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path: root/nixos/modules/system/boot/loader/grub/grub.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/modules/system/boot/loader/grub/grub.nix')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/modules/system/boot/loader/grub/grub.nix b/nixos/modules/system/boot/loader/grub/grub.nix
index 20e39628eab..e183bc3648c 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/system/boot/loader/grub/grub.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/system/boot/loader/grub/grub.nix
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ let
         extraEntriesBeforeNixOS extraPrepareConfig configurationLimit copyKernels
         default fsIdentifier efiSupport efiInstallAsRemovable gfxmodeEfi gfxmodeBios gfxpayloadEfi gfxpayloadBios;
       path = with pkgs; makeBinPath (
-        [ coreutils gnused gnugrep findutils diffutils btrfs-progs utillinux mdadm ]
+        [ coreutils gnused gnugrep findutils diffutils btrfs-progs util-linux mdadm ]
         ++ optional (cfg.efiSupport && (cfg.version == 2)) efibootmgr
         ++ optionals cfg.useOSProber [ busybox os-prober ]);
       font = if cfg.font == null then ""
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ let
              else "${convertedFont}");
-  bootDeviceCounters = fold (device: attr: attr // { ${device} = (attr.${device} or 0) + 1; }) {}
+  bootDeviceCounters = foldr (device: attr: attr // { ${device} = (attr.${device} or 0) + 1; }) {}
     (concatMap (args: args.devices) cfg.mirroredBoots);
   convertedFont = (pkgs.runCommand "grub-font-converted.pf2" {}
@@ -327,6 +327,26 @@ in
+      extraInstallCommands = mkOption {
+        default = "";
+        example = literalExample ''
+          # the example below generates detached signatures that GRUB can verify
+          #
+          ''${pkgs.findutils}/bin/find /boot -not -path "/boot/efi/*" -type f -name '*.sig' -delete
+          old_gpg_home=$GNUPGHOME
+          export GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)"
+          ''${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpg --import ''${priv_key} > /dev/null 2>&1
+          ''${pkgs.findutils}/bin/find /boot -not -path "/boot/efi/*" -type f -exec ''${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpg --detach-sign "{}" \; > /dev/null 2>&1
+          rm -rf $GNUPGHOME
+          export GNUPGHOME=$old_gpg_home
+        '';
+        type = types.lines;
+        description = ''
+          Additional shell commands inserted in the bootloader installer
+          script after generating menu entries.
+        '';
+      };
       extraPerEntryConfig = mkOption {
         default = "";
         example = "root (hd0)";
@@ -705,17 +725,21 @@ in
           install-grub-pl = pkgs.substituteAll {
             src = ./;
-            inherit (pkgs) utillinux;
+            utillinux = pkgs.util-linux;
             btrfsprogs = pkgs.btrfs-progs;
+          perl = pkgs.perl.withPackages (p: with p; [
+            FileSlurp FileCopyRecursive
+            XMLLibXML XMLSAX XMLSAXBase
+            ListCompare JSON
+          ]);
         in pkgs.writeScript "" (''
         set -e
-        export PERL5LIB=${with pkgs.perlPackages; makePerlPath [ FileSlurp FileCopyRecursive XMLLibXML XMLSAX XMLSAXBase ListCompare JSON ]}
         ${optionalString cfg.enableCryptodisk "export GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y"}
       '' + flip concatMapStrings cfg.mirroredBoots (args: ''
-        ${pkgs.perl}/bin/perl ${install-grub-pl} ${grubConfig args} $@
-      ''));
+        ${perl}/bin/perl ${install-grub-pl} ${grubConfig args} $@
+      '') + cfg.extraInstallCommands); = grub;
@@ -741,7 +765,7 @@ in
             + "'boot.loader.grub.mirroredBoots' to make the system bootable.";
-          assertion = cfg.efiSupport || all (c: c < 2) (mapAttrsToList (_: c: c) bootDeviceCounters);
+          assertion = cfg.efiSupport || all (c: c < 2) (mapAttrsToList (n: c: if n == "nodev" then 0 else c) bootDeviceCounters);
           message = "You cannot have duplicated devices in mirroredBoots";