summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/pkgs/servers/mail/mailman/core.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/servers/mail/mailman/core.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/mail/mailman/core.nix b/pkgs/servers/mail/mailman/core.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ba220039ea..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/servers/mail/mailman/core.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, buildPythonPackage, fetchPypi, alembic, aiosmtpd, dnspython
-, flufl_bounce, flufl_i18n, flufl_lock, lazr_config, lazr_delegates, passlib
-, requests, zope_configuration, click, falcon, importlib-resources
-, zope_component, lynx, postfix
-buildPythonPackage rec {
-  pname = "mailman";
-  version = "3.2.2";
-  src = fetchPypi {
-    inherit pname version;
-    sha256 = "09s9p5pb8gff6zblwidyq830yfgcvv50p5drdaxj1qpy8w46lvc6";
-  };
-  propagatedBuildInputs = [
-    alembic aiosmtpd click dnspython falcon flufl_bounce flufl_i18n flufl_lock
-    importlib-resources lazr_config passlib requests zope_configuration
-    zope_component
-  ];
-  patchPhase = ''
-    substituteInPlace src/mailman/config/postfix.cfg \
-      --replace /usr/sbin/postmap ${postfix}/bin/postmap
-    substituteInPlace src/mailman/config/schema.cfg \
-      --replace /usr/bin/lynx ${lynx}/bin/lynx
-  '';
-  # Mailman assumes that those scripts in $out/bin are Python scripts. Wrapping
-  # them in shell code breaks this assumption. The proper way to use mailman is
-  # to create a specialized python interpreter:
-  #
-  #   python37.withPackages (ps: [ps.mailman])
-  #
-  # This gives a properly wrapped 'mailman' command plus an interpreter that
-  # has all the necessary search paths to execute unwrapped 'master' and
-  # 'runner' scripts. The setup is a little tricky, but fortunately NixOS is
-  # about to get a OS module that takes care of those details.
-  dontWrapPythonPrograms = true;
-  meta = {
-    homepage =;
-    description = "Free software for managing electronic mail discussion and newsletter lists";
-    license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3Plus;
-    maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ peti ];
-  };