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path: root/nixos/tests/chromium.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/tests/chromium.nix')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/tests/chromium.nix b/nixos/tests/chromium.nix
index 795b93f6f54..ea9e19cefbc 100644
--- a/nixos/tests/chromium.nix
+++ b/nixos/tests/chromium.nix
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
 { system ? builtins.currentSystem
 , config ? {}
 , pkgs ? import ../.. { inherit system config; }
-, channelMap ? {
-    stable = pkgs.chromium;
-    beta   = pkgs.chromiumBeta;
-    dev    = pkgs.chromiumDev;
+, channelMap ? { # Maps "channels" to packages
+    stable        = pkgs.chromium;
+    beta          = pkgs.chromiumBeta;
+    dev           = pkgs.chromiumDev;
+    ungoogled     = pkgs.ungoogled-chromium;
+    chrome-stable =;
+    chrome-beta   =;
+    chrome-dev    =;
@@ -14,7 +18,7 @@ with pkgs.lib;
 mapAttrs (channel: chromiumPkg: makeTest rec {
   name = "chromium-${channel}";
   meta = {
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ aszlig ];
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ aszlig primeos ];
     inherit (chromiumPkg.meta) timeout;
@@ -26,7 +30,10 @@ mapAttrs (channel: chromiumPkg: makeTest rec {
   machine.imports = [ ./common/user-account.nix ./common/x11.nix ];
   machine.virtualisation.memorySize = 2047; = user;
-  machine.environment.systemPackages = [ chromiumPkg ];
+  machine.environment = {
+    systemPackages = [ chromiumPkg ];
+    variables."XAUTHORITY" = "/home/alice/.Xauthority";
+  };
   startupHTML = pkgs.writeText "chromium-startup.html" ''
     <!DOCTYPE html>
@@ -47,10 +54,11 @@ mapAttrs (channel: chromiumPkg: makeTest rec {
   testScript = let
     xdo = name: text: let
       xdoScript = pkgs.writeText "${name}.xdo" text;
-    in "${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool '${xdoScript}'";
+    in "${pkgs.xdotool}/bin/xdotool ${xdoScript}";
   in ''
     import shlex
-    from contextlib import contextmanager, _GeneratorContextManager
+    import re
+    from contextlib import contextmanager
     # Run as user alice
@@ -58,101 +66,105 @@ mapAttrs (channel: chromiumPkg: makeTest rec {
         return "su - ${user} -c " + shlex.quote(cmd)
+    def launch_browser():
+        """Launches the web browser with the correct options."""
+        # Determine the name of the binary:
+        pname = "${getName}"
+        if pname.find("chromium") != -1:
+            binary = "chromium"  # Same name for all channels and ungoogled-chromium
+        elif pname == "google-chrome":
+            binary = "google-chrome-stable"
+        elif pname == "google-chrome-dev":
+            binary = "google-chrome-unstable"
+        else:  # For google-chrome-beta and as fallback:
+            binary = pname
+        # Add optional CLI options:
+        options = []
+        # Launch the process:
+        options.append("file://${startupHTML}")
+        machine.succeed(ru(f'ulimit -c unlimited; {binary} {shlex.join(options)} & disown'))
+        if binary.startswith("google-chrome"):
+            # Need to click away the first window:
+            machine.wait_for_text("Make Google Chrome the default browser")
+            machine.screenshot("google_chrome_default_browser_prompt")
+            machine.send_key("ret")
     def create_new_win():
+        """Creates a new Chromium window."""
         with machine.nested("Creating a new Chromium window"):
-            machine.execute(
+            machine.wait_until_succeeds(
-                    "${xdo "new-window" ''
+                    "${xdo "create_new_win-select_main_window" ''
                       search --onlyvisible --name "startup done"
                       windowfocus --sync
                       windowactivate --sync
-            machine.execute(
-                ru(
-                    "${xdo "new-window" ''
-                      key Ctrl+n
-                    ''}"
-                )
-            )
-    def close_win():
-        def try_close(_):
-            machine.execute(
+            machine.send_key("ctrl-n")
+            # Wait until the new window appears:
+            machine.wait_until_succeeds(
-                    "${xdo "close-window" ''
-                      search --onlyvisible --name "new tab"
+                    "${xdo "create_new_win-wait_for_window" ''
+                      search --onlyvisible --name "New Tab"
                       windowfocus --sync
                       windowactivate --sync
-            machine.execute(
-                ru(
-                    "${xdo "close-window" ''
-                      key Ctrl+w
-                    ''}"
-                )
-            )
-            for _ in range(1, 20):
-                status, out = machine.execute(
-                    ru(
-                        "${xdo "wait-for-close" ''
-                          search --onlyvisible --name "new tab"
-                        ''}"
-                    )
-                )
-                if status != 0:
-                    return True
-                machine.sleep(1)
-                return False
-        retry(try_close)
-    def wait_for_new_win():
-        ret = False
-        with machine.nested("Waiting for new Chromium window to appear"):
-            for _ in range(1, 20):
-                status, out = machine.execute(
-                    ru(
-                        "${xdo "wait-for-window" ''
-                          search --onlyvisible --name "new tab"
-                          windowfocus --sync
-                          windowactivate --sync
-                        ''}"
-                    )
-                )
-                if status == 0:
-                    ret = True
-                    machine.sleep(10)
-                    break
-                machine.sleep(1)
-        return ret
-    def create_and_wait_for_new_win():
-        for _ in range(1, 3):
-            create_new_win()
-            if wait_for_new_win():
-                return True
-        assert False, "new window did not appear within 60 seconds"
+    def close_new_tab_win():
+        """Closes the Chromium window with the title "New Tab"."""
