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path: root/nixos/modules/services/security/fail2ban.nix
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 340 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/security/fail2ban.nix b/nixos/modules/services/security/fail2ban.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 67e1026dcef..00000000000
--- a/nixos/modules/services/security/fail2ban.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-with lib;
-  cfg =;
-  fail2banConf = pkgs.writeText "fail2ban.local" cfg.daemonConfig;
-  jailConf = pkgs.writeText "jail.local" ''
-    before = paths-nixos.conf
-    ${concatStringsSep "\n" (attrValues (flip mapAttrs cfg.jails (name: def:
-      optionalString (def != "")
-        ''
-          [${name}]
-          ${def}
-        '')))}
-  '';
-  pathsConf = pkgs.writeText "paths-nixos.conf" ''
-    # NixOS
-    before = paths-common.conf
-    after  = paths-overrides.local
-    [DEFAULT]
-  '';
-  ###### interface
-  options = {
-    services.fail2ban = {
-      enable = mkOption {
-        default = false;
-        type = types.bool;
-        description = ''
-          Whether to enable the fail2ban service.
-          See the documentation of <option>services.fail2ban.jails</option>
-          for what jails are enabled by default.
-        '';
-      };
-      package = mkOption {
-        default = pkgs.fail2ban;
-        defaultText = literalExpression "pkgs.fail2ban";
-        type = types.package;
-        example = literalExpression "pkgs.fail2ban_0_11";
-        description = "The fail2ban package to use for running the fail2ban service.";
-      };
-      packageFirewall = mkOption {
-        default = pkgs.iptables;
-        defaultText = literalExpression "pkgs.iptables";
-        type = types.package;
-        example = literalExpression "pkgs.nftables";
-        description = "The firewall package used by fail2ban service.";
-      };
-      extraPackages = mkOption {
-        default = [];
-        type = types.listOf types.package;
-        example = lib.literalExpression "[ pkgs.ipset ]";
-        description = ''
-          Extra packages to be made available to the fail2ban service. The example contains
-          the packages needed by the `iptables-ipset-proto6` action.
-        '';
-      };
-      maxretry = mkOption {
-        default = 3;
-        type = types.ints.unsigned;
-        description = "Number of failures before a host gets banned.";
-      };
-      banaction = mkOption {
-        default = "iptables-multiport";
-        type = types.str;
-        example = "nftables-multiport";
-        description = ''
-          Default banning action (e.g. iptables, iptables-new, iptables-multiport,
-          shorewall, etc) It is used to define action_* variables. Can be overridden
-          globally or per section within jail.local file
-        '';
-      };
-      banaction-allports = mkOption {
-        default = "iptables-allport";
-        type = types.str;
-        example = "nftables-allport";
-        description = ''
-          Default banning action (e.g. iptables, iptables-new, iptables-multiport,
-          shorewall, etc) It is used to define action_* variables. Can be overridden
-          globally or per section within jail.local file
-        '';
-      };
-      bantime-increment.enable = mkOption {
-        default = false;
-        type = types.bool;
-        description = ''
-          Allows to use database for searching of previously banned ip's to increase
-          a default ban time using special formula, default it is banTime * 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...
-        '';
-      };
-      bantime-increment.rndtime = mkOption {
-        default = "4m";
-        type = types.str;
-        example = "8m";
-        description = ''
-          "bantime-increment.rndtime" is the max number of seconds using for mixing with random time
-          to prevent "clever" botnets calculate exact time IP can be unbanned again
-        '';
-      };
-      bantime-increment.maxtime = mkOption {
-        default = "10h";
-        type = types.str;
-        example = "48h";
-        description = ''
-          "bantime-increment.maxtime" is the max number of seconds using the ban time can reach (don't grows further)
-        '';
-      };
-      bantime-increment.factor = mkOption {
-        default = "1";
-        type = types.str;
-        example = "4";
-        description = ''
-          "bantime-increment.factor" is a coefficient to calculate exponent growing of the formula or common multiplier,
-          default value of factor is 1 and with default value of formula, the ban time grows by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ...
