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path: root/nixos/doc/manual/development.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/doc/manual/development.xml')
1 files changed, 599 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/doc/manual/development.xml b/nixos/doc/manual/development.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d8b5f6f571c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/doc/manual/development.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+<chapter xmlns=""
+         xmlns:xlink="">
+<para>This chapter has some random notes on hacking on
+<title>Hacking on NixOS</title>
+<para>By default, NixOS’s <command>nixos-rebuild</command> command
+uses the NixOS and Nixpkgs sources provided by the
+<literal>nixos-unstable</literal> channel (kept in
+To modify NixOS, however, you should check out the latest sources from
+Git.  This is done using the following command:
+$ nixos-checkout <replaceable>/my/sources</replaceable>
+$ mkdir -p <replaceable>/my/sources</replaceable>
+$ cd <replaceable>/my/sources</replaceable>
+$ nix-env -i git
+$ git clone git://
+$ git clone git://
+This will check out the latest NixOS sources to
+<filename><replaceable>/my/sources</replaceable>/nixos</filename> and
+the Nixpkgs sources to
+If you want to rebuild your system using your (modified) sources, you
+need to tell <command>nixos-rebuild</command> about them using the
+<option>-I</option> flag:
+$ nixos-rebuild switch -I <replaceable>/my/sources</replaceable>
+<para><command>nixos-rebuild</command> affects only the system profile.
+To install packages to your user profile from expressions in
+<replaceable>/my/sources</replaceable>, use
+<command>nix-env -f <replaceable>/my/sources</replaceable>/nixpkgs</command>,
+or change the default by replacing the symlink in
+$ rm -f ~/.nix-defexpr/channels
+$ ln -s <replaceable>/my/sources</replaceable>/nixpkgs ~/.nix-defexpr/nixpkgs
+<para>You should not pass the base directory
+to <command>nix-env</command>, as it will break after interpreting expressions
+in <filename>nixos/</filename> as packages.</para>
+<title>Extending NixOS</title>
+<para>NixOS is based on a modular system for declarative configuration.
+  This system combines multiple <emphasis>modules</emphasis> to produce one
+  configuration.  One of the module which compose your computer
+  configuration is <filename>/etc/nixos/configuration.nix</filename>.  Other
+  modules are available under NixOS <filename>modules</filename>
+  directory</para>
+<para>A module is a file which handles one specific part of the
+  configuration.  This part of the configuration could correspond to
+  hardware, a service, network settings, or preferences.  A module
+  configuration does not have to handle everything from scratch, it can base
+  its configuration on other configurations provided by other modules.  Thus
+  a module can <emphasis>define</emphasis> options to setup its
+  configuration, and it can also <emphasis>declare</emphasis> options to be
+  fed by other modules.</para>
+<!-- module syntax -->
+<para xml:id="para-module-syn">A module is a file which contains a Nix
+  expression.  This expression should be either an expression which gets
+  evaluated into an attribute set or a function which returns an attribute
+  set.</para>
+<para>When the expression is a function, it should expect only one argument
+  which is an attribute set containing an attribute
+  named <varname>config</varname> and another attribute
+  named <varname>pkgs</varname>.  The <varname>config</varname> attribute
+  contains the result of the merge of all modules.  This attribute is
+  evaluated lazily, such as any Nix expression.  For more details on how
+  options are merged, see the details in <xref linkend="para-opt-decl"/>.
+  The <varname>pkgs</varname> attribute
+  contains <emphasis>nixpkgs</emphasis> attribute set of packages.  This
+  attribute is necessary for declaring options.</para>
+<example xml:id='module-syntax'><title>Usual module content</title>
+{ config, pkgs, ... }: <co xml:id='module-syntax-1' />
+  imports =
+    [ <co xml:id='module-syntax-2' />
+    ];
+  options = {
+    <co xml:id='module-syntax-3' />
+  };
+  config = {
+    <co xml:id='module-syntax-4' />
+  };
+<para><xref linkend='module-syntax' /> Illustrates
+  a <emphasis>module</emphasis> skeleton.
+  <callout arearefs='module-syntax-1'>
+    <para>This line makes the current Nix expression a function.  This
+    line can be omitted if there is no reference to <varname>pkgs</varname>
+    and <varname>config</varname> inside the module.</para>
+  </callout>
+  <callout arearefs='module-syntax-2'>
+    <para>This list is used to enumerate path to other modules which are
+    declaring options used by the current module.  In NixOS, default modules
+    are listed in the file <filename>modules/module-list.nix</filename>.
