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path: root/pkgs/applications/editors/vscode/extensions/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/applications/editors/vscode/extensions/default.nix')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/editors/vscode/extensions/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/editors/vscode/extensions/default.nix
index 1f5d14282d2..365b26642b3 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/editors/vscode/extensions/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/editors/vscode/extensions/default.nix
@@ -326,8 +326,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "astro-vscode";
           publisher = "astro-build";
-          version = "2.1.1";
-          sha256 = "sha256-UVZOpkOHbLiwA4VfTgXxuIU8EtJLnqRa5zUVha6xQJY=";
+          version = "2.3.3";
+          sha256 = "sha256-A7+7lnCPAtSWUfHLNKbYqKuTxi2Nx05Qdh5HCkT1dnM=";
         meta = {
           changelog = "";
@@ -343,11 +343,16 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "vscode-neovim";
           publisher = "asvetliakov";
-          version = "0.0.97";
-          sha256 = "sha256-rNGW8WB3jBSjThiB0j4/ORKMRAaxFiMiBfaa+dbGu/w=";
+          version = "1.0.1";
+          sha256 = "1yf065syb5hskds47glnv18nk0fg7d84w1j72hg1pqb082gn1sdv";
         meta = {
+          changelog = "";
+          description = "Vim-mode for VS Code using embedded Neovim";
+          downloadPage = "";
           license =;
+          homepage = "";
+          maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.mikaelfangel ];
@@ -372,8 +377,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "Millet";
           publisher = "azdavis";
-          version = "0.12.5";
-          sha256 = "sha256-gJIxCdoxWGThalY+qJ930UtRLFkvr34LfaSioAZH9TQ=";
+          version = "0.13.5";
+          sha256 = "sha256-sWM7N+axgu1zOGWexR4JVupVmYhZrd4cZz3pmLxRj8Q=";
         nativeBuildInputs = [ jq moreutils ];
         postInstall = ''
@@ -527,8 +532,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "emojisense";
           publisher = "bierner";
-          version = "0.9.1";
-          sha256 = "sha256-bfhImi2qMHWkgKqkoStS0NtbXTfj6GpcLkI0PSMjuvg=";
+          version = "0.10.0";
+          sha256 = "sha256-PD8edYuJu6QHPYIM08kV85LuKh0H0/MIgFmMxSJFK5M=";
         meta = {
           license =;
@@ -700,8 +705,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "ruff";
           publisher = "charliermarsh";
-          version = "2023.38.0";
-          sha256 = "sha256-Gcw+X8e8MrTflotHUwkrdP/DD/6AX/kEgtRiqvqyqRM=";
+          version = "2023.40.0";
+          sha256 = "sha256-Ym76WtKvz18NgxH9o8O/Ozn+/AtqLvjJs8ffLhPOWkQ=";
         meta = {
           license =;
@@ -727,8 +732,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "chatgpt-reborn";
           publisher = "chris-hayes";
-          version = "3.16.3";
-          sha256 = "wkitG5gmYKYKXRw/zVW04HN1dePiTjbnynFOY/bwxfI=";
+          version = "3.19.1";
+          sha256 = "1msb3lqy9p2v26nsw0clfsisiwxcid3jp1l6549hk1i1gcqhd84w";
@@ -736,8 +741,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "path-intellisense";
           publisher = "christian-kohler";
-          version = "2.8.4";
-          sha256 = "sha256-FEBYcjJHOwmxVHhhyxqOpk/V6hvtMkhkvLVpmJCMSZw=";
+          version = "2.8.5";
+          sha256 = "1ndffv1m4ayiija1l42m28si44vx9y6x47zpxzqv2j4jj7ga1n5z";
         meta = {
           description = "Visual Studio Code plugin that autocompletes filenames";
@@ -896,8 +901,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "vscode-markdownlint";
           publisher = "DavidAnson";
-          version = "0.51.0";
-          sha256 = "sha256-Xtr8cqcPrcrKpJBxQcY1j9Gl4CC6U3ZazS4bdBtdzUk=";
+          version = "0.52.0";
+          sha256 = "sha256-Y8qkcNEvJ/yzT8PDeErRzKGxYBNKKfbNNsJVaFDeIV4=";
         meta = {
           changelog = "";
@@ -1224,8 +1229,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "elixir-ls";
           publisher = "JakeBecker";
-          version = "0.16.0";
-          sha256 = "sha256-PZUyOZ/U6OkGid+PYY2G/pAe5R5eumUibKNel9HBI+s=";
+          version = "0.17.5";
+          sha256 = "sha256-2iOyLNLMQ6Snm0gvv7Yl6von/A9UTfLYrH5l1PoJwUc=";
         meta = {
           changelog = "";
@@ -1400,8 +1405,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "vscode-firefox-debug";
