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path: root/pkgs/os-specific/darwin/apple-sdk/frameworks.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/os-specific/darwin/apple-sdk/frameworks.nix')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/darwin/apple-sdk/frameworks.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/darwin/apple-sdk/frameworks.nix
index 02e2421f347..d3b00e6a6a6 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/darwin/apple-sdk/frameworks.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/darwin/apple-sdk/frameworks.nix
@@ -5,123 +5,125 @@
 { frameworks, libs, libobjc, }:
 with frameworks; with libs; {
-  AGL                     = [ Carbon OpenGL ];
-  AVFoundation            = [ ApplicationServices CoreGraphics ];
-  AVKit                   = [];
-  Accounts                = [];
-  AddressBook             = [ Carbon ];
-  AppKit                  = [ AudioToolbox AudioUnit Foundation QuartzCore ];
-  AppKitScripting         = [];
-  AppleScriptKit          = [];
-  AppleScriptObjC         = [];
-  AudioToolbox            = [ CoreAudio CoreMIDI ];
-  AudioUnit               = [ AudioToolbox Carbon CoreAudio ];
-  AudioVideoBridging      = [ Foundation ];
-  Automator               = [];
-  CFNetwork               = [];
-  CalendarStore           = [];
-  Cocoa                   = [ AppKit ];
-  Collaboration           = [];
+  AGL                     = { inherit Carbon OpenGL; };
+  AVFoundation            = { inherit ApplicationServices CoreGraphics CoreMedia MediaToolbox; };
+  AVKit                   = {};
+  Accounts                = {};
+  AddressBook             = { inherit libobjc Carbon ContactsPersistence; };
+  AppKit                  = { inherit ApplicationServices AudioToolbox AudioUnit Foundation QuartzCore UIFoundation; };
+  AppKitScripting         = {};
+  AppleScriptKit          = {};
+  AppleScriptObjC         = {};
+  AudioToolbox            = { inherit CoreAudio CoreMIDI; };
+  AudioUnit               = { inherit AudioToolbox Carbon CoreAudio; };
+  AudioVideoBridging      = { inherit Foundation; };
+  Automator               = {};
+  CFNetwork               = {};
+  CalendarStore           = {};
+  Cocoa                   = { inherit AppKit CoreData; };
+  Collaboration           = {};
   # Impure version of CoreFoundation, this should not be used unless another
   # framework includes headers that are not available in the pure version.
-  CoreFoundation          = [];
-  CoreAudio               = [ IOKit ];
-  CoreAudioKit            = [ AudioUnit ];
-  CoreData                = [];
-  CoreGraphics            = [ Accelerate IOKit IOSurface SystemConfiguration ];
-  CoreImage               = [];
-  CoreLocation            = [];
-  CoreMIDI                = [];
-  CoreMIDIServer          = [];
-  CoreMedia               = [ ApplicationServices AudioToolbox AudioUnit CoreAudio CoreGraphics CoreVideo ];
-  CoreMediaIO             = [ CoreMedia ];
-  CoreText                = [ CoreGraphics ];
-  CoreVideo               = [ ApplicationServices CoreGraphics IOSurface OpenGL ];
-  CoreWLAN                = [ SecurityFoundation ];
-  DVDPlayback             = [];
-  DirectoryService        = [];
-  DiscRecording           = [ CoreServices IOKit ];
-  DiscRecordingUI         = [];
-  DiskArbitration         = [ IOKit ];
-  EventKit                = [];
-  ExceptionHandling       = [];
-  FWAUserLib              = [];
-  ForceFeedback           = [ IOKit ];
-  Foundation              = [ libobjc CoreFoundation Security ApplicationServices SystemConfiguration ];
-  GLKit                   = [];
-  GLUT                    = [ OpenGL ];
-  GSS                     = [];
-  GameController          = [];
-  GameKit                 = [ Foundation ];
-  Hypervisor              = [];
-  ICADevices              = [ Carbon IOBluetooth ];
-  IMServicePlugIn         = [];
-  IOBluetoothUI           = [ IOBluetooth ];
