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path: root/nixos/lib/make-options-doc/default.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/lib/make-options-doc/default.nix')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/lib/make-options-doc/default.nix b/nixos/lib/make-options-doc/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..57652dd5db1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/lib/make-options-doc/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+/* Generate JSON, XML and DocBook documentation for given NixOS options.
+   Minimal example:
+    { pkgs,  }:
+    let
+      eval = import (pkgs.path + "/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix") {
+        baseModules = [
+          ../module.nix
+        ];
+        modules = [];
+      };
+    in pkgs.nixosOptionsDoc {
+      options = eval.options;
+    }
+{ pkgs
+, lib
+, options
+, transformOptions ?  # function for additional tranformations of the options
+, revision ? "" # Specify revision for the options
+# a set of options the docs we are generating will be merged into, as if by recursiveUpdate.
+# used to split the options doc build into a static part (nixos/modules) and a dynamic part
+# (non-nixos modules imported via configuration.nix, other module sources).
+, baseOptionsJSON ? null
+# instead of printing warnings for eg options with missing descriptions (which may be lost
+# by nix build unless -L is given), emit errors instead and fail the build
+, warningsAreErrors ? true
+  # Make a value safe for JSON. Functions are replaced by the string "<function>",
+  # derivations are replaced with an attrset
+  # { _type = "derivation"; name = <name of that derivation>; }.
+  # We need to handle derivations specially because consumers want to know about them,
+  # but we can't easily use the type,name subset of keys (since type is often used as
+  # a module option and might cause confusion). Use _type,name instead to the same
+  # effect, since _type is already used by the module system.
+  substSpecial = x:
+    if lib.isDerivation x then { _type = "derivation"; name =; }
+    else if builtins.isAttrs x then lib.mapAttrs (name: substSpecial) x
+    else if builtins.isList x then map substSpecial x
+    else if lib.isFunction x then "<function>"
+    else x;
+  optionsList = lib.flip map optionsListVisible
+   (opt: transformOptions opt
+    // lib.optionalAttrs (opt ? example) { example = substSpecial opt.example; }
+    // lib.optionalAttrs (opt ? default) { default = substSpecial opt.default; }
+    // lib.optionalAttrs (opt ? type) { type = substSpecial opt.type; }
+    // lib.optionalAttrs (opt ? relatedPackages && opt.relatedPackages != []) { relatedPackages = genRelatedPackages opt.relatedPackages; }
+   );
+  # Generate DocBook documentation for a list of packages. This is
+  # what `relatedPackages` option of `mkOption` from
+  # ../../../lib/options.nix influences.
+  #
+  # Each element of `relatedPackages` can be either
+  # - a string:  that will be interpreted as an attribute name from `pkgs` and turned into a link
+  #              to,
+  # - a list:    that will be interpreted as an attribute path from `pkgs` and turned into a link
+  #              to,
+  # - an attrset: that can specify `name`, `path`, `comment`
+  #   (either of `name`, `path` is required, the rest are optional).
+  #
+  # NOTE: No checks against `pkgs` are made to ensure that the referenced package actually exists.
+  # Such checks are not compatible with option docs caching.
+  genRelatedPackages = packages: optName:
+    let
+      unpack = p: if lib.isString p then { name = p; }
+                  else if lib.isList p then { path = p; }
+                  else p;
+      describe = args:
+        let
+          title = args.title or null;
+          name = or (lib.concatStringsSep "." args.path);
+        in ''
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              <link xlink:href="${name}&amp;sort=relevance&amp;query=${name}">
+                <literal>${lib.optionalString (title != null) "${title} aka "}pkgs.${name}</literal>
+              </link>
+            </para>
+            ${lib.optionalString (args ? comment) "<para>${args.comment}</para>"}
+          </listitem>
+        '';
+    in "<itemizedlist>${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (p: describe (unpack p)) packages)}</itemizedlist>";
+  # Remove invisible and internal options.
+  optionsListVisible = lib.filter (opt: opt.visible && !opt.internal) (lib.optionAttrSetToDocList options);
+  optionsNix = builtins.listToAttrs (map (o: { name =; value = removeAttrs o ["name" "visible" "internal"]; }) optionsList);
+in rec {
+  inherit optionsNix;
+  optionsAsciiDoc = pkgs.runCommand "options.adoc" {} ''
+    ${pkgs.python3Minimal}/bin/python ${./} \
+      < ${optionsJSON}/share/doc/nixos/options.json \
+      > $out
+  '';
+  optionsCommonMark = pkgs.runCommand "" {} ''
+    ${pkgs.python3Minimal}/bin/python ${./} \
+      < ${optionsJSON}/share/doc/nixos/options.json \
+      > $out
+  '';
+  optionsJSON = pkgs.runCommand "options.json"
+    { meta.description = "List of NixOS options in JSON format";
+      buildInputs = [ pkgs.brotli ];
+      options = builtins.toFile "options.json"
+        (builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext (builtins.toJSON optionsNix));
+    }
+    ''
+      # Export list of options in different format.
+      dst=$out/share/doc/nixos
+      mkdir -p $dst
+      ${
+        if baseOptionsJSON == null
+          then "cp $options $dst/options.json"
+          else ''
+            ${pkgs.python3Minimal}/bin/python ${./} \
+              ${lib.optionalString warningsAreErrors "--warnings-are-errors"} \
+              ${baseOptionsJSON} $options \
+              > $dst/options.json
+          ''
+      }
+      brotli -9 < $dst/options.json > $dst/
+      mkdir -p $out/nix-support
+      echo "file json $dst/options.json" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
+      echo "file json-br $dst/" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
+    '';
+  # Convert options.json into an XML file.
+  # The actual generation of the xml file is done in nix purely for the convenience
+  # of not having to generate the xml some other way
+  optionsXML = pkgs.runCommand "options.xml" {} ''
+    export NIX_STORE_DIR=$TMPDIR/store
+    export NIX_STATE_DIR=$TMPDIR/state
+    ${pkgs.nix}/bin/nix-instantiate \
+      --eval --xml --strict ${./optionsJSONtoXML.nix} \
+      --argstr file ${optionsJSON}/share/doc/nixos/options.json \
+      > "$out"
+  '';
+  optionsDocBook = pkgs.runCommand "options-docbook.xml" {} ''
+    optionsXML=${optionsXML}
+    if grep /nixpkgs/nixos/modules $optionsXML; then
+      echo "The manual appears to depend on the location of Nixpkgs, which is bad"
+      echo "since this prevents sharing via the NixOS channel.  This is typically"
+      echo "caused by an option default that refers to a relative path (see above"
+      echo "for hints about the offending path)."
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ${pkgs.python3Minimal}/bin/python ${./} $optionsXML sorted.xml
+    ${pkgs.libxslt.bin}/bin/xsltproc \
+      --stringparam revision '${revision}' \
+      -o intermediate.xml ${./options-to-docbook.xsl} sorted.xml
+    ${pkgs.libxslt.bin}/bin/xsltproc \
+      -o "$out" ${./postprocess-option-descriptions.xsl} intermediate.xml
+  '';