From 536969cad3d1dfd6a1be25dec28fabbed95b353f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robert Schütz Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2023 16:10:40 -0700 Subject: nodePackages.tedicross: drop It fails to build with npm ERR! code 1 npm ERR! path /nix/store/n7sdkr41nax0mn8drh3lxymqbmrradi4-tedicross-0.8.7/lib/node_modules/tedicross/node_modules/sodium npm ERR! command failed npm ERR! command sh -c node install.js --preinstall npm ERR! Static libsodium was not found at /nix/store/n7sdkr41nax0mn8drh3lxymqbmrradi4-tedicross-0.8.7/lib/node_modules/tedicross/node_modules/sodium/deps/build/lib/libsodium so compiling libsodium from source. npm ERR! automake is required, but wasn't found on this system npm ERR! make: *** [Makefile:62: libsodium] Error 1 npm ERR! /nix/store/n7sdkr41nax0mn8drh3lxymqbmrradi4-tedicross-0.8.7/lib/node_modules/tedicross/node_modules/sodium/install.js:287 npm ERR! throw new Error(cmdLine + ' exited with code ' + code); npm ERR! ^ npm ERR! npm ERR! Error: make libsodium exited with code 2 npm ERR! at ChildProcess. (/nix/store/n7sdkr41nax0mn8drh3lxymqbmrradi4-tedicross-0.8.7/lib/node_modules/tedicross/node_modules/sodium/install.js:287:19) npm ERR! at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:514:28) npm ERR! at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:291:12) npm ERR! npm ERR! Node.js v18.17.1 --- pkgs/development/node-packages/aliases.nix | 1 + pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.json | 1 - pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.nix | 252 ---------------------- pkgs/development/node-packages/overrides.nix | 8 - 4 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 261 deletions(-) (limited to 'pkgs/development/node-packages') diff --git a/pkgs/development/node-packages/aliases.nix b/pkgs/development/node-packages/aliases.nix index 47d9639be91..5637a7f5896 100644 --- a/pkgs/development/node-packages/aliases.nix +++ b/pkgs/development/node-packages/aliases.nix @@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ mapAliases { stf = throw "stf was removed because it was broken"; # added 2023-08-21 surge = pkgs.surge-cli; # Added 2023-09-08 swagger = throw "swagger was removed because it was broken and abandoned upstream"; # added 2023-09-09 + tedicross = throw "tedicross was removed because it was broken"; # added 2023-09-09 inherit (pkgs) terser; # Added 2023-08-31 thelounge = pkgs.thelounge; # Added 2023-05-22 three = throw "three was removed because it was no longer needed"; # Added 2023-09-08 diff --git a/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.json b/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.json index ee7a6ae5f50..f1ac88ccec5 100644 --- a/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.json +++ b/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.json @@ -239,7 +239,6 @@ , "svelte-language-server" , "svgo" , "tailwindcss" -, {"tedicross": "git+"} , "teck-programmer" , "tern" , "textlint" diff --git a/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.nix b/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.nix index c3d28fc12a2..4b1b2a3cd52 100644 --- a/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.nix +++ b/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.nix @@ -106311,258 +106311,6 @@ in bypassCache = true; reconstructLock = true; }; - "tedicross-git+" = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage { - name = "tedicross"; - packageName = "tedicross"; - version = "0.8.7"; - src = fetchgit { - url = ""; - rev = "80ec2189cbda51eec9f3cd3f7f551b7a71474d38"; - sha256 = "886069ecc5eedf0371b948e8ff66e7f2943c85fe7cfdaa7183e1a3572d55852b"; - }; - dependencies = [ - sources."