Lua Lua packages are built by the buildLuaPackage function. This function is implemented in pkgs/development/lua-modules/generic/default.nix and works similarly to buildPerlPackage. (See for details.) Lua packages are defined in pkgs/top-level/lua-packages.nix. Most of them are simple. For example: fileSystem = buildLuaPackage { name = "filesystem-1.6.2"; src = fetchurl { url = ""; sha256 = "1n8qdwa20ypbrny99vhkmx8q04zd2jjycdb5196xdhgvqzk10abz"; }; meta = { homepage = ""; hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.linux; maintainers = with maintainers; [ flosse ]; }; }; Though, more complicated package should be placed in a seperate file in pkgs/development/lua-modules. Lua packages accept additional parameter disabled, which defines the condition of disabling package from luaPackages. For example, if package has disabled assigned to lua.luaversion != "5.1", it will not be included in any luaPackages except lua51Packages, making it only be built for lua 5.1.