Plausible Plausible is a privacy-friendly alternative to Google analytics.
Basic Usage At first, a secret key is needed to be generated. This can be done with e.g. $ openssl rand -base64 64 After that, plausible can be deployed like this: { services.plausible = { enable = true; adminUser = { activate = true; email = "admin@localhost"; passwordFile = "/run/secrets/plausible-admin-pwd"; }; server = { baseUrl = ""; secretKeybaseFile = "/run/secrets/plausible-secret-key-base"; }; }; } activate is used to skip the email verification of the admin-user that's automatically created by plausible. This is only supported if postgresql is configured by the module. This is done by default, but can be turned off with . secretKeybaseFile is a path to the file which contains the secret generated with openssl as described above.