summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/tests/all-tests.nix')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix b/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix
index a3e85c337aa..325e99c9774 100644
--- a/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix
+++ b/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix
@@ -90,6 +90,14 @@ in {
     lib-extend = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./nixos-test-driver/lib-extend.nix {};
     node-name = runTest ./nixos-test-driver/node-name.nix;
     busybox = runTest ./nixos-test-driver/busybox.nix;
+    driver-timeout = pkgs.runCommand "ensure-timeout-induced-failure" {
+      failed = pkgs.testers.testBuildFailure ((runTest ./nixos-test-driver/timeout.nix).config.rawTestDerivation);
+    } ''
+      grep -F "timeout reached; test terminating" $failed/testBuildFailure.log
+      # The program will always be terminated by SIGTERM (143) if it waits for the deadline thread.
+      [[ 143 = $(cat $failed/testBuildFailure.exit) ]]
+      touch $out
+    '';
   # NixOS vm tests and non-vm unit tests
@@ -116,9 +124,11 @@ in {
   apfs = runTest ./apfs.nix;
   appliance-repart-image = runTest ./appliance-repart-image.nix;
   apparmor = handleTest ./apparmor.nix {};
+  archi = handleTest ./archi.nix {};
   atd = handleTest ./atd.nix {};
   atop = handleTest ./atop.nix {};
   atuin = handleTest ./atuin.nix {};
+  audiobookshelf = handleTest ./audiobookshelf.nix {};
   auth-mysql = handleTest ./auth-mysql.nix {};
   authelia = handleTest ./authelia.nix {};
   avahi = handleTest ./avahi.nix {};
@@ -152,12 +162,14 @@ in {
   budgie = handleTest ./budgie.nix {};
   buildbot = handleTest ./buildbot.nix {};
   buildkite-agents = handleTest ./buildkite-agents.nix {};
+  c2fmzq = handleTest ./c2fmzq.nix {};
   caddy = handleTest ./caddy.nix {};
   cadvisor = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./cadvisor.nix {};
   cage = handleTest ./cage.nix {};
   cagebreak = handleTest ./cagebreak.nix {};
   calibre-web = handleTest ./calibre-web.nix {};
   calibre-server = handleTest ./calibre-server.nix {};
+  castopod = handleTest ./castopod.nix {};
   cassandra_3_0 = handleTest ./cassandra.nix { testPackage = pkgs.cassandra_3_0; };
   cassandra_3_11 = handleTest ./cassandra.nix { testPackage = pkgs.cassandra_3_11; };
   cassandra_4 = handleTest ./cassandra.nix { testPackage = pkgs.cassandra_4; };
@@ -180,7 +192,6 @@ in {
   cntr = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./cntr.nix {};
   cockpit = handleTest ./cockpit.nix {};
   cockroachdb = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./cockroachdb.nix {};
-  code-server = handleTest ./code-server.nix {};
   coder = handleTest ./coder.nix {};
   collectd = handleTest ./collectd.nix {};
   connman = handleTest ./connman.nix {};
@@ -214,6 +225,7 @@ in {
   darling = handleTest ./darling.nix {};
   dae = handleTest ./dae.nix {};
   dconf = handleTest ./dconf.nix {};
+  deconz = handleTest ./deconz.nix {};
   deepin = handleTest ./deepin.nix {};
   deluge = handleTest ./deluge.nix {};
   dendrite = handleTest ./matrix/dendrite.nix {};
@@ -245,6 +257,7 @@ in {
   ec2-nixops = (handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./ec2.nix {}).boot-ec2-nixops or {};
   ecryptfs = handleTest ./ecryptfs.nix {};
   fscrypt = handleTest ./fscrypt.nix {};
+  fastnetmon-advanced = runTest ./fastnetmon-advanced.nix;
   ejabberd = handleTest ./xmpp/ejabberd.nix {};
