summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/nixos/modules/services
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/modules/services')
2 files changed, 783 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/icingaweb2/icingaweb2.nix b/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/icingaweb2/icingaweb2.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ccaa2cff1c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/icingaweb2/icingaweb2.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let
+  cfg =;
+  poolName = "icingaweb2";
+  phpfpmSocketName = "/var/run/phpfpm/${poolName}.sock";
+  formatBool = b: if b then "1" else "0";
+  configIni = let
+    config = cfg.generalConfig;
+  in ''
+    [global]
+    show_stacktraces = "${formatBool config.showStacktraces}"
+    show_application_state_messages = "${formatBool config.showApplicationStateMessages}"
+    module_path = "${pkgs.icingaweb2}/modules${optionalString (builtins.length config.modulePath > 0) ":${concatStringsSep ":" config.modulePath}"}"
+    config_backend = "${config.configBackend}"
+    ${optionalString (config.configBackend == "db") ''config_resource = "${config.configResource}"''}
+    [logging]
+    log = "${config.log}"
+    ${optionalString (config.log != "none") ''level = "${config.logLevel}"''}
+    ${optionalString (config.log == "php" || config.log == "syslog") ''application = "${config.logApplication}"''}
+    ${optionalString (config.log == "syslog") ''facility = "${config.logFacility}"''}
+    ${optionalString (config.log == "file") ''file = "${config.logFile}"''}
+    [themes]
+    default = "${config.themeDefault}"
+    disabled = "${formatBool config.themeDisabled}"
+    [authentication]
+    ${optionalString (config.authDefaultDomain != null) ''default_domain = "${config.authDefaultDomain}"''}
+  '';
+  resourcesIni = concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (name: config: ''
+    [${name}]
+    type = "${config.type}"
+    ${optionalString (config.type == "db") ''
+      db = "${config.db}"
+      host = "${}"
+      ${optionalString (config.port != null) ''port = "${toString config.port}"''}
+      username = "${config.username}"
+      password = "${config.password}"
+      dbname = "${config.dbname}"
+      ${optionalString (config.charset != null) ''charset = "${config.charset}"''}
+      use_ssl = "${formatBool config.useSSL}"
+      ${optionalString (config.sslCert != null) ''ssl_cert = "${config.sslCert}"''}
+      ${optionalString (config.sslKey != null) ''ssl_cert = "${config.sslKey}"''}
+      ${optionalString (config.sslCA != null) ''ssl_cert = "${config.sslCA}"''}
+      ${optionalString (config.sslCApath != null) ''ssl_cert = "${config.sslCApath}"''}
+      ${optionalString (config.sslCipher != null) ''ssl_cert = "${config.sslCipher}"''}
+    ''}
+    ${optionalString (config.type == "ldap") ''
+      hostname = "${}"
+      ${optionalString (config.port != null) ''port = "${toString config.port}"''}
+      root_dn = "${config.rootDN}"
+      bind_dn = "${config.username}"
+      bind_pw = "${config.password}"
+      encryption = "${config.ldapEncryption}"
+      timeout = "${toString config.ldapTimeout}"
+    ''}
+    ${optionalString (config.type == "ssh") ''
+      user = "${config.username}"
+      private_key = "${config.sshPrivateKey}"
+    ''}
+  '') cfg.resources);
+  authenticationIni = concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (name: config: ''
+    [${name}]
+    backend = "${config.backend}"
+    ${optionalString (config.domain != null) ''domain = "${config.domain}"''}
+    ${optionalString (config.backend == "external" && config.externalStripRegex != null) ''strip_username_regexp = "${config.externalStripRegex}"''}