+        machine.wait_until_succeeds(
+            ru(
+                "${xdo "close_new_tab_win-select_main_window" ''
+                  search --onlyvisible --name "New Tab"
+                  windowfocus --sync
+                  windowactivate --sync
+                ''}"
+            )
+        )
+        machine.send_key("ctrl-w")
+        # Wait until the closed window disappears:
+        machine.wait_until_fails(
+            ru(
+                "${xdo "close_new_tab_win-wait_for_close" ''
+                  search --onlyvisible --name "New Tab"
+                ''}"
+            )
+        )
-    def test_new_win(description):
-        create_and_wait_for_new_win()
+    def test_new_win(description, url, window_name):
+        create_new_win()
+        machine.wait_for_window("New Tab")
+        machine.send_chars(f"{url}\n")
+        machine.wait_for_window(window_name)
+        machine.screenshot(description)
+        machine.succeed(
+            ru(
+                "${xdo "copy-all" ''
+                  key --delay 1000 Ctrl+a Ctrl+c
+                ''}"
+            )
+        )
+        clipboard = machine.succeed(
+            ru("${pkgs.xclip}/bin/xclip -o")
+        )
+        print(f"{description} window content:\n{clipboard}")
         with machine.nested(description):
-            yield
-        close_win()
+            yield clipboard
+        # Close the newly created window:
+        machine.send_key("ctrl-w")
-    url = "file://${startupHTML}"
-    machine.succeed(ru(f'ulimit -c unlimited; chromium "{url}" & disown'))
+    launch_browser()
     machine.wait_for_text("startup done")
@@ -166,55 +178,15 @@ mapAttrs (channel: chromiumPkg: makeTest rec {
-    create_and_wait_for_new_win()
+    create_new_win()
+    # Optional: Wait for the new tab page to fully load before taking the screenshot:
+    machine.wait_for_text("Web Store")
-    close_win()
+    close_new_tab_win()
-    with test_new_win("check sandbox"):
-        machine.succeed(
-            ru(
-                "${xdo "type-url" ''
-                  search --sync --onlyvisible --name "new tab"
-                  windowfocus --sync
-                  type --delay 1000 "chrome://sandbox"
-                ''}"
-            )
-        )
-        machine.succeed(
-            ru(
-                "${xdo "submit-url" ''
-                  search --sync --onlyvisible --name "new tab"
-                  windowfocus --sync
-                  key --delay 1000 Return
-                ''}"
-            )
-        )
-        machine.screenshot("sandbox_info")
-        machine.succeed(
-            ru(
-                "${xdo "find-window" ''
-                  search --sync --onlyvisible --name "sandbox status"
-                  windowfocus --sync
-                ''}"
-            )
-        )
-        machine.succeed(
-            ru(
-                "${xdo "copy-sandbox-info" ''
-                  key --delay 1000 Ctrl+a Ctrl+c
-                ''}"
-            )
-        )
-        clipboard = machine.succeed(
-            ru("${pkgs.xclip}/bin/xclip -o")
-        )
+    with test_new_win("sandbox_info", "chrome://sandbox", "Sandbox Status") as clipboard:
         filters = [
             "layer 1 sandbox.*namespace",
             "pid namespaces.*yes",
@@ -232,7 +204,7 @@ mapAttrs (channel: chromiumPkg: makeTest rec {
                 "${xdo "find-window-after-copy" ''
-                  search --onlyvisible --name "sandbox status"
+                  search --onlyvisible --name "Sandbox Status"
@@ -261,6 +233,22 @@ mapAttrs (channel: chromiumPkg: makeTest rec {
+    with test_new_win("gpu_info", "chrome://gpu", "chrome://gpu"):
+        # To check the text rendering (catches regressions like #131074):
+        machine.wait_for_text("Graphics Feature Status")
+    with test_new_win("version_info", "chrome://version", "About Version") as clipboard:
+        filters = [
+            r"${chromiumPkg.version} \(Official Build",
+        ]
+        if not all(
+  , clipboard) for filter in filters
+        ):
+            assert False, "Version info not correct."
 }) channelMap