# Wayland {#sec-wayland} While X11 (see [](#sec-x11)) is still the primary display technology on NixOS, Wayland support is steadily improving. Where X11 separates the X Server and the window manager, on Wayland those are combined: a Wayland Compositor is like an X11 window manager, but also embeds the Wayland \'Server\' functionality. This means it is sufficient to install a Wayland Compositor such as sway without separately enabling a Wayland server: ```nix programs.sway.enable = true; ``` This installs the sway compositor along with some essential utilities. Now you can start sway from the TTY console. If you are using a wlroots-based compositor, like sway, and want to be able to share your screen, you might want to activate this option: ```nix xdg.portal.wlr.enable = true; ``` and configure Pipewire using [](#opt-services.pipewire.enable) and related options.