summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/pkgs/os-specific/linux/pipework
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* iproute: deprecate aliasSandro Jäckel2021-04-04
* treewide: makeWrapper buildInputs to nativeBuildInputsBen Siraphob2021-02-19
* treewide: Per RFC45, remove all unquoted URLsMichael Reilly2020-04-10
* treewide: remove redundant recvolth2019-08-28
* treewide: name -> pname (easy cases) (#66585)volth2019-08-15
* pipework: 2015-07-30 -> 2017-08-22Jörg Thalheim2018-02-26
* pkgs: refactor needless quoting of homepage meta attribute (#27809)Silvan Mosberger2017-08-01
* replace makeSearchPath tree-wise to take care of possible multiple outputsNikolay Amiantov2016-04-13
* pipework: init at 2015-07-30Charles Strahan2015-08-10