+    ${optionalString (config.backend != "external") ''resource = "${config.resource}"''}
+    ${optionalString (config.backend == "ldap" || config.backend == "msldap") ''
+      ${optionalString (config.ldapUserClass != null) ''user_class = "${config.ldapUserClass}"''}
+      ${optionalString (config.ldapUserNameAttr != null) ''user_name_attribute = "${config.ldapUserNameAttr}"''}
+      ${optionalString (config.ldapFilter != null) ''filter = "${config.ldapFilter}"''}
+    ''}
+  '') cfg.authentications);
+  groupsIni = concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (name: config: ''
+    [${name}]
+    backend = "${config.backend}"
+    resource = "${config.resource}"
+    ${optionalString (config.backend != "db") ''
+      ${optionalString (config.ldapUserClass != null) ''user_class = "${config.ldapUserClass}"''}
+      ${optionalString (config.ldapUserNameAttr != null) ''user_name_attribute = "${config.ldapUserNameAttr}"''}
+      ${optionalString (config.ldapGroupClass != null) ''group_class = "${config.ldapGroupClass}"''}
+      ${optionalString (config.ldapGroupNameAttr != null) ''group_name_attribute = "${config.ldapGroupNameAttr}"''}
+      ${optionalString (config.ldapGroupFilter != null) ''group_filter = "${config.ldapGroupFilter}"''}
+    ''}
+    ${optionalString (config.backend == "msldap" && config.ldapNestedSearch) ''nested_group_search = "1"''}
+  '') cfg.groupBackends);
+  rolesIni = let
+    optionalList = var: attribute: optionalString (builtins.length var > 0) ''${attribute} = "${concatStringsSep "," var}"'';
+  in concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (name: config: ''
+    [${name}]
+    ${optionalList config.users "users"}
+    ${optionalList config.groups "groups"}
+    ${optionalList config.permissions "permissions"}
+    ${optionalList config.permissions "permissions"}
+    ${concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (key: value: optionalList value key) config.extraAssignments)}
+  '') cfg.roles);
+in {
+ = with types; {
+    enable = mkEnableOption "the icingaweb2 web interface";
+    pool = mkOption {
+      type = str;
+      default = "${poolName}";
+      description = ''
+         Name of existing PHP-FPM pool that is used to run Icingaweb2.
+         If not specified, a pool will automatically created with default values.
+      '';
+    };
+    virtualHost = mkOption {
+      type = nullOr str;
+      default = "icingaweb2";
+      description = ''
+        Name of the nginx virtualhost to use and setup. If null, no virtualhost is set up.
+      '';
+    };
+    timezone = mkOption {
+      type = str;
+      default = "UTC";
+      example = "Europe/Berlin";
+      description = "PHP-compliant timezone specification";
+    };
+    modules = {
+      doc.enable = mkEnableOption "the icingaweb2 doc module";
+      migrate.enable = mkEnableOption "the icingaweb2 migrate module";
+      setup.enable = mkEnableOption "the icingaweb2 setup module";
+      test.enable = mkEnableOption "the icingaweb2 test module";
+      translation.enable = mkEnableOption "the icingaweb2 translation module";
+    };
+    modulePackages = mkOption {
+      type = attrsOf package;
+      default = {};
+      example = literalExample ''
+        {
+          "snow" = pkgs.icingaweb2Modules.theme-snow;
+        }
+      '';
+      description = ''
+        Name-package attrset of Icingaweb 2 modules packages to enable.
+        If you enable modules manually (e.g. via the web ui), they will not be touched.
+      '';
+    };
+    generalConfig = {
+      mutable = mkOption {
+        type = bool;
+        default = false;
+        description = ''
+          Make config.ini mutable (e.g. via the web interface).
+          Not that you need to update module_path manually.