   elk = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./elk.nix {};
   emacs-daemon = handleTest ./emacs-daemon.nix {};
@@ -261,6 +274,8 @@ in {
   esphome = handleTest ./esphome.nix {};
   etc = pkgs.callPackage ../modules/system/etc/test.nix { inherit evalMinimalConfig; };
   activation = pkgs.callPackage ../modules/system/activation/test.nix { };
+  activation-var = runTest ./activation/var.nix;
+  activation-nix-channel = runTest ./activation/nix-channel.nix;
   etcd = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./etcd.nix {};
   etcd-cluster = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./etcd-cluster.nix {};
   etebase-server = handleTest ./etebase-server.nix {};
@@ -269,9 +284,11 @@ in {
   fail2ban = handleTest ./fail2ban.nix { };
   fakeroute = handleTest ./fakeroute.nix {};
   fancontrol = handleTest ./fancontrol.nix {};
+  fanout = handleTest ./fanout.nix {};
   fcitx5 = handleTest ./fcitx5 {};
   fenics = handleTest ./fenics.nix {};
   ferm = handleTest ./ferm.nix {};
+  ferretdb = handleTest ./ferretdb.nix {};
   firefox = handleTest ./firefox.nix { firefoxPackage = pkgs.firefox; };
   firefox-beta = handleTest ./firefox.nix { firefoxPackage = pkgs.firefox-beta; };
   firefox-devedition = handleTest ./firefox.nix { firefoxPackage = pkgs.firefox-devedition; };
@@ -282,12 +299,14 @@ in {
   firewall-nftables = handleTest ./firewall.nix { nftables = true; };
   fish = handleTest ./fish.nix {};
   flannel = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./flannel.nix {};
+  floorp = handleTest ./firefox.nix { firefoxPackage = pkgs.floorp; };
   fluentd = handleTest ./fluentd.nix {};
   fluidd = handleTest ./fluidd.nix {};
   fontconfig-default-fonts = handleTest ./fontconfig-default-fonts.nix {};
   forgejo = handleTest ./forgejo.nix { };
   freenet = handleTest ./freenet.nix {};
   freeswitch = handleTest ./freeswitch.nix {};
+  freetube = discoverTests (import ./freetube.nix);
   freshrss-sqlite = handleTest ./freshrss-sqlite.nix {};
   freshrss-pgsql = handleTest ./freshrss-pgsql.nix {};
   frigate = handleTest ./frigate.nix {};
@@ -321,6 +340,7 @@ in {
   gollum = handleTest ./gollum.nix {};
   gonic = handleTest ./gonic.nix {};
   google-oslogin = handleTest ./google-oslogin {};
+  goss = handleTest ./goss.nix {};
   gotify-server = handleTest ./gotify-server.nix {};
   gotosocial = runTest ./web-apps/gotosocial.nix;
   grafana = handleTest ./grafana {};
@@ -328,8 +348,8 @@ in {
   graphite = handleTest ./graphite.nix {};
   graylog = handleTest ./graylog.nix {};
   grocy = handleTest ./grocy.nix {};
+  grow-partition = runTest ./grow-partition.nix;
   grub = handleTest ./grub.nix {};
-  guacamole-client = handleTest ./guacamole-client.nix {};
   guacamole-server = handleTest ./guacamole-server.nix {};
   gvisor = handleTest ./gvisor.nix {};
   hadoop = import ./hadoop { inherit handleTestOn; package=pkgs.hadoop; };
@@ -352,6 +372,7 @@ in {
   honk = runTest ./honk.nix;
   installed-tests = pkgs.recurseIntoAttrs (handleTest ./installed-tests {});
   invidious = handleTest ./invidious.nix {};
+  livebook-service = handleTest ./livebook-service.nix {};
   oci-containers = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./oci-containers.nix {};
   odoo = handleTest ./odoo.nix {};
   odoo15 = handleTest ./odoo.nix { package = pkgs.odoo15; };
@@ -373,6 +394,7 @@ in {
   icingaweb2 = handleTest ./icingaweb2.nix {};
   iftop = handleTest ./iftop.nix {};