@discordjs/opus-0.1.0" - sources."@discordjs/uws-10.149.0" - sources."abbrev-1.1.1" - sources."ajv-6.12.6" - sources."ansi-regex-2.1.1" - sources."ansi-styles-3.2.1" - sources."aproba-1.2.0" - sources."are-we-there-yet-1.1.7" - sources."argparse-1.0.10" - sources."asn1-0.2.6" - sources."assert-plus-1.0.0" - sources."async-limiter-1.0.1" - sources."asynckit-0.4.0" - sources."aws-sign2-0.7.0" - sources."aws4-1.12.0" - sources."balanced-match-1.0.2" - (sources."bcrypt-pbkdf-1.0.2" // { - dependencies = [ - sources."tweetnacl-0.14.5" - ]; - }) - sources."bindings-1.5.0" - sources."brace-expansion-1.1.11" - sources."bufferutil-4.0.7" - sources."camelcase-5.3.1" - sources."caseless-0.12.0" - sources."chownr-1.1.4" - (sources."cliui-5.0.0" // { - dependencies = [ - sources."ansi-regex-4.1.1" - sources."is-fullwidth-code-point-2.0.0" - sources."string-width-3.1.0" - sources."strip-ansi-5.2.0" - ]; - }) - sources."code-point-at-1.1.0" - sources."color-convert-1.9.3" - sources."color-name-1.1.3" - sources."combined-stream-1.0.8" - sources."commander-2.20.3" - sources."concat-map-0.0.1" - sources."console-control-strings-1.1.0" - sources."core-util-is-1.0.3" - sources."dashdash-1.14.1" - sources."debug-3.2.7" - sources."decamelize-1.2.0" - sources."deep-extend-0.6.0" - sources."delayed-stream-1.0.0" - sources."delegates-1.0.0" - sources."detect-libc-1.0.3" - sources."discord.js-11.6.4" - sources."ecc-jsbn-0.1.2" - sources."emoji-regex-7.0.3" - (sources."encoding-0.1.13" // { - dependencies = [ - sources."iconv-lite-0.6.3" - ]; - }) - sources."erlpack-git+" - sources."esprima-4.0.1" - sources."extend-3.0.2" - sources."extsprintf-1.3.0" - sources."fast-deep-equal-3.1.3" - sources."fast-json-stable-stringify-2.1.0" - sources."file-uri-to-path-1.0.0" - sources."find-up-3.0.0" - sources."forever-agent-0.6.1" - sources."form-data-2.3.3" - sources."fs-minipass-1.2.7" - sources."fs.realpath-1.0.0" - sources."gauge-2.7.4" - sources."get-caller-file-2.0.5" - sources."getpass-0.1.7" - sources."glob-7.2.3" - sources."har-schema-2.0.0" - sources."har-validator-5.1.5" - sources."has-unicode-2.0.1" - sources."http-signature-1.2.0" - sources."iconv-lite-0.4.24" - sources."ignore-walk-3.0.4" - sources."inflight-1.0.6" - sources."inherits-2.0.4" - sources."ini-1.3.8" - sources."is-fullwidth-code-point-1.0.0" - sources."is-typedarray-1.0.0" - sources."isarray-1.0.0" - sources."isstream-0.1.2" - sources."js-yaml-3.14.1" - sources."jsbn-0.1.1" - sources."json-schema-0.4.0" - sources."json-schema-traverse-0.4.1" - sources."json-stringify-safe-5.0.1" - sources."jsprim-1.4.2" - sources."libsodium-0.7.11" - sources."libsodium-wrappers-0.7.11" - sources."locate-path-3.0.0" - sources."long-4.0.0" - sources."mime-2.6.0" - sources."mime-db-1.52.0" - sources."mime-types-2.1.35" - sources."minimatch-3.1.2" - sources."minimist-1.2.8" - sources."minipass-2.9.0" - sources."minizlib-1.3.3" - sources."mkdirp-0.5.6" - sources."module-alias-2.2.3" - sources."moment-2.29.4" - sources."ms-2.1.3" - sources."nan-2.17.0" - sources."needle-2.9.1" - sources."node-addon-api-2.0.2" - sources."node-fetch-2.6.13" - sources."node-gyp-build-4.6.0" - (sources."node-opus-0.2.9" // { - dependencies = [ - sources."bindings-1.2.1" - ]; - }) - sources."node-pre-gyp-0.14.0" - sources."nopt-4.0.3" - sources."npm-bundled-1.1.2" - sources."npm-normalize-package-bin-1.0.1" - sources."npm-packlist-1.4.8" - sources."npmlog-4.1.2" - sources."number-is-nan-1.0.1" - sources."oauth-sign-0.9.0" - sources."object-assign-4.1.1" - sources."ogg-packet-1.0.1" - sources."once-1.4.0" - sources."opusscript-0.0.6" - sources."os-homedir-1.0.2" - sources."os-tmpdir-1.0.2" - sources."osenv-0.1.5" - sources."p-limit-2.3.0" - sources."p-locate-3.0.0" - sources."p-try-2.2.0" - sources."path-exists-3.0.0" - sources."path-is-absolute-1.0.1" - sources."performance-now-2.1.0" - sources."prism-media-0.0.4" - sources."process-nextick-args-2.0.1" - sources."psl-1.9.0" - sources."punycode-2.3.0" - sources."qs-6.5.3" - sources."ramda-0.25.0" - sources."rc-1.2.8" - sources."readable-stream-2.3.8" - (sources."ref-1.3.5" // { - dependencies = [ - sources."debug-2.6.9" - sources."ms-2.0.0" - ]; - }) - (sources."ref-struct-1.1.0" // { - dependencies = [ - sources."debug-2.6.9" - sources."ms-2.0.0" - ]; - }) - sources."request-2.88.2" - sources."require-directory-2.1.1" - sources."require-main-filename-2.0.0" - sources."rimraf-2.7.1" - sources."safe-buffer-5.1.2" - sources."safer-buffer-2.1.2" - sources."sandwich-stream-2.0.2" - sources."sax-1.2.4" - sources."semver-5.7.2" - sources."set-blocking-2.0.0" - sources."signal-exit-3.0.7" - sources."simple-markdown-0.4.4" - sources."snekfetch-3.6.4" - sources."sodium-2.0.3" - sources."sprintf-js-1.0.3" - (sources."sshpk-1.17.0" // { - dependencies = [ - sources."tweetnacl-0.14.5" - ]; - }) - sources."string-width-1.0.2" - sources."string_decoder-1.1.1" - sources."strip-ansi-3.0.1" - sources."strip-json-comments-2.0.1" - (sources."tar-4.4.19" // { - dependencies = [ - sources."safe-buffer-5.2.1" - ]; - }) - (sources."telegraf-3.40.0" // { - dependencies = [ - sources."debug-4.3.4" - sources."ms-2.1.2" - ]; - }) - sources."tough-cookie-2.5.0" - sources."tr46-0.0.3" - sources."tunnel-agent-0.6.0" - sources."tweetnacl-1.0.3" - sources."typegram-3.12.0" - sources."uri-js-4.4.1" - sources."util-deprecate-1.0.2" - sources."uuid-3.4.0" - (sources."verror-1.10.0" // { - dependencies = [ - sources."core-util-is-1.0.2" - ]; - }) - sources."webidl-conversions-3.0.1" - sources."whatwg-url-5.0.0" - sources."which-module-2.0.1" - sources."wide-align-1.1.5" - (sources."wrap-ansi-5.1.0" // { - dependencies = [ - sources."ansi-regex-4.1.1" - sources."is-fullwidth-code-point-2.0.0" - sources."string-width-3.1.0" - sources."strip-ansi-5.2.0" - ]; - }) - sources."wrappy-1.0.2" - sources."ws-6.2.2" - sources."y18n-4.0.3" - sources."yallist-3.1.1" - (sources."yargs-13.3.2" // { - dependencies = [ - sources."ansi-regex-4.1.1" - sources."is-fullwidth-code-point-2.0.0" - sources."string-width-3.1.0" - sources."strip-ansi-5.2.0" - ]; - }) - sources."yargs-parser-13.1.2" - ]; - buildInputs = globalBuildInputs; - meta = { - description = "Better DiteCross"; - license = "MIT"; - }; - production = true; - bypassCache = true; - reconstructLock = true; - }; teck-programmer = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage { name = "teck-programmer"; packageName = "teck-programmer"; diff --git a/pkgs/development/node-packages/overrides.nix b/pkgs/development/node-packages/overrides.nix index 036b73c3e8b..e79b1a3ccb5 100644 --- a/pkgs/development/node-packages/overrides.nix +++ b/pkgs/development/node-packages/overrides.nix @@ -352,14 +352,6 @@ final: prev: { buildInputs = [ pkgs.libusb1 ]; }; - tedicross = prev."tedicross-git+".override { - nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ makeWrapper libtool autoconf ]; - postInstall = '' - makeWrapper '${nodejs}/bin/node' "$out/bin/tedicross" \ - --add-flags "$out/lib/node_modules/tedicross/main.js" - ''; - }; - thelounge-plugin-closepms = prev.thelounge-plugin-closepms.override { nativeBuildInputs = [ final.node-pre-gyp ]; }; -- cgit 1.4.1