+    The default modules don't need to be added in the import list.</para>
+  </callout>
+  <callout arearefs='module-syntax-3'>
+    <para>This attribute set contains an attribute set of <emphasis>option
+    declaration</emphasis>.</para>
+  </callout>
+  <callout arearefs='module-syntax-4'>
+    <para>This attribute set contains an attribute set of <emphasis>option
+    definitions</emphasis>.  If the module does not have any imported
+    modules or any option declarations, then this attribute set can be used
+    in place of its parent attribute set.  This is a common case for simple
+    modules such
+    as <filename>/etc/nixos/configuration.nix</filename>.</para>
+  </callout>
+<!-- option definitions -->
+<para xml:id="para-opt-def">A module defines a configuration which would be
+  interpreted by other modules.  To define a configuration, a module needs
+  to provide option definitions.  An option definition is a simple
+  attribute assignment.</para>
+<para>Option definitions are made in a declarative manner.  Without
+  properties, options will always be defined with the same value.  To
+  introduce more flexibility in the system, option definitions are guarded
+  by <emphasis>properties</emphasis>.</para>
+<para>Properties are means to introduce conditional values inside option
+  definitions.  This conditional values can be distinguished in two
+  categories.  The condition which are local to the current configuration
+  and conditions which are dependent on others configurations.  Local
+  properties are <varname>mkIf</varname>
+  and <varname>mkAssert</varname>.  Global properties
+  are <varname>mkOverride</varname>, <varname>mkDefault</varname>
+  and <varname>mkOrder</varname>.</para>
+<para><varname>mkIf</varname> is used to remove the option definitions which
+  are below it if the condition is evaluated to
+  false.  <varname>mkAssert</varname> expects the condition to be evaluated
+  to true otherwise it raises an error message.</para>
+<para><varname>mkOverride</varname> is used to mask previous definitions if
+  the current value has a lower mask number.  The mask value is 100 (default)
+  for any option definition which does not use this property.
+  Thus, <varname>mkDefault</varname> is just a short-cut with a higher mask
+  (1000) than the default mask value.  This means that a module can set an
+  option definition as a preference, and still let another module defining
+  it with a different value without using any property.</para>
+<para><varname>mkOrder</varname> is used to sort definitions based on the
+  rank number.  The rank number will sort all options definitions before
+  giving the sorted list of option definition to the merge function defined
+  in the option declaration.  A lower rank will move the definition to the
+  beginning and a higher rank will move the option toward the end.  The
+  default rank is 100.</para>
+<!-- option declarations -->
+<para xml:id="para-opt-decl">A module may declare options which are used by
+  other module to change the configuration provided by the current module.
+  Changes to the option definitions are made with properties which are using
+  values extracted from the result of the merge of all modules
+  (the <varname>config</varname> argument).</para>
+<para>The <varname>config</varname> argument reproduce the same hierarchy of
+  all options declared in all modules.  For each option, the result of the
+  option is available, it is either the default value or the merge of all
+  definitions of the option.</para>
+<para>Options are declared with the
+  function <varname>pkgs.lib.mkOption</varname>.  This function expects an
+  attribute set which at least provides a description.  A default value, an
+  example, a type, a merge function and a post-process function can be
+  added.</para>
+<para>Types are used to provide a merge strategy for options and to ensure
+  the type of each option definitions.  They are defined
+  in <varname>pkgs.lib.types</varname>.</para>
+<para>The merge function expects a list of option definitions and merge
+  them to obtain one result of the same type.</para>
+<para>The post-process function (named <varname>apply</varname>) takes the
+  result of the merge or of the default value, and produce an output which
+  could have a different type than the type expected by the option.</para>
+<!-- end -->
+<example xml:id='locate-example'><title>Locate Module Example</title>
+{ config, pkgs, ... }:
+with pkgs.lib;
+  cfg =;
+  locatedb = "/var/cache/locatedb";
+  logfile = "/var/log/updatedb";
+  cmd =''root  updatedb --localuser=nobody --output=${locatedb} > ${logfile}'';
+  imports = [ /etc/nixos/nixos/modules/services/scheduling/cron.nix ];
+  options = {
+    services.locate = {
+      enable = mkOption {
+        default = false;
+        example = true;
+        type = with types; bool;
+        description = ''
+          If enabled, NixOS will periodically update the database of
+          files used by the <command>locate</command> command.