   incron = handleTest ./incron.nix {};
+  incus = pkgs.recurseIntoAttrs (handleTest ./incus { inherit handleTestOn; });
   influxdb = handleTest ./influxdb.nix {};
   influxdb2 = handleTest ./influxdb2.nix {};
   initrd-network-openvpn = handleTest ./initrd-network-openvpn {};
@@ -423,14 +445,16 @@ in {
   ksm = handleTest ./ksm.nix {};
   kthxbye = handleTest ./kthxbye.nix {};
   kubernetes = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./kubernetes {};
-  kubo = runTest ./kubo.nix;
+  kubo = import ./kubo { inherit recurseIntoAttrs runTest; };
   ladybird = handleTest ./ladybird.nix {};
   languagetool = handleTest ./languagetool.nix {};
+  lanraragi = handleTest ./lanraragi.nix {};
   latestKernel.login = handleTest ./login.nix { latestKernel = true; };
   leaps = handleTest ./leaps.nix {};
   lemmy = handleTest ./lemmy.nix {};
   libinput = handleTest ./libinput.nix {};
   libreddit = handleTest ./libreddit.nix {};
+  librenms = handleTest ./librenms.nix {};
   libresprite = handleTest ./libresprite.nix {};
   libreswan = handleTest ./libreswan.nix {};
   librewolf = handleTest ./firefox.nix { firefoxPackage = pkgs.librewolf; };
@@ -530,8 +554,8 @@ in {
   netdata = handleTest ./netdata.nix {};
   networking.networkd = handleTest ./networking.nix { networkd = true; };
   networking.scripted = handleTest ./networking.nix { networkd = false; };
-  netbox = handleTest ./web-apps/netbox.nix { inherit (pkgs) netbox; };
-  netbox_3_3 = handleTest ./web-apps/netbox.nix { netbox = pkgs.netbox_3_3; };
+  netbox_3_5 = handleTest ./web-apps/netbox.nix { netbox = pkgs.netbox_3_5; };
+  netbox_3_6 = handleTest ./web-apps/netbox.nix { netbox = pkgs.netbox_3_6; };
   netbox-upgrade = handleTest ./web-apps/netbox-upgrade.nix {};
   # TODO: put in networking.nix after the test becomes more complete
   networkingProxy = handleTest ./networking-proxy.nix {};
@@ -550,9 +574,10 @@ in {
   nginx-njs = handleTest ./nginx-njs.nix {};
   nginx-proxyprotocol = handleTest ./nginx-proxyprotocol {};
   nginx-pubhtml = handleTest ./nginx-pubhtml.nix {};
-  nginx-sandbox = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./nginx-sandbox.nix {};
   nginx-sso = handleTest ./nginx-sso.nix {};
   nginx-status-page = handleTest ./nginx-status-page.nix {};
+  nginx-tmpdir = handleTest ./nginx-tmpdir.nix {};
+  nginx-unix-socket = handleTest ./nginx-unix-socket.nix {};
   nginx-variants = handleTest ./nginx-variants.nix {};
   nifi = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./web-apps/nifi.nix {};
   nitter = handleTest ./nitter.nix {};
@@ -561,11 +586,13 @@ in {
   nix-serve-ssh = handleTest ./nix-serve-ssh.nix {};
   nixops = handleTest ./nixops/default.nix {};
   nixos-generate-config = handleTest ./nixos-generate-config.nix {};
-  nixos-rebuild-specialisations = handleTest ./nixos-rebuild-specialisations.nix {};
+  nixos-rebuild-install-bootloader = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./nixos-rebuild-install-bootloader.nix {};
+  nixos-rebuild-specialisations = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./nixos-rebuild-specialisations.nix {};
   nixpkgs = pkgs.callPackage ../modules/misc/nixpkgs/test.nix { inherit evalMinimalConfig; };
   node-red = handleTest ./node-red.nix {};
   nomad = handleTest ./nomad.nix {};
   non-default-filesystems = handleTest ./non-default-filesystems.nix {};
+  non-switchable-system = runTest ./non-switchable-system.nix;
   noto-fonts = handleTest ./noto-fonts.nix {};
