#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #!nix-shell -i python3 -p 'python3.withPackages(ps: with ps; [ requests pyquery click ])' # To use, just execute this script with --help to display help. import subprocess import json import sys import click import requests from pyquery import PyQuery as pq def map_dict (f, d): for k,v in d.items(): d[k] = f(v) maintainers_json = subprocess.check_output([ 'nix-instantiate', '-A', 'lib.maintainers', '--eval', '--strict', '--json' ]) maintainers = json.loads(maintainers_json) MAINTAINERS = map_dict(lambda v: v.get('github', None), maintainers) def get_response_text(url): return pq(requests.get(url).text) # IO EVAL_FILE = { 'nixos': 'nixos/release.nix', 'nixpkgs': 'pkgs/top-level/release.nix', } def get_maintainers(attr_name): try: nixname = attr_name.split('.') meta_json = subprocess.check_output([ 'nix-instantiate', '--eval', '--strict', '-A', '.'.join(nixname[1:]) + '.meta', EVAL_FILE[nixname[0]], '--arg', 'nixpkgs', './.', '--json']) meta = json.loads(meta_json) return meta.get('maintainers', []) except: return [] def filter_github_users(maintainers): github_only = [] for i in maintainers: if i.get('github'): github_only.append(i) return github_only def print_build(table_row): a = pq(table_row)('a')[1] print("- [ ] [{}]({})".format(a.text, a.get('href')), flush=True) job_maintainers = filter_github_users(get_maintainers(a.text)) if job_maintainers: print(" - maintainers: {}".format(" ".join(map(lambda u: '@' + u.get('github'), job_maintainers)))) # TODO: print last three persons that touched this file # TODO: pinpoint the diff that broke this build, or maybe it's transient or maybe it never worked? sys.stdout.flush() @click.command() @click.option( '--jobset', default="nixos/release-19.09", help='Hydra project like nixos/release-19.09') def cli(jobset): """ Given a Hydra project, inspect latest evaluation and print a summary of failed builds """ url = "http://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/{}".format(jobset) # get the last evaluation click.echo(click.style( 'Getting latest evaluation for {}'.format(url), fg='green')) d = get_response_text(url) evaluations = d('#tabs-evaluations').find('a[class="row-link"]') latest_eval_url = evaluations[0].get('href') # parse last evaluation page click.echo(click.style( 'Parsing evaluation {}'.format(latest_eval_url), fg='green')) d = get_response_text(latest_eval_url + '?full=1') # TODO: aborted evaluations # TODO: dependency failed without propagated builds print('\nFailures:') for tr in d('img[alt="Failed"]').parents('tr'): print_build(tr) print('\nDependency failures:') for tr in d('img[alt="Dependency failed"]').parents('tr'): print_build(tr) if __name__ == "__main__": try: cli() except Exception as e: import pdb;pdb.post_mortem()