           publisher = "firefox-devtools";
-          version = "2.9.8";
-          sha256 = "sha256-MCL562FPgEfhUM1KH5LMl7BblbjIkQ4UEwB67RlO5Mk=";
+          version = "2.9.10";
+          sha256 = "sha256-xuvlE8L/qjOn8Qhkv9sutn/xRbwC9V/IIfEr4Ixm1vA=";
         meta = {
           changelog = "";
@@ -1570,9 +1575,10 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           publisher = "github";
           name = "copilot";
-          version = "1.89.156";
-          sha256 = "sha256-BJnYd9D3bWrZI8UETnAua8ngVjZJ7EXB1UrZAjVnx1E=";
+          version = "1.135.544";
+          sha256 = "sha256-OeG1nkQbQAfu8NuDEA+iaWy0ioFyXPe7Qm/CZIKPiX8=";
         meta = {
           description = "GitHub Copilot uses OpenAI Codex to suggest code and entire functions in real-time right from your editor.";
           downloadPage = "";
@@ -1586,8 +1592,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           publisher = "github";
           name = "copilot-chat";
-          version = "0.3.2023061502";
-          sha256 = "sha256-sUoKwlPDMz+iQbmIsD2JhyDwmUQzOyCHXaXCUaizQ7k=";
+          version = "0.11.2023111001";
+          sha256 = "sha256-sBDvqqyq0R0ZyS81G61fI9Vd860RIjhNzCqY0bdz1mg=";
         meta = {
           description = "GitHub Copilot Chat is a companion extension to GitHub Copilot that houses experimental chat features";
@@ -1640,8 +1646,8 @@ let
           # the VSCode Marketplace and use a calver scheme. We should avoid
           # using preview versions, because they can require insider versions
           # of VS Code
-          version = "0.68.1";
-          sha256 = "sha256-d60ZxWQLZa2skOB3Iv9K04aGNZA1d1A82N7zRaxAzlI=";
+          version = "0.75.2023101209";
+          sha256 = "1saz4brd5k1wyy7pz1h3jcl4kq35f78s2q8drjd7v2k97jhy8la1";
         meta = { license =; };
@@ -1738,6 +1744,22 @@ let
+      griimick.vhs = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
+        mktplcRef = {
+          name = "vhs";
+          publisher = "griimick";
+          version = "0.0.4";
+          sha256 = "sha256-zAy8o5d2pK5ra/dbwoLgPAQAYfRQtUYQjisWYgIhsXA=";
+        };
+        meta = {
+          description = "Visual Studio Code extension providing syntax support for VHS .tape files";
+          downloadPage = "";
+          homepage = "";
+          license =;
+          maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
+        };
+      };
       gruntfuggly.todo-tree = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "todo-tree";
@@ -1886,8 +1908,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "latex-workshop";
           publisher = "James-Yu";
-          version = "9.10.0";
-          sha256 = "s0+8952svPSA69M4H29zuIxUWV6xNRpIqLNd8pzGJhY=";
+          version = "9.14.1";
+          sha256 = "1a8im7n25jy2zyqcqhscj62bamhwzp6kk6hdarb0p38d4pwwzxbm";
         meta = {
           changelog = "";
@@ -2356,9 +2378,10 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "direnv";
           publisher = "mkhl";
-          version = "0.14.0";
-          sha256 = "sha256-T+bt6ku+zkqzP1gXNLcpjtFAevDRiSKnZaE7sM4pUOs=";
+          version = "0.15.2";
+          sha256 = "06lp4qgnksklgc6nvx1l9z38y7apbx0a6v886nd15aq9rq8my0ka";
         meta = {
           description = "direnv support for Visual Studio Code";
           license = lib.licenses.bsd0;
@@ -2450,8 +2473,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "vscode-pylance";
           publisher = "MS-python";
-          version = "2022.7.11";
-          sha256 = "sha256-JatjLZXO7iwpBwjL1hrNafBiF81CaozWWANyRm8A36Y=";
+          version = "2023.8.50";
+          sha256 = "sha256-xJU/j5r/Idp/0VorEfciT4SFKRBpMCv9Z0LKO/++1Gk=";
         buildInputs = [ nodePackages.pyright ];
@@ -2462,6 +2485,7 @@ let
           downloadPage = "";
           homepage = "";
           license = lib.licenses.unfree;
+          maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ericthemagician ];
@@ -2721,12 +2745,15 @@ let
       nvarner.typst-lsp = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "typst-lsp";
           publisher = "nvarner";
-          version = "0.5.0";
-          sha256 = "sha256-4bZbjbcd/EjSRBMkzMs1pD00qyQb5W6gePh4xfoU6Ug=";
+          # Please update the corresponding binary (typst-lsp) when updating
+          # this extension.