+        '';
+      };
+      showStacktraces = mkOption {
+        type = bool;
+        default = true;
+        description = "Enable stack traces in the Web UI";
+      };
+      showApplicationStateMessages = mkOption {
+        type = bool;
+        default = true;
+        description = "Enable application state messages in the Web UI";
+      };
+      modulePath = mkOption {
+        type = listOf str;
+        default = [];
+        description = "List of additional module search paths";
+      };
+      configBackend = mkOption {
+        type = enum [ "ini" "db" "none" ];
+        default = "db";
+        description = "Where to store user preferences";
+      };
+      configResource = mkOption {
+        type = nullOr str;
+        default = null;
+        description = "Database resource where user preferences are stored (if they are stored in a database)";
+      };
+      log = mkOption {
+        type = enum [ "syslog" "php" "file" "none" ];
+        default = "syslog";
+        description = "Logging target";
+      };
+      logLevel = mkOption {
+        type = enum [ "ERROR" "WARNING" "INFO" "DEBUG" ];
+        default = "ERROR";
+        description = "Maximum logging level to emit";
+      };
+      logApplication = mkOption {
+        type = str;
+        default = "icingaweb2";
+        description = "Application name to log under (syslog and php log)";
+      };
+      logFacility = mkOption {
+        type = enum [ "user" "local0" "local1" "local2" "local3" "local4" "local5" "local6" "local7" ];
+        default = "user";
+        description = "Syslog facility to log to";
+      };
+      logFile = mkOption {
+        type = str;
+        default = "/var/log/icingaweb2/icingaweb2.log";
+        description = "File to log to";
+      };
+      themeDefault = mkOption {
+        type = str;
+        default = "Icinga";
+        description = "Name of the default theme";
+      };
+      themeDisabled = mkOption {
+        type = bool;
+        default = false;
+        description = "Disallow users to change the theme";
+      };
+      authDefaultDomain = mkOption {
+        type = nullOr str;
+        default = null;
+        description = "Domain for users logging in without a qualified domain";
+      };
+    };
+    mutableResources = mkOption {
+      type = bool;
+      default = false;
+      description = "Make resources.ini mutable (e.g. via the web interface)";
+    };
+    resources = mkOption {
+      default = {};
+      description = "Icingaweb 2 resources to define";
+      type = attrsOf (submodule ({ name, ... }: {
+        options = {
+          name = mkOption {
+            visible = false;
+            default = name;
+            type = str;
+            description = "Name of this resource";
+          };
+          type = mkOption {
+            type = enum [ "db" "ldap" "ssh" ];
+            default = "db";
+            description = "Type of this resouce";
+          };
+          db = mkOption {
+            type = enum [ "mysql" "pgsql" ];
+            default = "mysql";
+            description = "Type of this database resource";
+          };
+          host = mkOption {
+            type = str;
+            description = "Host to connect to";
+          };
+          port = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr port;
+            default = null;
+            description = "Port to connect on";
+          };
+          username = mkOption {
+            type = str;
+            description = "Database or SSH user or LDAP bind DN to connect with";
+          };
+          password = mkOption {
+            type = str;
+            description = "Password for the database user or LDAP bind DN";
+          };
+          dbname = mkOption {
+            type = str;
+            description = "Name of the database to connect to";
+          };
+          charset = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            example = "utf8";
+            description = "Database character set to connect with";
+          };
+          useSSL = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr bool;
+            default = false;
+            description = "Whether to connect to the database using SSL";
+          };
+          sslCert = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "The file path to the SSL certificate. Only available for the mysql database.";
+          };
+          sslKey = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "The file path to the SSL key. Only available for the mysql database.";
+          };
+          sslCA = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "The file path to the SSL certificate authority. Only available for the mysql database.";
