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path: root/nixos/modules/virtualisation/qemu-vm.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/modules/virtualisation/qemu-vm.nix')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/modules/virtualisation/qemu-vm.nix b/nixos/modules/virtualisation/qemu-vm.nix
index 42e43f5ee02..d9935bcafb7 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/virtualisation/qemu-vm.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/virtualisation/qemu-vm.nix
@@ -7,17 +7,18 @@
 # the VM in the host.  On the other hand, the root filesystem is a
 # read/writable disk image persistent across VM reboots.
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+{ config, lib, pkgs, options, ... }:
 with lib;
 with import ../../lib/qemu-flags.nix { inherit pkgs; };
-  qemu = or pkgs.qemu_test;
   cfg = config.virtualisation;
+  qemu = cfg.qemu.package;
   consoles = lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (c: "console=${c}") cfg.qemu.consoles;
   driveOpts = { ... }: {
@@ -135,10 +136,8 @@ let
             cp ${bootDisk}/efi-vars.fd "$NIX_EFI_VARS" || exit 1
             chmod 0644 "$NIX_EFI_VARS" || exit 1
-        '' else ''
-        ''}
-      '' else ''
-      ''}
+        '' else ""}
+      '' else ""}
       cd $TMPDIR
@@ -186,10 +185,9 @@ let
                 cp ${efiVarsDefault} $efiVars
                 chmod 0644 $efiVars
-              '' else ''
-              ''}
+              '' else ""}
-          buildInputs = [ pkgs.utillinux ];
+          buildInputs = [ pkgs.util-linux ];
           QEMU_OPTS = "-nographic -serial stdio -monitor none"
                       + lib.optionalString cfg.useEFIBoot (
                         " -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,readonly=on,file=${efiFirmware}"
@@ -268,6 +266,8 @@ in
   options = {
+    virtualisation.fileSystems = options.fileSystems;
     virtualisation.memorySize =
       mkOption {
         default = 384;
@@ -277,6 +277,18 @@ in
+    virtualisation.msize =
+      mkOption {
+        default = null;
+        type = types.nullOr types.ints.unsigned;
+        description =
+          ''
+            msize (maximum packet size) option passed to 9p file systems, in
+            bytes. Increasing this should increase performance significantly,
+            at the cost of higher RAM usage.
+          '';
+      };
     virtualisation.diskSize =
       mkOption {
         default = 512;
@@ -401,6 +413,14 @@ in
     virtualisation.qemu = {
+      package =
+        mkOption {
+          type = types.package;
+          default = pkgs.qemu;
+          example = "pkgs.qemu_test";
+          description = "QEMU package to use.";
+        };
       options =
         mkOption {
           type = types.listOf types.unspecified;
@@ -653,11 +673,12 @@ in
     # attribute should be disregarded for the purpose of building a VM
     # test image (since those filesystems don't exist in the VM).
     fileSystems = mkVMOverride (
+      cfg.fileSystems //
       { "/".device = cfg.bootDevice;
         ${if cfg.writableStore then "/nix/.ro-store" else "/nix/store"} =
           { device = "store";
             fsType = "9p";
-            options = [ "trans=virtio" "version=9p2000.L" "cache=loose" ];
+            options = [ "trans=virtio" "version=9p2000.L" "cache=loose" ] ++ lib.optional (cfg.msize != null) "msize=${toString cfg.msize}";
             neededForBoot = true;
         "/tmp" = mkIf config.boot.tmpOnTmpfs
@@ -670,13 +691,13 @@ in
         "/tmp/xchg" =
           { device = "xchg";
             fsType = "9p";
-            options = [ "trans=virtio" "version=9p2000.L" ];
+            options = [ "trans=virtio" "version=9p2000.L" ] ++ lib.optional (cfg.msize != null) "msize=${toString cfg.msize}";
             neededForBoot = true;
         "/tmp/shared" =
           { device = "shared";
             fsType = "9p";
-            options = [ "trans=virtio" "version=9p2000.L" ];
+            options = [ "trans=virtio" "version=9p2000.L" ] ++ lib.optional (cfg.msize != null) "msize=${toString cfg.msize}";
             neededForBoot = true;
       } // optionalAttrs (cfg.writableStore && cfg.writableStoreUseTmpfs)
@@ -735,16 +756,19 @@ in
         (isEnabled "VIRTIO_PCI")
         (isEnabled "VIRTIO_NET")
         (isEnabled "EXT4_FS")
+        (isEnabled "NET_9P_VIRTIO")
+        (isEnabled "9P_FS")
         (isYes "BLK_DEV")
         (isYes "PCI")
-        (isYes "EXPERIMENTAL")
         (isYes "NETDEVICES")
         (isYes "NET_CORE")
         (isYes "INET")
         (isYes "NETWORK_FILESYSTEMS")
-      ] ++ optional (! [
+      ] ++ optionals (! [
         (isYes "SERIAL_8250_CONSOLE")
         (isYes "SERIAL_8250")
+      ] ++ optionals (cfg.writableStore) [
+        (isEnabled "OVERLAY_FS")