-        '';
-      };
-      bantime-increment.formula = mkOption {
-        default = "ban.Time * (1<<(ban.Count if ban.Count<20 else 20)) * banFactor";
-        type = types.str;
-        example = "ban.Time * math.exp(float(ban.Count+1)*banFactor)/math.exp(1*banFactor)";
-        description = ''
-          "bantime-increment.formula" used by default to calculate next value of ban time, default value bellow,
-          the same ban time growing will be reached by multipliers 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...
-        '';
-      };
-      bantime-increment.multipliers = mkOption {
-        default = "1 2 4 8 16 32 64";
-        type = types.str;
-        example = "2 4 16 128";
-        description = ''
-          "bantime-increment.multipliers" used to calculate next value of ban time instead of formula, coresponding
-          previously ban count and given "bantime.factor" (for multipliers default is 1);
-          following example grows ban time by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ... and if last ban count greater as multipliers count,
-          always used last multiplier (64 in example), for factor '1' and original ban time 600 - 10.6 hours
-        '';
-      };
-      bantime-increment.overalljails = mkOption {
-        default = false;
-        type = types.bool;
-        example = true;
-        description = ''
-          "bantime-increment.overalljails"  (if true) specifies the search of IP in the database will be executed
-          cross over all jails, if false (dafault), only current jail of the ban IP will be searched
-        '';
-      };
-      ignoreIP = mkOption {
-        default = [ ];
-        type = types.listOf types.str;
-        example = [ "" "2001:DB8::42" ];
-        description = ''
-          "ignoreIP" can be a list of IP addresses, CIDR masks or DNS hosts. Fail2ban will not ban a host which
-          matches an address in this list. Several addresses can be defined using space (and/or comma) separator.
-        '';
-      };
-      daemonConfig = mkOption {
-        default = ''
-          [Definition]
-          logtarget = SYSLOG
-          socket    = /run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock
-          pidfile   = /run/fail2ban/
-          dbfile    = /var/lib/fail2ban/fail2ban.sqlite3
-        '';
-        type = types.lines;
-        description = ''
-          The contents of Fail2ban's main configuration file.  It's
-          generally not necessary to change it.
-       '';
-      };
-      jails = mkOption {
-        default = { };
-        example = literalExpression ''
-          { apache-nohome-iptables = '''
-              # Block an IP address if it accesses a non-existent
-              # home directory more than 5 times in 10 minutes,
-              # since that indicates that it's scanning.
-              filter   = apache-nohome
-              action   = iptables-multiport[name=HTTP, port="http,https"]
-              logpath  = /var/log/httpd/error_log*
-              findtime = 600
-              bantime  = 600
-              maxretry = 5
-            ''';
-          }
-        '';
-        type = types.attrsOf types.lines;
-        description = ''
-          The configuration of each Fail2ban “jail”.  A jail
-          consists of an action (such as blocking a port using
-          <command>iptables</command>) that is triggered when a
-          filter applied to a log file triggers more than a certain
-          number of times in a certain time period.  Actions are
-          defined in <filename>/etc/fail2ban/action.d</filename>,
-          while filters are defined in
-          <filename>/etc/fail2ban/filter.d</filename>.
-          NixOS comes with a default <literal>sshd</literal> jail;
-          for it to work well,
-          <option>services.openssh.logLevel</option> should be set to
-          <literal>"VERBOSE"</literal> or higher so that fail2ban
-          can observe failed login attempts.
-          This module sets it to <literal>"VERBOSE"</literal> if
-          not set otherwise, so enabling fail2ban can make SSH logs
-          more verbose.