-  IOKit                   = [];
-  IOSurface               = [ IOKit xpc ];
-  ImageCaptureCore        = [];
-  ImageIO                 = [ CoreGraphics ];
-  InputMethodKit          = [ Carbon ];
-  InstallerPlugins        = [];
-  InstantMessage          = [];
-  JavaFrameEmbedding      = [];
-  JavaNativeFoundation    = [];
-  JavaRuntimeSupport      = [];
-  JavaScriptCore          = [];
-  Kerberos                = [];
-  Kernel                  = [ IOKit ];
-  LDAP                    = [];
-  LatentSemanticMapping   = [ Carbon ];
-  LocalAuthentication     = [];
-  MapKit                  = [];
-  MediaAccessibility      = [ CoreGraphics CoreText QuartzCore ];
-  MediaPlayer             = [];
-  MediaToolbox            = [ AudioToolbox AudioUnit CoreMedia ];
-  Metal                   = [];
-  MetalKit                = [ ModelIO Metal ];
-  ModelIO                 = [ ];
-  NetFS                   = [];
-  OSAKit                  = [ Carbon ];
-  OpenAL                  = [];
-  OpenCL                  = [ IOSurface OpenGL ];
-  OpenGL                  = [];
-  PCSC                    = [ CoreData ];
-  PreferencePanes         = [];
-  PubSub                  = [];
-  QTKit                   = [ CoreMediaIO CoreMedia MediaToolbox QuickTime VideoToolbox ];
-  QuickLook               = [ ApplicationServices ];
-  SceneKit                = [];
-  ScreenSaver             = [];
-  Scripting               = [];
-  ScriptingBridge         = [];
-  Security                = [ IOKit ];
-  SecurityFoundation      = [];
-  SecurityInterface       = [ Security ];
-  ServiceManagement       = [ Security ];
-  Social                  = [];
-  SpriteKit               = [];
-  StoreKit                = [];
-  SyncServices            = [];
-  SystemConfiguration     = [ Security ];
-  TWAIN                   = [ Carbon ];
-  Tcl                     = [];
-  VideoDecodeAcceleration = [ CoreVideo ];
-  VideoToolbox            = [ CoreMedia CoreVideo ];
-  WebKit                  = [ ApplicationServices Carbon JavaScriptCore OpenGL ];
+  CoreFoundation          = {};
+  CoreAudio               = { inherit IOKit; };
+  CoreAudioKit            = { inherit AudioUnit; };
+  CoreData                = {};
+  CoreGraphics            = { inherit Accelerate IOKit IOSurface SystemConfiguration; };
+  CoreImage               = {};
+  CoreLocation            = {};
+  CoreMIDI                = {};
+  CoreMIDIServer          = { inherit CoreMIDI; };
+  CoreMedia               = { inherit ApplicationServices AudioToolbox AudioUnit CoreAudio CoreGraphics CoreVideo; };
+  CoreMediaIO             = { inherit CoreMedia; };
+  CoreText                = { inherit CoreGraphics; };
+  CoreVideo               = { inherit ApplicationServices CoreGraphics IOSurface OpenGL; };
+  CoreWLAN                = { inherit SecurityFoundation; };
+  DVDPlayback             = {};
+  DirectoryService        = {};
+  DiscRecording           = { inherit libobjc CoreServices IOKit; };
+  DiscRecordingUI         = {};
+  DiskArbitration         = { inherit IOKit; };
+  EventKit                = {};
+  ExceptionHandling       = {};
+  FWAUserLib              = {};
+  ForceFeedback           = { inherit IOKit; };
+  Foundation              = { inherit libobjc CoreFoundation Security ApplicationServices SystemConfiguration; };
+  GLKit                   = {};
+  GLUT                    = { inherit OpenGL; };
+  GSS                     = {};
+  GameCenter              = {};
+  GameController          = {};
+  GameKit                 = { inherit Cocoa Foundation GameCenter GameController GameplayKit Metal MetalKit ModelIO SceneKit SpriteKit; };
+  GameplayKit             = {};
+  Hypervisor              = {};
+  ICADevices              = { inherit libobjc Carbon IOBluetooth; };
+  IMServicePlugIn         = {};
+  IOBluetoothUI           = { inherit IOBluetooth; };
+  IOKit                   = {};