+          version = "0.11.0";
+          sha256 = "sha256-fs+CBg3FwzTn608dm9EvfF2UrI2Sa5hsm0OK/WQyy6o=";
         nativeBuildInputs = [ jq moreutils ];
@@ -2827,8 +2854,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "material-icon-theme";
           publisher = "PKief";
-          version = "4.29.0";
-          sha256 = "sha256-YqleqYSpZuhGFGkNo3FRLjiglxX+iUCJl69CRCY/oWM=";
+          version = "4.31.0";
+          sha256 = "0rn4dyqr46wbgi4k27ni6a6i3pa83gyaprhds5rlndjaw90iakb4";
         meta = {
           license =;
@@ -2893,8 +2920,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "vscode-xml";
           publisher = "redhat";
-          version = "0.25.2023032304";
-          sha256 = "sha256-3hU/MZU9dP91p2PVycFL6yg/nf4/x8tt76vmlkiHnE8=";
+          version = "0.26.2023092519";
+          sha256 = "00p98qihw7ndwl4h18jx8n0lmrqsn1vab7h2k3cbjdz0b623j773";
         meta.license = lib.licenses.epl20;
@@ -2903,8 +2930,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "vscode-yaml";
           publisher = "redhat";
-          version = "1.12.0";
-          sha256 = "sha256-r/me14KonxnQeensIYyWU4dQrhomc8h2ntYoiZ+Y7jE=";
+          version = "1.14.0";
+          sha256 = "0pww9qndd2vsizsibjsvscz9fbfx8srrj67x4vhmwr581q674944";
         meta = {
           license =;
@@ -3288,8 +3315,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "svelte-vscode";
           publisher = "svelte";
-          version = "107.4.3";
-          sha256 = "sha256-z1foIJXVKmJ0G4FfO9xsjiQgmq/ZtoB3b6Ch8Nyj1zY=";
+          version = "107.12.0";
+          sha256 = "036ri011fd0cf91iwv59j57m05mxliy27ms4di2y9jlk7jzmr4s2";
         meta = {
           changelog = "";
@@ -3334,8 +3361,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "vscode-tailscale";
           publisher = "tailscale";
-          version = "0.4.0";
-          sha256 = "sha256-c/BZHKHs2EKd37148dSxEeP1wBXv75HhDqzegmHPjOs=";
+          version = "0.6.4";
+          sha256 = "1jcq5kdcdyb5yyy0p9cnv56vmclvb6wdwq8xvy1qbkfdqbmy05gm";
         meta = {
           changelog = "";
@@ -3468,6 +3495,22 @@ let
+      tsandall.opa = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
+        mktplcRef = {
+          name = "opa";
+          publisher = "tsandall";
+          version = "0.12.2";
+          sha256 = "sha256-/eJzDhnQyvC9OBr4M03wLIWPiBeVtvX7ztSnO+YoCZM=";
+        };
+        meta = {
+          changelog = "";
+          description = "An extension for VS Code which provides support for OPA";
+          homepage = "";
+          license = lib.licenses.asl20;
+          maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.msanft ];
+        };
+      };
       tuttieee.emacs-mcx = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "emacs-mcx";
@@ -3507,6 +3550,22 @@ let
+      uiua-lang.uiua-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
+        mktplcRef = {
+          name = "uiua-vscode";
+          publisher = "uiua-lang";
+          version = "0.0.23";
+          sha256 = "sha256-NauXoYTAka8qXNPYlW5g7r6NNX1x8cnvDRbEGkRsMoY=";
+        };
+        meta = {
+          description = "VSCode language extension for Uiua";
+          downloadPage = "";
+          homepage = "";
+          license =;
+          maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ tomasajt wackbyte ];
+        };
+      };
       unifiedjs.vscode-mdx = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "vscode-mdx";
@@ -3527,8 +3586,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "errorlens";
           publisher = "usernamehw";
-          version = "3.12.0";
-          sha256 = "sha256-G5+We49/f5UwYqoBovegRK+UOT6KPZo85cvoDjD1Mu4=";
+          version = "3.14.0";
+          sha256 = "0k70f5f4hcv3jl3a04736ml8amx8w7wb3mb8f6l5gngnvq9fj528";
         meta = {
           changelog = "";
@@ -3693,8 +3752,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "vim";
           publisher = "vscodevim";
-          version = "1.25.2";
-          sha256 = "sha256-hy2Ks6oRc9io6vfgql9aFGjUiRzBCS4mGdDO3NqIFEg=";
+          version = "1.26.1";
+          sha256 = "sha256-zshuABicdkT52Nqj1L2RrfMziBRgO+R15fM32SCnyXI=";
         meta = {
           license =;
@@ -3729,8 +3788,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "gitblame";
           publisher = "waderyan";
-          version = "10.1.0";
-          sha256 = "TTYBaJ4gcMVICz4bGZTvbNRPpWD4tXuAJbI8QcHNDv0=";
+          version = "10.5.1";
+          sha256 = "119rf52xnxz0cwvvjjfc5m5iv19288cxz33xzr79b67wyfd79hl9";
         meta = {
           changelog = "";
@@ -3867,8 +3926,8 @@ let
         mktplcRef = {
           name = "material-theme";
           publisher = "zhuangtongfa";
-          version = "3.15.8";
-          sha256 = "sha256-PwWGs9KRfV3qpYbgdiw8FYvnkaJQ2VW2H6p6+umk7eg=";
+          version = "3.16.2";
+          sha256 = "0ava94zn68lxy3ph78r5rma39qz03al5l5i6x070mpa1hzj3i319";
         meta = {
           license =;