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path: root/nixos/modules/programs/environment.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/modules/programs/environment.nix')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/modules/programs/environment.nix b/nixos/modules/programs/environment.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a448727be77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/programs/environment.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# This module defines a standard configuration for NixOS global environment.
+# Most of the stuff here should probably be moved elsewhere sometime.
+{ config, lib, ... }:
+with lib;
+  cfg = config.environment;
+  config = {
+    environment.variables =
+      { NIXPKGS_CONFIG = "/etc/nix/nixpkgs-config.nix";
+        # note: many programs exec() this directly, so default options for less must not
+        # be specified here; do so in the default value of programs.less.envVariables instead
+        PAGER = mkDefault "less";
+        EDITOR = mkDefault "nano";
+        XDG_CONFIG_DIRS = [ "/etc/xdg" ]; # needs to be before profile-relative paths to allow changes through environment.etc
+      };
+    # since we set PAGER to this above, make sure it's installed
+    programs.less.enable = true;
+    environment.profiles = mkAfter
+      [ "/nix/var/nix/profiles/default"
+        "/run/current-system/sw"
+      ];
+    # TODO: move most of these elsewhere
+    environment.profileRelativeSessionVariables =
+      { PATH = [ "/bin" ];
+        INFOPATH = [ "/info" "/share/info" ];
+        KDEDIRS = [ "" ];
+        QT_PLUGIN_PATH = [ "/lib/qt4/plugins" "/lib/kde4/plugins" ];
+        QTWEBKIT_PLUGIN_PATH = [ "/lib/mozilla/plugins/" ];
+        GTK_PATH = [ "/lib/gtk-2.0" "/lib/gtk-3.0" "/lib/gtk-4.0" ];
+        XDG_CONFIG_DIRS = [ "/etc/xdg" ];
+        XDG_DATA_DIRS = [ "/share" ];
+        MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH = [ "/lib/mozilla/plugins" ];
+        LIBEXEC_PATH = [ "/lib/libexec" ];
+      };
+    environment.pathsToLink = [ "/lib/gtk-2.0" "/lib/gtk-3.0" "/lib/gtk-4.0" ];
+    environment.extraInit =
+      ''
+         unset ASPELL_CONF
+         for i in ${concatStringsSep " " (reverseList cfg.profiles)} ; do
+           if [ -d "$i/lib/aspell" ]; then
+             export ASPELL_CONF="dict-dir $i/lib/aspell"
+           fi
+         done
+         export NIX_USER_PROFILE_DIR="/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$USER"
+         export NIX_PROFILES="${concatStringsSep " " (reverseList cfg.profiles)}"
+      '';
+  };