Nextcloud Nextcloud is an open-source, self-hostable cloud platform. The server setup can be automated using services.nextcloud. A desktop client is packaged at pkgs.nextcloud-client.
Basic usage Nextcloud is a PHP-based application which requires an HTTP server (services.nextcloud optionally supports services.nginx) and a database (it's recommended to use services.postgresql). A very basic configuration may look like this: { pkgs, ... }: { services.nextcloud = { enable = true; hostName = "nextcloud.tld"; nginx.enable = true; config = { dbtype = "pgsql"; dbuser = "nextcloud"; dbhost = "/run/postgresql"; # nextcloud will add /.s.PGSQL.5432 by itself dbname = "nextcloud"; adminpassFile = "/path/to/admin-pass-file"; adminuser = "root"; }; }; services.postgresql = { enable = true; ensureDatabases = [ "nextcloud" ]; ensureUsers = [ { name = "nextcloud"; ensurePermissions."DATABASE nextcloud" = "ALL PRIVILEGES"; } ]; }; # ensure that postgres is running *before* running the setup"nextcloud-setup" = { requires = ["postgresql.service"]; after = ["postgresql.service"]; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ]; } The options hostName and nginx.enable are used internally to configure an HTTP server using PHP-FPM and nginx. The config attribute set is used by the imperative installer and all values are written to an additional file to ensure that changes can be applied by changing the module's options. In case the application serves multiple domains (those are checked with $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) it's needed to add them to services.nextcloud.config.extraTrustedDomains. Auto updates for Nextcloud apps can be enabled using services.nextcloud.autoUpdateApps.
Pitfalls Unfortunately Nextcloud appears to be very stateful when it comes to managing its own configuration. The config file lives in the home directory of the nextcloud user (by default /var/lib/nextcloud/config/config.php) and is also used to track several states of the application (e.g. whether installed or not). All configuration parameters are also stored in /var/lib/nextcloud/config/override.config.php which is generated by the module and linked from the store to ensure that all values from config.php can be modified by the module. However config.php manages the application's state and shouldn't be touched manually because of that. Don't delete config.php! This file tracks the application's state and a deletion can cause unwanted side-effects! Don't rerun nextcloud-occ maintenance:install! This command tries to install the application and can cause unwanted side-effects!