# pkgs.ociTools {#sec-pkgs-ociTools} `pkgs.ociTools` is a set of functions for creating containers according to the [OCI container specification v1.0.0](https://github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec). Beyond that, it makes no assumptions about the container runner you choose to use to run the created container. ## buildContainer {#ssec-pkgs-ociTools-buildContainer} This function creates a simple OCI container that runs a single command inside of it. An OCI container consists of a `config.json` and a rootfs directory. The nix store of the container will contain all referenced dependencies of the given command. The parameters of `buildContainer` with an example value are described below: ```nix buildContainer { args = [ (with pkgs; writeScript "run.sh" '' #!${bash}/bin/bash exec ${bash}/bin/bash '').outPath ]; mounts = { "/data" = { type = "none"; source = "/var/lib/mydata"; options = [ "bind" ]; }; }; readonly = false; } ``` - `args` specifies a set of arguments to run inside the container. This is the only required argument for `buildContainer`. All referenced packages inside the derivation will be made available inside the container. - `mounts` specifies additional mount points chosen by the user. By default only a minimal set of necessary filesystems are mounted into the container (e.g procfs, cgroupfs) - `readonly` makes the container's rootfs read-only if it is set to true. The default value is false `false`.