+        '';
+      };
+      period = mkOption {
+        default = "15 02 * * *";
+        type = with types; uniq string;
+        description = ''
+          This option defines (in the format used by cron) when the
+          locate database is updated.
+          The default is to update at 02:15 (at night) every day.
+        '';
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+    services.cron = {
+      enable = true;
+      systemCronJobs = "${cfg.period}  root ${cmd}";
+    };
+  };
+<para><xref linkend='locate-example' /> illustrates a module which handles
+  the regular update of the database which index all files on the file
+  system.  This modules has option definitions to rely on the cron service
+  to run the command at predefined dates.  In addition, this modules
+  provides option declarations to enable the indexing and to use different
+  period of time to run the indexing.  Properties are used to prevent
+  ambiguous definitions of option (enable locate service and disable cron
+  services) and to ensure that no options would be defined if the locate
+  service is not enabled.</para>
+<title>Building specific parts of NixOS</title>
+$ nix-build /etc/nixos/nixos -A <replaceable>attr</replaceable></screen>
+where <replaceable>attr</replaceable> is an attribute in
+<filename>/etc/nixos/nixos/default.nix</filename>.  Attributes of interest include:
+  <varlistentry>
+    <term><varname>config</varname></term>
+    <listitem><para>The computer configuration generated from
+    the <envar>NIXOS_CONFIG</envar> environment variable (default
+    is <filename>/etc/nixos/configuration.nix</filename>) with the NixOS
+    default set of modules.</para></listitem>
+  </varlistentry>
+  <varlistentry>
+    <term><varname>system</varname></term>
+    <listitem><para>The derivation which build your computer system.  It is
+    built by the command <command>nixos-rebuild
+    build</command></para></listitem>
+  </varlistentry>
+  <varlistentry>
+    <term><varname>vm</varname></term>
+    <listitem><para>The derivation which build your computer system inside a
+    virtual machine.  It is built by the command <command>nixos-rebuild
+    build-vm</command></para></listitem>
+  </varlistentry>
+Most parts of NixOS can be built through the <varname>config</varname>
+attribute set.  This attribute set allows you to have a view of the merged
+option definitions and all its derivations.  Important derivations are store
+inside the option <option></option> and can be listed with the
+command <command>nix-instantiate --xml --eval-only /etc/nixos/nixos -A</command>
+<title>Building your own NixOS CD</title>
+<para>Building a NixOS CD is as easy as configuring your own computer. The
+idea is to use another module which will replace
+your <filename>configuration.nix</filename> to configure the system that
+would be installed on the CD.</para>
+<para>Default CD/DVD configurations are available
+inside <filename>nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd</filename>.  To build them
+you have to set <envar>NIXOS_CONFIG</envar> before
+running <command>nix-build</command> to build the ISO.
+$ export NIXOS_CONFIG=/etc/nixos/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-minimal.nix
+$ nix-build /etc/nixos/nixos -A</screen>
+<para>Before burning your CD/DVD, you can check the content of the image by mounting anywhere like
+suggested by the following command:
+$ mount -o loop -t iso9660 ./result/iso/cd.iso /mnt/iso</screen>
+<title>Testing/building the NixOS Manual</title>
+<para>A quick way to see if your documentation improvements
+or option descriptions look good:
+$ nix-build -A</screen>
+<title>Testing the installer</title>
+<para>Building, burning, and
+booting from an installation CD is rather
+tedious, so here is a quick way to see if the installer works
+$ export NIXOS_CONFIG=/etc/nixos/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-minimal.nix
+$ nix-build /etc/nixos/nixos -A
+$ dd if=/dev/zero of=diskimage seek=2G count=0 bs=1
+$ yes | mke2fs -j diskimage
+$ mount -o loop diskimage /mnt
+$ ./result/bin/nixos-install</screen>
+<title>Testing the <literal>initrd</literal></title>
+<para>A quick way to test whether the kernel and the initial ramdisk
+boot correctly is to use QEMU’s <option>-kernel</option> and
+<option>-initrd</option> options:
+$ nix-build /etc/nixos/nixos -A -o initrd
+$ nix-build /etc/nixos/nixos -A -o kernel
+$ qemu-system-x86_64 -kernel ./kernel/bzImage -initrd ./initrd/initrd -hda /dev/null
+  <title>Whole-system testing using virtual machines</title>
+  <para>
+    Complete NixOS GNU/Linux systems can be tested in virtual machines
+    (VMs).  This makes it possible to test a system upgrade or
+    configuration change before rebooting into it, using the
+    <command>nixos-rebuild build-vm</command> or
+    <command>nixos-rebuild build-vm-with-bootloader</command> command.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    <!-- The following is adapted from
+, by Eelco Dolstra. -->
+    The <filename>tests/</filename> directory in the NixOS source tree
+    contains several <emphasis>whole-system unit tests</emphasis>.
