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path: root/pkgs/development/tools/poetry2nix/poetry2nix/semver.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/development/tools/poetry2nix/poetry2nix/semver.nix')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/poetry2nix/poetry2nix/semver.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/poetry2nix/poetry2nix/semver.nix
index 784589a4ca4..07dcbbc5eac 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/poetry2nix/poetry2nix/semver.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/tools/poetry2nix/poetry2nix/semver.nix
@@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
 { lib, ireplace }:
   inherit (builtins) elemAt match;
   operators = let
     matchWildCard = s: match "([^\*])(\.[\*])" s;
     mkComparison = ret: version: v: builtins.compareVersions version v == ret;
-    mkIdxComparison = idx: version: v: let
-      ver = builtins.splitVersion v;
-      minor = builtins.toString (lib.toInt (elemAt ver idx) + 1);
-      upper = builtins.concatStringsSep "." (ireplace idx minor ver);
-    in
-      operators.">=" version v && operators."<" version upper;
-    dropWildcardPrecision = f: version: constraint: let
-      m = matchWildCard constraint;
-      hasWildcard = m != null;
-      c = if hasWildcard then (elemAt m 0) else constraint;
-      v =
-        if hasWildcard then (builtins.substring 0 (builtins.stringLength c) version)
-        else version;
-    in
-      f v c;
+    mkIdxComparison = idx: version: v:
+      let
+        ver = builtins.splitVersion v;
+        minor = builtins.toString (lib.toInt (elemAt ver idx) + 1);
+        upper = builtins.concatStringsSep "." (ireplace idx minor ver);
+      in
+        operators.">=" version v && operators."<" version upper;
+    dropWildcardPrecision = f: version: constraint:
+      let
+        m = matchWildCard constraint;
+        hasWildcard = m != null;
+        c = if hasWildcard then (elemAt m 0) else constraint;
+        v =
+          if hasWildcard then (builtins.substring 0 (builtins.stringLength c) version)
+          else version;
+      in
+        f v c;
       # Prefix operators
@@ -33,16 +34,17 @@ let
       # Semver specific operators
       "~" = mkIdxComparison 1;
       "^" = mkIdxComparison 0;
-      "~=" = v: c: let
-        # Prune constraint
-        parts = builtins.splitVersion c;
-        pruned = lib.take ((builtins.length parts) - 1) parts;
-        upper = builtins.toString (
-          (lib.toInt (builtins.elemAt pruned (builtins.length pruned - 1))) + 1
-        );
-        upperConstraint = builtins.concatStringsSep "." (ireplace (builtins.length pruned - 1) upper pruned);
-      in
-        operators.">=" v c && operators."<" v upperConstraint;
+      "~=" = v: c:
+        let
+          # Prune constraint
+          parts = builtins.splitVersion c;
+          pruned = lib.take ((builtins.length parts) - 1) parts;
+          upper = builtins.toString (
+            (lib.toInt (builtins.elemAt pruned (builtins.length pruned - 1))) + 1
+          );
+          upperConstraint = builtins.concatStringsSep "." (ireplace (builtins.length pruned - 1) upper pruned);
+        in
+          operators.">=" v c && operators."<" v upperConstraint;
       # Infix operators
       "-" = version: v: operators.">=" version v.vl && operators."<=" version;
       # Arbitrary equality clause, just run simple comparison
@@ -55,33 +57,34 @@ let
     version = "([0-9\.\*x]+)";
-  parseConstraint = constraint: let
-    constraintStr = builtins.replaceStrings [ " " ] [ "" ] constraint;
-    # The common prefix operators
-    mPre = match "${re.operators} *${re.version}" constraintStr;
-    # There is also an infix operator to match ranges
-    mIn = match "${re.version} *(-) *${re.version}" constraintStr;
-  in
-    (
-      if mPre != null then {
-        op = elemAt mPre 0;
-        v = elemAt mPre 1;
-      }
-        # Infix operators are range matches
-      else if mIn != null then {
-        op = elemAt mIn 1;
-        v = {
-          vl = (elemAt mIn 0);
-          vu = (elemAt mIn 2);
-        };
-      }
-      else throw "Constraint \"${constraintStr}\" could not be parsed"
-    );
-  satisfiesSemver = version: constraint: let
-    inherit (parseConstraint constraint) op v;
-  in
-    if constraint == "*" then true else operators."${op}" version v;
+  parseConstraint = constraint:
+    let
+      constraintStr = builtins.replaceStrings [ " " ] [ "" ] constraint;
+      # The common prefix operators
+      mPre = match "${re.operators} *${re.version}" constraintStr;
+      # There is also an infix operator to match ranges
+      mIn = match "${re.version} *(-) *${re.version}" constraintStr;
+    in
+      (
+        if mPre != null then {
+          op = elemAt mPre 0;
+          v = elemAt mPre 1;
+        }
+          # Infix operators are range matches
+        else if mIn != null then {
+          op = elemAt mIn 1;
+          v = {
+            vl = (elemAt mIn 0);
+            vu = (elemAt mIn 2);
+          };
+        }
+        else throw "Constraint \"${constraintStr}\" could not be parsed"
+      );
+  satisfiesSemver = version: constraint:
+    let
+      inherit (parseConstraint constraint) op v;
+    in
+      if constraint == "*" then true else operators."${op}" version v;
 { inherit satisfiesSemver; }