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path: root/nixos/modules/services/x11/xserver.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/modules/services/x11/xserver.nix')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/x11/xserver.nix b/nixos/modules/services/x11/xserver.nix
index 400173745d3..37e004ae80a 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/x11/xserver.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/x11/xserver.nix
@@ -81,13 +81,7 @@ let
     monitors = forEach xrandrHeads (h: ''
       Option "monitor-${h.config.output}" "${}"
-    # First option is indented through the space in the config but any
-    # subsequent options aren't so we need to apply indentation to
-    # them here
-    monitorsIndented = if length monitors > 1
-      then singleton (head monitors) ++ map (m: "  " + m) (tail monitors)
-      else monitors;
-  in concatStrings monitorsIndented;
+  in concatStrings monitors;
   # Here we chain every monitor from the left to right, so we have:
   # m4 right of m3 right of m2 right of m1   .----.----.----.----.
@@ -113,14 +107,14 @@ let
   in concatMapStrings (getAttr "value") monitors;
   configFile = pkgs.runCommand "xserver.conf"
-    { xfs = optionalString (cfg.useXFS != false)
-        ''FontPath "${toString cfg.useXFS}"'';
+    { fontpath = optionalString (cfg.fontPath != null)
+        ''FontPath "${cfg.fontPath}"'';
       inherit (cfg) config;
       preferLocalBuild = true;
         echo 'Section "Files"' >> $out
-        echo $xfs >> $out
+        echo $fontpath >> $out
         for i in ${toString fontsForXServer}; do
           if test "''${i:0:''${#NIX_STORE}}" == "$NIX_STORE"; then
@@ -136,11 +130,17 @@ let
+        echo '${cfg.filesSection}' >> $out
         echo 'EndSection' >> $out
+        echo >> $out
         echo "$config" >> $out
       ''; # */
+  prefixStringLines = prefix: str:
+    concatMapStringsSep "\n" (line: prefix + line) (splitString "\n" str);
+  indent = prefixStringLines "  ";
@@ -151,6 +151,11 @@ in
       (mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "xserver" "startGnuPGAgent" ]
         "See the 16.09 release notes for more information.")
+      (mkRemovedOptionModule
+        [ "services" "xserver" "startDbusSession" ]
+        "The user D-Bus session is now always socket activated and this option can safely be removed.")
+      (mkRemovedOptionModule ["services" "xserver" "useXFS" ]
+        "Use services.xserver.fontPath instead of useXFS")
@@ -245,11 +250,10 @@ in
       videoDrivers = mkOption {
         type = types.listOf types.str;
-        # !!! We'd like "nv" here, but it segfaults the X server.
-        default = [ "radeon" "cirrus" "vesa" "modesetting" ];
+        default = [ "amdgpu" "radeon" "nouveau" "modesetting" "fbdev" ];
         example = [
-          "ati_unfree" "amdgpu" "amdgpu-pro"
-          "nv" "nvidia" "nvidiaLegacy390" "nvidiaLegacy340" "nvidiaLegacy304"
+          "nvidia" "nvidiaLegacy390" "nvidiaLegacy340" "nvidiaLegacy304"
+          "amdgpu-pro"
         # TODO(@oxij): think how to easily add the rest, like those nvidia things
         relatedPackages = concatLists
@@ -296,14 +300,6 @@ in
         description = "DPI resolution to use for X server.";
-      startDbusSession = mkOption {
-        type = types.bool;
-        default = true;
-        description = ''
-          Whether to start a new DBus session when you log in with dbus-launch.
-        '';
-      };
       updateDbusEnvironment = mkOption {
         type = types.bool;
         default = false;
@@ -361,9 +357,23 @@ in
         description = ''
           The contents of the configuration file of the X server
+          This option is set by multiple modules, and the configs are
+          concatenated together.
+          In Xorg configs the last config entries take precedence,
+          so you may want to use <literal>lib.mkAfter</literal> on this option
+          to override NixOS's defaults.
+      filesSection = mkOption {
+        type = types.lines;
+        default = "";
+        example = ''FontPath "/path/to/my/fonts"'';
+        description = "Contents of the first <literal>Files</literal> section of the X server configuration file.";
+      };
       deviceSection = mkOption {
         type = types.lines;
         default = "";
@@ -436,6 +446,7 @@ in
       serverFlagsSection = mkOption {
         default = "";
+        type = types.lines;
         example =
           Option "BlankTime" "0"
@@ -481,11 +492,15 @@ in
         description = "Default colour depth.";
-      useXFS = mkOption {
-        # FIXME: what's the type of this option?
-        default = false;
+      fontPath = mkOption {
+        type = types.nullOr types.str;
+        default = null;
         example = "unix/:7100";
-        description = "Determines how to connect to the X Font Server.";
+        description = ''
+          Set the X server FontPath. Defaults to null, which
+          means the compiled in defaults will be used. See
+          man xorg.conf for details.
+        '';
       tty = mkOption {
@@ -509,6 +524,19 @@ in
+      logFile = mkOption {
+        type = types.nullOr types.str;
+        default = "/dev/null";
+        example = "/var/log/Xorg.0.log";
+        description = ''
+          Controls the file Xorg logs to.
+          The default of <literal>/dev/null</literal> is set so that systemd services (like <literal>displayManagers</literal>) only log to the journal and don't create their own log files.
+          Setting this to <literal>null</literal> will not pass the <literal>-logfile</literal> argument to Xorg which allows it to log to its default logfile locations instead (see <literal>man Xorg</literal>). You probably only want this behaviour when running Xorg manually (e.g. via <literal>startx</literal>).