+  IOSurface               = { inherit IOKit xpc; };
+  ImageCaptureCore        = {};
+  ImageIO                 = { inherit CoreGraphics; };
+  InputMethodKit          = { inherit Carbon; };
+  InstallerPlugins        = {};
+  InstantMessage          = {};
+  JavaFrameEmbedding      = {};
+  JavaNativeFoundation    = {};
+  JavaRuntimeSupport      = {};
+  JavaScriptCore          = { inherit libobjc; };
+  Kerberos                = {};
+  Kernel                  = { inherit IOKit; };
+  LDAP                    = {};
+  LatentSemanticMapping   = { inherit Carbon; };
+  LocalAuthentication     = {};
+  MapKit                  = {};
+  MediaAccessibility      = { inherit CoreGraphics CoreText QuartzCore; };
+  MediaPlayer             = {};
+  MediaToolbox            = { inherit AudioToolbox AudioUnit CoreMedia; };
+  Metal                   = {};
+  MetalKit                = { inherit ModelIO Metal; };
+  ModelIO                 = {};
+  NetFS                   = {};
+  OSAKit                  = { inherit Carbon; };
+  OpenAL                  = {};
+  OpenCL                  = { inherit IOSurface OpenGL; };
+  OpenGL                  = {};
+  PCSC                    = { inherit CoreData; };
+  PreferencePanes         = {};
+  PubSub                  = {};
+  QTKit                   = { inherit CoreMediaIO CoreMedia MediaToolbox QuickTime VideoToolbox; };
+  QuickLook               = { inherit ApplicationServices; };
+  SceneKit                = {};
+  ScreenSaver             = {};
+  Scripting               = {};
+  ScriptingBridge         = {};
+  Security                = { inherit IOKit; };
+  SecurityFoundation      = {};
+  SecurityInterface       = { inherit Security SecurityFoundation; };
+  ServiceManagement       = { inherit Security; };
+  Social                  = {};
+  SpriteKit               = {};
+  StoreKit                = {};
+  SyncServices            = {};
+  SystemConfiguration     = { inherit Security; };
+  TWAIN                   = { inherit Carbon; };
+  Tcl                     = {};
+  VideoDecodeAcceleration = { inherit CoreVideo; };
+  VideoToolbox            = { inherit CoreMedia CoreVideo; };
+  WebKit                  = { inherit libobjc ApplicationServices Carbon JavaScriptCore OpenGL; };
   # Umbrellas
-  Accelerate          = [ CoreWLAN IOBluetooth ];
-  ApplicationServices = [ CoreServices CoreText ImageIO ];
-  Carbon              = [ ApplicationServices CoreServices Foundation IOKit Security QuartzCore ];
-  CoreBluetooth       = [];
+  Accelerate          = { inherit CoreWLAN IOBluetooth; };
+  ApplicationServices = { inherit CoreGraphics CoreServices CoreText ImageIO; };
+  Carbon              = { inherit libobjc ApplicationServices CoreServices Foundation IOKit Security QuartzCore; };
+  CoreBluetooth       = {};
   # TODO: figure out which part of the umbrella depends on CoreFoundation and move it there.
-  CoreServices        = [ CFNetwork CoreFoundation CoreAudio CoreData DiskArbitration Security NetFS OpenDirectory ServiceManagement ];
-  IOBluetooth         = [ IOKit ];
-  JavaVM              = [];
-  OpenDirectory       = [];
-  Quartz              = [ QuickLook QTKit ];
-  QuartzCore          = [ ApplicationServices CoreVideo OpenCL CoreImage Metal ];
-  QuickTime           = [ ApplicationServices AudioUnit Carbon CoreAudio CoreServices OpenGL QuartzCore ];
+  CoreServices        = { inherit CFNetwork CoreFoundation CoreAudio CoreData DiskArbitration Security NetFS OpenDirectory ServiceManagement; };
+  IOBluetooth         = { inherit CoreBluetooth IOKit; };
+  JavaVM              = {};
+  OpenDirectory       = {};
+  Quartz              = { inherit QuartzCore QuickLook QTKit; };
+  QuartzCore          = { inherit libobjc ApplicationServices CoreVideo OpenCL CoreImage Metal; };
+  QuickTime           = { inherit ApplicationServices AudioUnit Carbon CoreAudio CoreServices OpenGL QuartzCore; };
-  vmnet = [];
+  vmnet = {};