+          };
+          sslCApath = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "The file path to the directory that contains the trusted SSL CA certificates in PEM format. Only available for the mysql database.";
+          };
+          sslCipher = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "A list of one or more permissible ciphers to use for SSL encryption, in a format understood by OpenSSL. Only available for the mysql database.";
+          };
+          rootDN = mkOption {
+            type = str;
+            description = "Root object of the LDAP tree";
+          };
+          ldapEncryption = mkOption {
+            type = enum [ "none" "starttls" "ldaps" ];
+            default = "none";
+            description = "LDAP encryption to use";
+          };
+          ldapTimeout = mkOption {
+            type = ints.positive;
+            default = 5;
+            description = "Connection timeout for every LDAP connection";
+          };
+          sshPrivateKey = mkOption {
+            type = str;
+            description = "The path to the private key of the user";
+          };
+        };
+      }));
+    };
+    mutableAuthConfig = mkOption {
+      type = bool;
+      default = true;
+      description = "Make authentication.ini mutable (e.g. via the web interface)";
+    };
+    authentications = mkOption {
+      default = {};
+      description = "Icingaweb 2 authentications to define";
+      type = attrsOf (submodule ({ name, ... }: {
+        options = {
+          name = mkOption {
+            visible = false;
+            default = name;
+            type = str;
+            description = "Name of this authentication";
+          };
+          backend = mkOption {
+            type = enum [ "external" "ldap" "msldap" "db" ];
+            default = "db";
+            description = "The type of this authentication backend";
+          };
+          domain = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "Domain for domain-aware authentication";
+          };
+          externalStripRegex = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "Regular expression to strip off specific user name parts";
+          };
+          resource = mkOption {
+            type = str;
+            description = "Name of the database/LDAP resource";
+          };
+          ldapUserClass = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "LDAP user class";
+          };
+          ldapUserNameAttr = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "LDAP attribute which contains the username";
+          };
+          ldapFilter = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "LDAP search filter";
+          };
+        };
+      }));
+    };
+    mutableGroupsConfig = mkOption {
+      type = bool;
+      default = true;
+      description = "Make groups.ini mutable (e.g. via the web interface)";
+    };
+    groupBackends = mkOption {
+      default = {};
+      description = "Icingaweb 2 group backends to define";
+      type = attrsOf (submodule ({ name, ... }: {
+        options = {
+          name = mkOption {
+            visible = false;
+            default = name;
+            type = str;
+            description = "Name of this group backend";
+          };
+          backend = mkOption {
+            type = enum [ "ldap" "msldap" "db" ];
+            default = "db";
+            description = "The type of this group backend";
+          };
+          resource = mkOption {
+            type = str;
+            description = "Name of the database/LDAP resource";
+          };
+          ldapUserClass = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "LDAP user class";
+          };
+          ldapUserNameAttr = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "LDAP attribute which contains the username";
+          };
+          ldapGroupClass = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "LDAP group class";
+          };
+          ldapGroupNameAttr = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "LDAP attribute which contains the groupname";
+          };
+          ldapGroupFilter = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "LDAP group search filter";
+          };
+          ldapNestedSearch = mkOption {
+            type = bool;
+            default = false;
+            description = "Enable nested group search in Active Directory based on the user";
+          };
+        };
+      }));
+    };
+    mutableRolesConfig = mkOption {
+      type = bool;
+      default = true;
+      description = "Make roles.ini mutable (e.g. via the web interface)";
+    };
+    roles = mkOption {
+      default = {};
+      description = "Icingaweb 2 roles to define";
