# This jobset is used to generate a NixOS channel that contains a # small subset of Nixpkgs, mostly useful for servers that need fast # security updates. { nixpkgs ? { outPath = (import ../lib).cleanSource ./..; revCount = 56789; shortRev = "gfedcba"; } , stableBranch ? false , supportedSystems ? [ "x86_64-linux" ] # no i686-linux }: let nixpkgsSrc = nixpkgs; # urgh pkgs = import ./.. { system = "x86_64-linux"; }; lib = pkgs.lib; nixos' = import ./release.nix { inherit stableBranch supportedSystems; nixpkgs = nixpkgsSrc; }; nixpkgs' = builtins.removeAttrs (import ../pkgs/top-level/release.nix { inherit supportedSystems; nixpkgs = nixpkgsSrc; }) [ "unstable" ]; in rec { nixos = { inherit (nixos') channel manual options iso_minimal dummy; tests = { inherit (nixos'.tests) containers-imperative containers-ip firewall ipv6 login misc nat nfs3 openssh php-pcre predictable-interface-names proxy simple; installer = { inherit (nixos'.tests.installer) lvm separateBoot simple; }; boot = { inherit (nixos'.tests.boot) biosCdrom; }; }; }; nixpkgs = { inherit (nixpkgs') apacheHttpd cmake cryptsetup emacs gettext git imagemagick jdk linux mysql nginx nodejs openssh php postgresql python rsyslog stdenv subversion tarball vim; }; tested = pkgs.releaseTools.aggregate { name = "nixos-${nixos.channel.version}"; meta = { description = "Release-critical builds for the NixOS channel"; maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.eelco ]; }; constituents = [ "nixos.channel" "nixos.dummy.x86_64-linux" "nixos.iso_minimal.x86_64-linux" "nixos.manual.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.boot.biosCdrom.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.containers-imperative.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.containers-ip.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.firewall.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.installer.lvm.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.installer.separateBoot.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.installer.simple.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.ipv6.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.login.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.misc.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.nat.firewall-conntrack.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.nat.firewall.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.nat.standalone.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.nfs3.simple.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.openssh.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.php-pcre.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.predictable-interface-names.predictable.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.predictable-interface-names.predictableNetworkd.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.predictable-interface-names.unpredictable.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.predictable-interface-names.unpredictableNetworkd.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.proxy.x86_64-linux" "nixos.tests.simple.x86_64-linux" "nixpkgs.jdk.x86_64-linux" "nixpkgs.tarball" ]; }; }