+        '';
+      };
       verbose = mkOption {
         type = types.nullOr;
         default = 3;
@@ -627,7 +655,7 @@ in
-        pkgs.xdg_utils
+        pkgs.xdg-utils
         xorg.xf86inputevdev.out # get evdev.4 man page
       ++ optional (elem "virtualbox" cfg.videoDrivers) xorg.xrefresh;
@@ -644,6 +672,7 @@ in
     # The default max inotify watches is 8192.
     # Nowadays most apps require a good number of inotify watches,
     # the value below is used by default on several other distros.
+    boot.kernel.sysctl."fs.inotify.max_user_instances" = mkDefault 524288;
     boot.kernel.sysctl."fs.inotify.max_user_watches" = mkDefault 524288;
     systemd.defaultUnit = mkIf cfg.autorun "";
@@ -669,25 +698,24 @@ in
         script = "${cfg.displayManager.job.execCmd}";
+        # Stop restarting if the display manager stops (crashes) 2 times
+        # in one minute. Starting X typically takes 3-4s.
+        startLimitIntervalSec = 30;
+        startLimitBurst = 3;
         serviceConfig = {
           Restart = "always";
           RestartSec = "200ms";
           SyslogIdentifier = "display-manager";
-          # Stop restarting if the display manager stops (crashes) 2 times
-          # in one minute. Starting X typically takes 3-4s.
-          StartLimitInterval = "30s";
-          StartLimitBurst = "3";
     services.xserver.displayManager.xserverArgs =
       [ "-config ${configFile}"
         "-xkbdir" "${cfg.xkbDir}"
-        # Log at the default verbosity level to stderr rather than /var/log/X.*.log.
-         "-logfile" "/dev/null"
       ] ++ optional (cfg.display != null) ":${toString cfg.display}"
         ++ optional (cfg.tty     != null) "vt${toString cfg.tty}"
         ++ optional (cfg.dpi     != null) "-dpi ${toString cfg.dpi}"
+        ++ optional (cfg.logFile != null) "-logfile ${toString cfg.logFile}"
         ++ optional (cfg.verbose != null) "-verbose ${toString cfg.verbose}"
         ++ optional (!cfg.enableTCP) "-nolisten tcp"
         ++ optional (cfg.autoRepeatDelay != null) "-ardelay ${toString cfg.autoRepeatDelay}"
@@ -702,7 +730,7 @@ in
     system.extraDependencies = singleton (pkgs.runCommand "xkb-validated" {
       inherit (cfg) xkbModel layout xkbVariant xkbOptions;
-      nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.xkbvalidate ];
+      nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs.buildPackages; [ xkbvalidate ];
       preferLocalBuild = true;
     } ''
       xkbvalidate "$xkbModel" "$layout" "$xkbVariant" "$xkbOptions"
@@ -714,29 +742,29 @@ in
         Section "ServerFlags"
           Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "on"
           Option "DontZap" "${if cfg.enableCtrlAltBackspace then "off" else "on"}"
-          ${cfg.serverFlagsSection}
+        ${indent cfg.serverFlagsSection}
         Section "Module"
-          ${cfg.moduleSection}
+        ${indent cfg.moduleSection}
         Section "Monitor"
           Identifier "Monitor[0]"
-          ${cfg.monitorSection}
+        ${indent cfg.monitorSection}
         # Additional "InputClass" sections
-        ${flip concatMapStrings cfg.inputClassSections (inputClassSection: ''
-        Section "InputClass"
-          ${inputClassSection}
-        EndSection
+        ${flip (concatMapStringsSep "\n") cfg.inputClassSections (inputClassSection: ''
+          Section "InputClass"
+          ${indent inputClassSection}
+          EndSection
         Section "ServerLayout"
           Identifier "Layout[all]"
-          ${cfg.serverLayoutSection}
+        ${indent cfg.serverLayoutSection}
           # Reference the Screen sections for each driver.  This will
           # cause the X server to try each in turn.
           ${flip concatMapStrings (filter (d: d.display) cfg.drivers) (d: ''
@@ -759,9 +787,9 @@ in
             Identifier "Device-${}[0]"
             Driver "${driver.driverName or}"
             ${if cfg.useGlamor then ''Option "AccelMethod" "glamor"'' else ""}
-            ${cfg.deviceSection}
-            ${driver.deviceSection or ""}
-            ${xrandrDeviceSection}
+          ${indent cfg.deviceSection}
+          ${indent (driver.deviceSection or "")}
+          ${indent xrandrDeviceSection}
           ${optionalString driver.display ''
@@ -772,18 +800,22 @@ in
                 Monitor "Monitor[0]"
-              ${cfg.screenSection}
-              ${driver.screenSection or ""}
+            ${indent cfg.screenSection}
+            ${indent (driver.screenSection or "")}
               ${optionalString (cfg.defaultDepth != 0) ''
                 DefaultDepth ${toString cfg.defaultDepth}
-                  ( != "virtualbox" &&
+                (
+         != "virtualbox"
+                  &&
                   (cfg.resolutions != [] ||
                     cfg.extraDisplaySettings != "" ||
-                    cfg.virtualScreen != null))
+                    cfg.virtualScreen != null
+                  )
+                )
                   f = depth:
@@ -791,7 +823,7 @@ in
                         Depth ${toString depth}
                         ${optionalString (cfg.resolutions != [])
                           "Modes ${concatMapStrings (res: ''"${toString res.x}x${toString res.y}"'') cfg.resolutions}"}
-                        ${cfg.extraDisplaySettings}
+                      ${indent cfg.extraDisplaySettings}
                         ${optionalString (cfg.virtualScreen != null)
                           "Virtual ${toString cfg.virtualScreen.x} ${toString cfg.virtualScreen.y}"}