{ pkgs, makeTest }: with pkgs.lib; { makeEc2Test = { name, image, userData, script, hostname ? "ec2-instance", sshPublicKey ? null }: let metaData = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "metadata"; buildCommand = '' mkdir -p $out/1.0/meta-data ln -s ${pkgs.writeText "userData" userData} $out/1.0/user-data echo "${hostname}" > $out/1.0/meta-data/hostname echo "(unknown)" > $out/1.0/meta-data/ami-manifest-path '' + optionalString (sshPublicKey != null) '' mkdir -p $out/1.0/meta-data/public-keys/0 ln -s ${pkgs.writeText "sshPublicKey" sshPublicKey} $out/1.0/meta-data/public-keys/0/openssh-key ''; }; in makeTest { name = "ec2-" + name; nodes = {}; testScript = '' my $imageDir = ($ENV{'TMPDIR'} // "/tmp") . "/vm-state-machine"; mkdir $imageDir, 0700; my $diskImage = "$imageDir/machine.qcow2"; system("qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o backing_file=${image}/nixos.qcow2 $diskImage") == 0 or die; system("qemu-img resize $diskImage 10G") == 0 or die; # Note: we use net= rather than # net= to prevent dhcpcd from getting horribly # confused. (It would get a DHCP lease in the 169.254.* # range, which it would then configure and prompty delete # again when it deletes link-local addresses.) Ideally we'd # turn off the DHCP server, but qemu does not have an option # to do that. my $startCommand = "qemu-kvm -m 768"; $startCommand .= " -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=vlan0"; $startCommand .= " -netdev 'user,id=vlan0,net=,guestfwd=tcp:${pkgs.micro-httpd}/bin/micro_httpd ${metaData}'"; $startCommand .= " -drive file=$diskImage,if=virtio,werror=report"; $startCommand .= " \$QEMU_OPTS"; my $machine = createMachine({ startCommand => $startCommand }); ${script} ''; }; }