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path: root/nixos/doc/manual/development/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/doc/manual/development/ b/nixos/doc/manual/development/
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index 7de57d0d2a3..00000000000
--- a/nixos/doc/manual/development/
+++ /dev/null
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-# Writing Tests {#sec-writing-nixos-tests}
-A NixOS test is a Nix expression that has the following structure:
-import ./make-test-python.nix {
-  # Either the configuration of a single machine:
-  machine =
-    { config, pkgs, ... }:
-    { configuration…
-    };
-  # Or a set of machines:
-  nodes =
-    { machine1 =
-        { config, pkgs, ... }: { … };
-      machine2 =
-        { config, pkgs, ... }: { … };
-      …
-    };
-  testScript =
-    ''
-      Python code…
-    '';
-The attribute `testScript` is a bit of Python code that executes the
-test (described below). During the test, it will start one or more
-virtual machines, the configuration of which is described by the
-attribute `machine` (if you need only one machine in your test) or by
-the attribute `nodes` (if you need multiple machines). For instance,
-only needs a single machine to test whether users can log in
-on the virtual console, whether device ownership is correctly maintained
-when switching between consoles, and so on. On the other hand,
-which tests NFS client and server functionality in the
-Linux kernel (including whether locks are maintained across server
-crashes), requires three machines: a server and two clients.
-There are a few special NixOS configuration options for test VMs:
-:   The memory of the VM in megabytes.
-:   The virtual networks to which the VM is connected. See
-    [`nat.nix`](
-    for an example.
-:   By default, the Nix store in the VM is not writable. If you enable
-    this option, a writable union file system is mounted on top of the
-    Nix store to make it appear writable. This is necessary for tests
-    that run Nix operations that modify the store.
-For more options, see the module
-The test script is a sequence of Python statements that perform various
-actions, such as starting VMs, executing commands in the VMs, and so on.
-Each virtual machine is represented as an object stored in the variable
-`name` if this is also the identifier of the machine in the declarative
-config. If you didn\'t specify multiple machines using the `nodes`
-attribute, it is just `machine`. The following example starts the
-machine, waits until it has finished booting, then executes a command
-and checks that the output is more-or-less correct:
-if not "Linux" in machine.succeed("uname"):
-  raise Exception("Wrong OS")
-The first line is actually unnecessary; machines are implicitly started
-when you first execute an action on them (such as `wait_for_unit` or
-`succeed`). If you have multiple machines, you can speed up the test by
-starting them in parallel:
-## Machine objects {#ssec-machine-objects}
-The following methods are available on machine objects:
-:   Start the virtual machine. This method is asynchronous --- it does
-    not wait for the machine to finish booting.
-:   Shut down the machine, waiting for the VM to exit.
-:   Simulate a sudden power failure, by telling the VM to exit
-    immediately.
-:   Simulate unplugging the Ethernet cable that connects the machine to
-    the other machines.
-:   Undo the effect of `block`.
-:   Take a picture of the display of the virtual machine, in PNG format.
-    The screenshot is linked from the HTML log.
-:   Return a list of different interpretations of what is currently
-    visible on the machine\'s screen using optical character
-    recognition. The number and order of the interpretations is not
-    specified and is subject to change, but if no exception is raised at
-    least one will be returned.
-    ::: {.note}
-    This requires passing `enableOCR` to the test attribute set.
-    :::
-:   Return a textual representation of what is currently visible on the
-    machine\'s screen using optical character recognition.
-    ::: {.note}
-    This requires passing `enableOCR` to the test attribute set.
-    :::
-:   Send a command to the QEMU monitor. This is rarely used, but allows
-    doing stuff such as attaching virtual USB disks to a running
-    machine.
-:   Simulate pressing keys on the virtual keyboard, e.g.,
-    `send_key("ctrl-alt-delete")`.
-:   Simulate typing a sequence of characters on the virtual keyboard,
-    e.g., `send_chars("foobar\n")` will type the string `foobar`
-    followed by the Enter key.
-:   Execute a shell command, returning a list `(status, stdout)`.
-    If the command detaches, it must close stdout, as `execute` will wait
-    for this to consume all output reliably. This can be achieved by
-    redirecting stdout to stderr `>&2`, to `/dev/console`, `/dev/null` or
-    a file. Examples of detaching commands are `sleep 365d &`, where the
-    shell forks a new process that can write to stdout and `xclip -i`, where
-    the `xclip` command itself forks without closing stdout.
-    Takes an optional parameter `check_return` that defaults to `True`.