   noto-fonts-cjk-qt-default-weight = handleTest ./noto-fonts-cjk-qt-default-weight.nix {};
   novacomd = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./novacomd.nix {};
@@ -629,6 +656,7 @@ in {
   phylactery = handleTest ./web-apps/phylactery.nix {};
   pict-rs = handleTest ./pict-rs.nix {};
   pinnwand = handleTest ./pinnwand.nix {};
+  plantuml-server = handleTest ./plantuml-server.nix {};
   plasma-bigscreen = handleTest ./plasma-bigscreen.nix {};
   plasma5 = handleTest ./plasma5.nix {};
   plasma5-systemd-start = handleTest ./plasma5-systemd-start.nix {};
@@ -658,7 +686,6 @@ in {
   predictable-interface-names = handleTest ./predictable-interface-names.nix {};
   printing-socket = handleTest ./printing.nix { socket = true; };
   printing-service = handleTest ./printing.nix { socket = false; };
-  privacyidea = handleTest ./privacyidea.nix {};
   privoxy = handleTest ./privoxy.nix {};
   prometheus = handleTest ./prometheus.nix {};
   prometheus-exporters = handleTest ./prometheus-exporters.nix {};
@@ -674,6 +701,7 @@ in {
   qboot = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux" "i686-linux"] ./qboot.nix {};
   qemu-vm-restrictnetwork = handleTest ./qemu-vm-restrictnetwork.nix {};
   qemu-vm-volatile-root = runTest ./qemu-vm-volatile-root.nix;
+  qemu-vm-external-disk-image = runTest ./qemu-vm-external-disk-image.nix;
   qgis = handleTest ./qgis.nix { qgisPackage = pkgs.qgis; };
   qgis-ltr = handleTest ./qgis.nix { qgisPackage = pkgs.qgis-ltr; };
   qownnotes = handleTest ./qownnotes.nix {};
@@ -690,8 +718,10 @@ in {
   restartByActivationScript = handleTest ./restart-by-activation-script.nix {};
   restic = handleTest ./restic.nix {};
   retroarch = handleTest ./retroarch.nix {};
+  rkvm = handleTest ./rkvm {};
   robustirc-bridge = handleTest ./robustirc-bridge.nix {};
   roundcube = handleTest ./roundcube.nix {};
+  rosenpass = handleTest ./rosenpass.nix {};
   rshim = handleTest ./rshim.nix {};
   rspamd = handleTest ./rspamd.nix {};
   rss2email = handleTest ./rss2email.nix {};
@@ -711,7 +741,7 @@ in {
   service-runner = handleTest ./service-runner.nix {};
   sftpgo = runTest ./sftpgo.nix;
   sfxr-qt = handleTest ./sfxr-qt.nix {};
-  sgtpuzzles = handleTest ./sgtpuzzles.nix {};
+  sgt-puzzles = handleTest ./sgt-puzzles.nix {};
   shadow = handleTest ./shadow.nix {};
   shadowsocks = handleTest ./shadowsocks {};
   shattered-pixel-dungeon = handleTest ./shattered-pixel-dungeon.nix {};
@@ -719,12 +749,14 @@ in {
   signal-desktop = handleTest ./signal-desktop.nix {};
   simple = handleTest ./simple.nix {};
   sing-box = handleTest ./sing-box.nix {};
+  slimserver = handleTest ./slimserver.nix {};
   slurm = handleTest ./slurm.nix {};
   smokeping = handleTest ./smokeping.nix {};
   snapcast = handleTest ./snapcast.nix {};
   snapper = handleTest ./snapper.nix {};
   snipe-it = runTest ./web-apps/snipe-it.nix;
   soapui = handleTest ./soapui.nix {};
+  soft-serve = handleTest ./soft-serve.nix {};
   sogo = handleTest ./sogo.nix {};
   solanum = handleTest ./solanum.nix {};
   sonarr = handleTest ./sonarr.nix {};
@@ -733,8 +765,9 @@ in {
   spark = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./spark {};
   sqlite3-to-mysql = handleTest ./sqlite3-to-mysql.nix {};
   sslh = handleTest ./sslh.nix {};
-  sssd = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./sssd.nix {};
-  sssd-ldap = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./sssd-ldap.nix {};