+    These tests can be run<footnote><para>NixOS tests can be run both from
+    NixOS and from a non-NixOS GNU/Linux distribution, provided the
+    Nix package manager is installed.</para></footnote> from the NixOS
+    source tree as follows:
+$ nix-build tests/ -A nfs.test
+    This performs an automated test of the NFS client and server
+    functionality in the Linux kernel, including file locking
+    semantics (e.g., whether locks are maintained across server
+    crashes).  It will first build or download all the dependencies of
+    the test (e.g., all packages needed to run a NixOS VM). The test
+    is defined in <link
+    xlink:href="">
+    <filename>tests/nfs.nix</filename></link>.  If the test succeeds,
+    <command>nix-build</command> will place a symlink
+    <filename>./result</filename> in the current directory pointing at
+    the location in the Nix store of the test results (e.g.,
+    screenshots, test reports, and so on).  In particular, a
+    pretty-printed log of the test is written to
+    <filename>log.html</filename>, which can be viewed using a web
+    browser like this:
+$ firefox result/log.html
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    It is also possible to run the test environment interactively,
+    allowing you to experiment with the VMs.  For example:
+$ nix-build tests/ -A nfs.driver
+$ ./result/bin/nixos-run-vms
+    The script <command>nixos-run-vms</command> starts the three
+    virtual machines defined in the NFS test using QEMU/KVM.  The root
+    file system of the VMs is created on the fly and kept across VM
+    restarts in
+    <filename>./</filename><varname>hostname</varname><filename>.qcow2</filename>.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    Finally, the test itself can be run interactively.  This is
+    particularly useful when developing or debugging a test:
+$ nix-build tests/ -A nfs.driver
+$ ./result/bin/nixos-test-driver
+starting VDE switch for network 1
+    Perl statements can now be typed in to start or manipulate the
+    VMs:
+&gt; startAll;
+(the VMs start booting)
+&gt; $server-&gt;waitForJob("nfs-kernel-nfsd");
+&gt; $client1-&gt;succeed("flock -x /data/lock -c 'sleep 100000' &amp;");
+&gt; $client2-&gt;fail("flock -n -s /data/lock true");
+&gt; $client1-&gt;shutdown;
+(this releases client1's lock)
+&gt; $client2-&gt;succeed("flock -n -s /data/lock true");
+    The function <command>testScript</command> executes the entire
+    test script and drops you back into the test driver command line
+    upon its completion.  This allows you to inspect the state of the
+    VMs after the test (e.g. to debug the test script).
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    This and other tests are continuously run on <link
+    xlink:href="">the Hydra
+    instance at <literal></literal></link>, which allows
+    developers to be notified of any regressions introduced by a NixOS
+    or Nixpkgs change.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    The actual Nix programming interface to VM testing is in NixOS,
+    under <link
+    xlink:href="">
+    <filename>lib/testing.nix</filename></link>.  This file defines a
+    function which takes an attribute set containing a
+    <literal>nixpkgs</literal> attribute (the path to a Nixpkgs
+    checkout), and a <literal>system</literal> attribute (the system
+    type).  It returns an attribute set containing several utility
+    functions, among which the main entry point is
+    <literal>makeTest</literal>.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    The <literal>makeTest</literal> function takes a function similar to
+    that found in <link
+    xlink:href="">
+    <filename>tests/nfs.nix</filename></link> (discussed above).  It
+    returns an attribute set containing (among others):
+    <variablelist>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><varname>test</varname></term>
+        <listitem><para>A derivation containing the test log as an HTML file,
+        as seen above, suitable for presentation in the Hydra continuous
+        build system.</para></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><varname>report</varname></term>
+        <listitem><para>A derivation containing a code coverage report, with
+        meta-data suitable for Hydra.</para></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+        <term><varname>driver</varname></term>
+        <listitem><para>A derivation containing scripts to run the VM test or
+        interact with the VM network interactively, as seen above.</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
+  </para>