-    Setting this parameter to `False` will not check for the return code
-    and return -1 instead. This can be used for commands that shut down
-    the VM and would therefore break the pipe that would be used for
-    retrieving the return code.
-:   Execute a shell command, raising an exception if the exit status is
-    not zero, otherwise returning the standard output. Commands are run
-    with `set -euo pipefail` set:
-    -   If several commands are separated by `;` and one fails, the
-        command as a whole will fail.
-    -   For pipelines, the last non-zero exit status will be returned
-        (if there is one, zero will be returned otherwise).
-    -   Dereferencing unset variables fail the command.
-    -   It will wait for stdout to be closed. See `execute` for the
-        implications.
-:   Like `succeed`, but raising an exception if the command returns a zero
-    status.
-:   Repeat a shell command with 1-second intervals until it succeeds.
-:   Repeat a shell command with 1-second intervals until it fails.
-:   Wait until the specified systemd unit has reached the "active"
-    state.
-:   Wait until the specified file exists.
-:   Wait until a process is listening on the given TCP port (on
-    `localhost`, at least).
-:   Wait until nobody is listening on the given TCP port.
-:   Wait until the X11 server is accepting connections.
-:   Wait until the supplied regular expressions matches the textual
-    contents of the screen by using optical character recognition (see
-    `get_screen_text` and `get_screen_text_variants`).
-    ::: {.note}
-    This requires passing `enableOCR` to the test attribute set.
-    :::
-:   Wait until the supplied regular expressions match a line of the
-    serial console output. This method is useful when OCR is not
-    possibile or accurate enough.
-:   Wait until an X11 window has appeared whose name matches the given
-    regular expression, e.g., `wait_for_window("Terminal")`.
-:   Copies a file from host to machine, e.g.,
-    `copy_from_host("myfile", "/etc/my/important/file")`.
-    The first argument is the file on the host. The file needs to be
-    accessible while building the nix derivation. The second argument is
-    the location of the file on the machine.
-:   Runs `systemctl` commands with optional support for
-    `systemctl --user`
-    ```py
-    machine.systemctl("list-jobs --no-pager") # runs `systemctl list-jobs --no-pager`
-    machine.systemctl("list-jobs --no-pager", "any-user") # spawns a shell for `any-user` and runs `systemctl --user list-jobs --no-pager`
-    ```
-:   Allows you to directly interact with the guest shell. This should
-    only be used during test development, not in production tests.
-    Killing the interactive session with `Ctrl-d` or `Ctrl-c` also ends
-    the guest session.
-To test user units declared by `` the optional
-`user` argument can be used:
-machine.wait_for_unit("xautolock.service", "x-session-user")
-This applies to `systemctl`, `get_unit_info`, `wait_for_unit`,
-`start_job` and `stop_job`.
-For faster dev cycles it\'s also possible to disable the code-linters
-(this shouldn\'t be commited though):
-import ./make-test-python.nix {
-  skipLint = true;
-  machine =
-    { config, pkgs, ... }:
-    { configuration…
-    };
-  testScript =
-    ''
-      Python code…
-    '';
-This will produce a Nix warning at evaluation time. To fully disable the
-linter, wrap the test script in comment directives to disable the Black
-linter directly (again, don\'t commit this within the Nixpkgs
-  testScript =
-    ''
-      # fmt: off
-      Python code…
-      # fmt: on
-    '';
-## Failing tests early {#ssec-failing-tests-early}
-To fail tests early when certain invariables are no longer met (instead of waiting for the build to time out), the decorator `polling_condition` is provided. For example, if we are testing a program `foo` that should not quit after being started, we might write the following:
-def foo_running():
-    machine.succeed("pgrep -x foo")
-machine.succeed("foo --start")
-machine.wait_until_succeeds("pgrep -x foo")
-with foo_running:
-    ...  # Put `foo` through its paces
-`polling_condition` takes the following (optional) arguments:
-    specifies how often the condition should be polled:
-    ```py
-    @polling_condition(seconds_interval=10)
-    def foo_running():
-        machine.succeed("pgrep -x foo")
-    ```
-    is used in the log when the condition is checked. If this is not provided, the description is pulled from the docstring of the function. These two are therefore equivalent:
-    ```py
-    @polling_condition
-    def foo_running():
-        "check that foo is running"
-        machine.succeed("pgrep -x foo")
-    ```
-    ```py
-    @polling_condition(description="check that foo is running")
-    def foo_running():
-        machine.succeed("pgrep -x foo")
-    ```