+      type = attrsOf (submodule ({ name, ... }: {
+        options = {
+          name = mkOption {
+            visible = false;
+            default = name;
+            type = str;
+            description = "Name of this role";
+          };
+          users = mkOption {
+            type = listOf str;
+            default = [];
+            description = "List of users that are assigned to the role";
+          };
+          groups = mkOption {
+            type = listOf str;
+            default = [];
+            description = "List of groups that are assigned to the role";
+          };
+          permissions = mkOption {
+            type = listOf str;
+            default = [];
+            example = [ "application/share/navigation" "config/*" ];
+            description = "The permissions to grant";
+          };
+          extraAssignments = mkOption {
+            type = attrsOf (listOf str);
+            default = {};
+            example = { "monitoring/blacklist/properties" = [ "sla" "customer"]; };
+            description = "Additional assignments of this role";
+          };
+        };
+      }));
+    };
+  };
+  config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+    services.phpfpm.poolConfigs = mkIf (cfg.pool == "${poolName}") {
+      "${poolName}" = ''
+        listen = "${phpfpmSocketName}"
+        listen.owner = nginx
+ = nginx
+        listen.mode = 0600
+        user = icingaweb2
+        pm = dynamic
+        pm.max_children = 75
+        pm.start_servers = 2
+        pm.min_spare_servers = 2
+        pm.max_spare_servers = 10
+      '';
+    };
+    services.phpfpm.phpOptions = mkIf (cfg.pool == "${poolName}")
+      ''
+        extension = ${pkgs.phpPackages.imagick}/lib/php/extensions/
+        date.timezone = "${cfg.timezone}"
+      '';
+"phpfpm-${poolName}".serviceConfig.ReadWritePaths = [ "/etc/icingaweb2" ];
+    services.nginx = {
+      enable = true;
+      virtualHosts = mkIf (cfg.virtualHost != null) {
+        "${cfg.virtualHost}" = {
+          root = "${pkgs.icingaweb2}/public";
+          extraConfig = ''
+            index index.php;
+            try_files $1 $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;
+          '';
+          locations."~ ..*/.*.php$".extraConfig = ''
+            return 403;
+          '';
+          locations."~ ^/index.php(.*)$".extraConfig = ''
+            fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
+            fastcgi_index index.php;
+            include ${}/conf/fastcgi.conf;
+            try_files $uri =404;
+            fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
+            fastcgi_pass unix:${phpfpmSocketName};
+            fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME ${pkgs.icingaweb2}/public/index.php;
+          '';
+        };
+      };
+    };
+    # /etc/icingaweb2
+    environment.etc = let
+      doModule = name: optionalAttrs (cfg.modules."${name}".enable) (nameValuePair "icingaweb2/enabledModules/${name}" { source = "${pkgs.icingaweb2}/modules/${name}"; });
+    in {}
+      # Module packages
+      // (mapAttrs' (k: v: nameValuePair "icingaweb2/enabledModules/${k}" { source = v; }) cfg.modulePackages)
+      # Built-in modules
+      // doModule "doc"
+      // doModule "migrate"
+      // doModule "setup"
+      // doModule "test"
+      // doModule "translation"
+      # Configs
+      // optionalAttrs (!cfg.generalConfig.mutable) { "icingaweb2/config.ini".text = configIni; }
+      // optionalAttrs (!cfg.mutableResources) { "icingaweb2/resources.ini".text = resourcesIni; }
+      // optionalAttrs (!cfg.mutableAuthConfig) { "icingaweb2/authentication.ini".text = authenticationIni; }
+      // optionalAttrs (!cfg.mutableGroupsConfig) { "icingaweb2/groups.ini".text = groupsIni; }
+      // optionalAttrs (!cfg.mutableRolesConfig) { "icingaweb2/roles.ini".text = rolesIni; };
+    # User and group
+    users.groups.icingaweb2 = {};
+    users.users.icingaweb2 = {
+      description = "Icingaweb2 service user";
+      group = "icingaweb2";
+      isSystemUser = true;
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/icingaweb2/module-monitoring.nix b/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/icingaweb2/module-monitoring.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..167e5e38956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/icingaweb2/module-monitoring.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let
+  cfg =;
+  configIni = ''
+    [security]
+    protected_customvars = "${concatStringsSep "," cfg.generalConfig.protectedVars}"
+  '';
+  backendsIni = let
+    formatBool = b: if b then "1" else "0";
+  in concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (name: config: ''
+    [${name}]