+  ssh-audit = handleTest ./ssh-audit.nix {};
+  sssd = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./sssd.nix {};
+  sssd-ldap = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./sssd-ldap.nix {};
   stalwart-mail = handleTest ./stalwart-mail.nix {};
   stargazer = runTest ./web-servers/stargazer.nix;
   starship = handleTest ./starship.nix {};
@@ -754,6 +787,7 @@ in {
   syncthing = handleTest ./syncthing.nix {};
   syncthing-no-settings = handleTest ./syncthing-no-settings.nix {};
   syncthing-init = handleTest ./syncthing-init.nix {};
+  syncthing-many-devices = handleTest ./syncthing-many-devices.nix {};
   syncthing-relay = handleTest ./syncthing-relay.nix {};
   systemd = handleTest ./systemd.nix {};
   systemd-analyze = handleTest ./systemd-analyze.nix {};
@@ -802,6 +836,7 @@ in {
   systemd-userdbd = handleTest ./systemd-userdbd.nix {};
   systemd-homed = handleTest ./systemd-homed.nix {};
   tandoor-recipes = handleTest ./tandoor-recipes.nix {};
+  tang = handleTest ./tang.nix {};
   taskserver = handleTest ./taskserver.nix {};
   tayga = handleTest ./tayga.nix {};
   teeworlds = handleTest ./teeworlds.nix {};
@@ -816,18 +851,21 @@ in {
   timezone = handleTest ./timezone.nix {};
   tinc = handleTest ./tinc {};
   tinydns = handleTest ./tinydns.nix {};
+  tinyproxy = handleTest ./tinyproxy.nix {};
   tinywl = handleTest ./tinywl.nix {};
   tmate-ssh-server = handleTest ./tmate-ssh-server.nix { };
   tomcat = handleTest ./tomcat.nix {};
   tor = handleTest ./tor.nix {};
   traefik = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./traefik.nix {};
   trafficserver = handleTest ./trafficserver.nix {};
-  transmission = handleTest ./transmission.nix {};
+  transmission = handleTest ./transmission.nix { transmission = pkgs.transmission; };
+  transmission_4 = handleTest ./transmission.nix { transmission = pkgs.transmission_4; };
   # tracee requires bpf
   tracee = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./tracee.nix {};
   trezord = handleTest ./trezord.nix {};
   trickster = handleTest ./trickster.nix {};
   trilium-server = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./trilium-server.nix {};
+  tsja = handleTest ./tsja.nix {};
   tsm-client-gui = handleTest ./tsm-client-gui.nix {};
   txredisapi = handleTest ./txredisapi.nix {};
   tuptime = handleTest ./tuptime.nix {};
@@ -837,7 +875,7 @@ in {
   typesense = handleTest ./typesense.nix {};
   ucarp = handleTest ./ucarp.nix {};
   udisks2 = handleTest ./udisks2.nix {};
-  ulogd = handleTest ./ulogd.nix {};
+  ulogd = handleTest ./ulogd/ulogd.nix {};
   unbound = handleTest ./unbound.nix {};
   unifi = handleTest ./unifi.nix {};
   unit-php = handleTest ./web-servers/unit-php.nix {};
@@ -851,8 +889,7 @@ in {
   uwsgi = handleTest ./uwsgi.nix {};
   v2ray = handleTest ./v2ray.nix {};
   varnish60 = handleTest ./varnish.nix { package = pkgs.varnish60; };
-  varnish72 = handleTest ./varnish.nix { package = pkgs.varnish72; };
-  varnish73 = handleTest ./varnish.nix { package = pkgs.varnish73; };
+  varnish74 = handleTest ./varnish.nix { package = pkgs.varnish74; };
   vault = handleTest ./vault.nix {};
   vault-agent = handleTest ./vault-agent.nix {};
   vault-dev = handleTest ./vault-dev.nix {};
@@ -899,4 +936,5 @@ in {
   zram-generator = handleTest ./zram-generator.nix {};
   zrepl = handleTest ./zrepl.nix {};
   zsh-history = handleTest ./zsh-history.nix {};
+  zwave-js = handleTest ./zwave-js.nix {};