// extend NixOS options to handle the Tree View. Should be better to keep a // separation of concern here. Option.prototype.tv_opened = false; Option.prototype.tv_size = 1; Option.prototype.tv_open = function () { this.tv_opened = true; this.tv_size = 1; // load an option if it is not loaded yet, and initialize them to be // read by the Option view. if (!this.isLoaded) this.load(); // If this is not an option, then add it's lits of sub-options size. if (!this.isOption) { for (var i = 0; i < this.subOptions.length; i++) this.tv_size += this.subOptions[i].tv_size; } }; Option.prototype.tv_close = function () { this.tv_opened = false; this.tv_size = 1; }; function OptionView (root, selCallback) { root.tv_open(); this.rootOption = root; this.selCallback = selCallback; } OptionView.prototype = { rootOption: null, selCallback: null, // This function returns the path to option which is at the specified row. reach_cache: null, reachRow: function (row) { var o = this.rootOption; // Current option. var r = 0; // Number of rows traversed. var c = 0; // Child index. var path = [{ row: r, opt: o }]; // new Array(); // hypothesis: this.rootOption.tv_size is always open and bigger than // Use the previous returned value to avoid making to many checks and to // optimize for frequent access of near rows. if (this.reach_cache != null) { for (var i = this.reach_cache.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { var p = this.reach_cache[i]; // If we will have to go the same path. if (row >= p.row && row < p.row + p.opt.tv_size) { path.unshift(p); r = path[0].row; o = path[0].opt; } else break; }; } while (r != row) { // Go deeper in the child which contains the requested row. The // tv_size contains the size of the tree starting from each option. c = 0; while (c < o.subOptions.length && r + o.subOptions[c].tv_size < row) { r += o.subOptions[c].tv_size; c += 1; } if (c < o.subOptions.length && r + o.subOptions[c].tv_size >= row) { // Count the current option as a row. o = o.subOptions[c]; r += 1; } else alert("WTF: " + o.name + " ask: " + row + " children: " + o.subOptions + " c: " + c); path.unshift({ row: r, opt: o }); } this.reach_cache = path; return path; }, // needs to return true if there is a /row/ at the same level /after/ a // given row. hasNextSibling: function(row, after) { log("sibling " + row + " after " + after); var path = reachRow(row); if (path.length > 1) { var last = path[1].row + path[1].opt.tv_size; // Has a next sibling if the row is not over the size of the // parent and if the current one is not the last child. return after + 1 < last && path[0].row + path[0].opt.tv_size < last; } else // The top-level option has no sibling. return false; }, // Does the current row contain any sub-options? isContainer: function(row) { return !this.reachRow(row)[0].opt.isOption; }, isContainerEmpty: function(row) { return this.reachRow(row)[0].opt.subOptions.length == 0; }, isContainerOpen: function(row) { return this.reachRow(row)[0].opt.tv_opened; }, // Open or close an option. toggleOpenState: function (row) { var path = this.reachRow(row); var delta = -path[0].opt.tv_size; if (path[0].opt.tv_opened) path[0].opt.tv_close(); else path[0].opt.tv_open(); delta += path[0].opt.tv_size; // Parents are alreay opened, but we need to update the tv_size // counters. Thus we have to invalidate the reach cache. this.reach_cache = null; for (var i = 1; i < path.length; i++) path[i].opt.tv_open(); this.tree.rowCountChanged(row + 1, delta); }, // Return the identation level of the option at the line /row/. The // top-level level is 0. getLevel: function(row) { return this.reachRow(row).length - 1; }, // Obtain the index of a parent row. If there is no parent row, // returns -1. getParentIndex: function(row) { var path = this.reachRow(row); if (path.length > 1) return path[1].row; else return -1; }, // Return the content of each row base on the column name. getCellText: function(row, column) { if (column.id == "opt-name") return this.reachRow(row)[0].opt.name; if (column.id == "dbg-size") return this.reachRow(row)[0].opt.tv_size; return ""; }, // We have no column with images. getCellValue: function(row, column) { }, isSelectable: function(row, column) { return true; }, // Get the selection out of the tree and give options to the call back // function. selectionChanged: function() { if (this.selCallback == null) return; var opts = []; var start = new Object(); var end = new Object(); var numRanges = this.tree.view.selection.getRangeCount(); for (var t = 0; t < numRanges; t++) { this.tree.view.selection.getRangeAt(t,start,end); for (var v = start.value; v <= end.value; v++) { var opt = this.reachRow(v)[0].opt; if (!opt.isLoaded) opt.load(); if (opt.isOption) opts.push(opt); // FIXME: no need to make things slowing down, because our current // callback do not handle multiple option display. if (!opts.empty) break; } // FIXME: no need to make things slowing down, because our current // callback do not handle multiple option display. if (!opts.empty) break; } if (!opts.empty) this.selCallback(opts); }, set rowCount(c) { throw "rowCount is a readonly property"; }, get rowCount() { return this.rootOption.tv_size; }, // refuse drag-n-drop of options. canDrop: function (index, orientation, dataTransfer) { return false; }, drop: function (index, orientation, dataTransfer) { }, // ? getCellProperties: function(row, column, prop) { }, getColumnProperties: function(column, prop) { }, getRowProperties: function(row, prop) { }, getImageSrc: function(row, column) { }, // No progress columns are used. getProgressMode: function(row, column) { }, // Do not add options yet. isEditable: function(row, column) { return false; }, setCellValue: function(row, column, value) { }, setCellText: function(row, column, value) { }, // ... isSeparator: function(index) { return false; }, isSorted: function() { return false; }, performAction: function(action) { }, performActionOnCell: function(action, row, column) { }, performActionOnRow: function(action, row) { }, // ?? // ?? cycleCell: function (row, col) { }, cycleHeader: function(col) { }, selection: null, tree: null, setTree: function(tree) { this.tree = tree; } };