machine.succeed("chroot-exec touch /tmp/canary") machine.succeed('chroot-exec "echo works > /var/lib/testme/foo"') machine.succeed('test "$(< /var/lib/testme/foo)" = works') machine.succeed("test ! -e /tmp/canary") ''; } { testScript = '' with subtest("check if /bin/sh works"): machine.succeed( "chroot-exec test -e /bin/sh", 'test "$(chroot-exec \'/bin/sh -c "echo bar"\')" = bar', ) ''; } { config.confinement.binSh = null; testScript = '' with subtest("check if suppressing /bin/sh works"): machine.succeed("chroot-exec test ! -e /bin/sh") machine.succeed('test "$(chroot-exec \'/bin/sh -c "echo foo"\')" != foo') ''; } { config.confinement.binSh = "${pkgs.hello}/bin/hello"; testScript = '' with subtest("check if we can set /bin/sh to something different"): machine.succeed("chroot-exec test -e /bin/sh") machine.succeed('test "$(chroot-exec /bin/sh -g foo)" = foo') ''; } { config.environment.FOOBAR = pkgs.writeText "foobar" "eek\n"; testScript = '' with subtest("check if only Exec* dependencies are included"): machine.succeed('test "$(chroot-exec \'cat "$FOOBAR"\')" != eek') ''; } { config.environment.FOOBAR = pkgs.writeText "foobar" "eek\n"; config.confinement.fullUnit = true; testScript = '' with subtest("check if all unit dependencies are included"): machine.succeed('test "$(chroot-exec \'cat "$FOOBAR"\')" = eek') ''; } ]; options.__testSteps = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.lines; description = "All of the test steps combined as a single script."; }; config.environment.systemPackages = lib.singleton testClient; config.users.groups.chroot-testgroup = {}; config.users.users.chroot-testuser = { isSystemUser = true; description = "Chroot Test User"; group = "chroot-testgroup"; }; }; testScript = { nodes, ... }: '' def assert_eq(a, b): assert a == b, f"{a} != {b}" machine.wait_for_unit("") '' + nodes.machine.config.__testSteps; }