-        '';
-      };
-    };
-  };
-  ###### implementation
-  config = mkIf cfg.enable {
-    warnings = mkIf (config.networking.firewall.enable == false && config.networking.nftables.enable == false) [
-      "fail2ban can not be used without a firewall"
-    ];
-    environment.systemPackages = [ cfg.package ];
-    environment.etc = {
-      "fail2ban/fail2ban.local".source = fail2banConf;
-      "fail2ban/jail.local".source = jailConf;
-      "fail2ban/fail2ban.conf".source = "${cfg.package}/etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.conf";
-      "fail2ban/jail.conf".source = "${cfg.package}/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf";
-      "fail2ban/paths-common.conf".source = "${cfg.package}/etc/fail2ban/paths-common.conf";
-      "fail2ban/paths-nixos.conf".source = pathsConf;
-      "fail2ban/action.d".source = "${cfg.package}/etc/fail2ban/action.d/*.conf";
-      "fail2ban/filter.d".source = "${cfg.package}/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/*.conf";
-    };
- = {
-      description = "Fail2ban Intrusion Prevention System";
-      wantedBy = [ "" ];
-      after = [ "" ];
-      partOf = optional config.networking.firewall.enable "firewall.service";
-      restartTriggers = [ fail2banConf jailConf pathsConf ];
-      path = [ cfg.package cfg.packageFirewall pkgs.iproute2 ] ++ cfg.extraPackages;
-      unitConfig.Documentation = "man:fail2ban(1)";
-      serviceConfig = {
-        ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/fail2ban-server -xf start";
-        ExecStop = "${cfg.package}/bin/fail2ban-server stop";
-        ExecReload = "${cfg.package}/bin/fail2ban-server reload";
-        Type = "simple";
-        Restart = "on-failure";
-        PIDFile = "/run/fail2ban/";
-        # Capabilities
-        CapabilityBoundingSet = [ "CAP_AUDIT_READ" "CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH" "CAP_NET_ADMIN" "CAP_NET_RAW" ];
-        # Security
-        NoNewPrivileges = true;
-        # Directory
-        RuntimeDirectory = "fail2ban";
-        RuntimeDirectoryMode = "0750";
-        StateDirectory = "fail2ban";
-        StateDirectoryMode = "0750";
-        LogsDirectory = "fail2ban";
-        LogsDirectoryMode = "0750";
-        # Sandboxing
-        ProtectSystem = "strict";
-        ProtectHome = true;
-        PrivateTmp = true;
-        PrivateDevices = true;
-        ProtectHostname = true;
-        ProtectKernelTunables = true;
-        ProtectKernelModules = true;
-        ProtectControlGroups = true;
-      };
-    };
-    # Add some reasonable default jails.  The special "DEFAULT" jail
-    # sets default values for all other jails.
-    services.fail2ban.jails.DEFAULT = ''
-      ${optionalString cfg.bantime-increment.enable ''
-        # Bantime incremental
-        bantime.increment    = ${boolToString cfg.bantime-increment.enable}
-        bantime.maxtime      = ${cfg.bantime-increment.maxtime}
-        bantime.factor       = ${cfg.bantime-increment.factor}
-        bantime.formula      = ${cfg.bantime-increment.formula}
-        bantime.multipliers  = ${cfg.bantime-increment.multipliers}
-        bantime.overalljails = ${boolToString cfg.bantime-increment.overalljails}
-      ''}
-      # Miscellaneous options
-      ignoreip    = ${optionalString config.networking.enableIPv6 "::1"} ${concatStringsSep " " cfg.ignoreIP}
-      maxretry    = ${toString cfg.maxretry}
-      backend     = systemd
-      # Actions
-      banaction   = ${cfg.banaction}
-      banaction_allports = ${cfg.banaction-allports}
-    '';
-    # Block SSH if there are too many failing connection attempts.
-    # Benefits from verbose sshd logging to observe failed login attempts,
-    # so we set that here unless the user overrode it.
-    services.openssh.logLevel = lib.mkDefault "VERBOSE";
-    services.fail2ban.jails.sshd = mkDefault ''
-      enabled = true
-      port    = ${concatMapStringsSep "," (p: toString p)}
-    '';
-  };