+    type = "ido"
+    resource = "${config.resource}"
+    disabled = "${formatBool config.disabled}"
+  '') cfg.backends);
+  transportsIni = concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (name: config: ''
+    [${name}]
+    type = "${config.type}"
+    ${optionalString (config.instance != null) ''instance = "${config.instance}"''}
+    ${optionalString (config.type == "local" || config.type == "remote") ''path = "${config.path}"''}
+    ${optionalString (config.type != "local") ''
+      host = "${}"
+      ${optionalString (config.port != null) ''port = "${toString config.port}"''}
+      user${optionalString (config.type == "api") "name"} = "${config.username}"
+    ''}
+    ${optionalString (config.type == "api") ''password = "${config.password}"''}
+    ${optionalString (config.type == "remote") ''resource = "${config.resource}"''}
+  '') cfg.transports);
+in {
+ = with types; {
+    enable = mkOption {
+      type = bool;
+      default = true;
+      description = "Whether to enable the icingaweb2 monitoring module.";
+    };
+    generalConfig = {
+      mutable = mkOption {
+        type = bool;
+        default = false;
+        description = "Make config.ini of the monitoring module mutable (e.g. via the web interface).";
+      };
+      protectedVars = mkOption {
+        type = listOf str;
+        default = [ "*pw*" "*pass*" "community" ];
+        description = "List of string patterns for custom variables which should be excluded from user’s view.";
+      };
+    };
+    mutableBackends = mkOption {
+      type = bool;
+      default = false;
+      description = "Make backends.ini of the monitoring module mutable (e.g. via the web interface).";
+    };
+    backends = mkOption {
+      default = { "icinga" = { resource = "icinga_ido"; }; };
+      description = "Monitoring backends to define";
+      type = attrsOf (submodule ({ name, ... }: {
+        options = {
+          name = mkOption {
+            visible = false;
+            default = name;
+            type = str;
+            description = "Name of this backend";
+          };
+          resource = mkOption {
+            type = str;
+            description = "Name of the IDO resource";
+          };
+          disabled = mkOption {
+            type = bool;
+            default = false;
+            description = "Disable this backend";
+          };
+        };
+      }));
+    };
+    mutableTransports = mkOption {
+      type = bool;
+      default = true;
+      description = "Make commandtransports.ini of the monitoring module mutable (e.g. via the web interface).";
+    };
+    transports = mkOption {
+      default = {};
+      description = "Command transports to define";
+      type = attrsOf (submodule ({ name, ... }: {
+        options = {
+          name = mkOption {
+            visible = false;
+            default = name;
+            type = str;
+            description = "Name of this transport";
+          };
+          type = mkOption {
+            type = enum [ "api" "local" "remote" ];
+            default = "api";
+            description = "Type of  this transport";
+          };
+          instance = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "Assign a icinga instance to this transport";
+          };
+          path = mkOption {
+            type = str;
+            description = "Path to the socket for local or remote transports";
+          };
+          host = mkOption {
+            type = str;
+            description = "Host for the api or remote transport";
+          };
+          port = mkOption {
+            type = nullOr str;
+            default = null;
+            description = "Port to connect to for the api or remote transport";
+          };
+          username = mkOption {
+            type = str;
+            description = "Username for the api or remote transport";
+          };
+          password = mkOption {
+            type = str;
+            description = "Password for the api transport";
+          };
+          resource = mkOption {
+            type = str;
+            description = "SSH identity resource for the remote transport";
+          };
+        };
+      }));
+    };
+  };
+  config = mkIf ( && cfg.enable) {
+    environment.etc = { "icingaweb2/enabledModules/monitoring" = { source = "${pkgs.icingaweb2}/modules/monitoring"; }; }
+      // optionalAttrs (!cfg.generalConfig.mutable) { "icingaweb2/modules/monitoring/config.ini".text = configIni; }
+      // optionalAttrs (!cfg.mutableBackends) { "icingaweb2/modules/monitoring/backends.ini".text = backendsIni; }
+      // optionalAttrs (!cfg.mutableTransports) { "icingaweb2/modules/monitoring/commandtransports.ini".text = transportsIni; };
+  };