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path: root/maintainers/scripts/update.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'maintainers/scripts/update.nix')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/maintainers/scripts/update.nix b/maintainers/scripts/update.nix
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..1a2f06c73a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maintainers/scripts/update.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+{ package ? null
+, maintainer ? null
+, predicate ? null
+, path ? null
+, max-workers ? null
+, include-overlays ? false
+, keep-going ? null
+, commit ? null
+# TODO: add assert statements
+  pkgs = import ./../../default.nix (
+    if include-overlays == false then
+      { overlays = []; }
+    else if include-overlays == true then
+      { } # Let Nixpkgs include overlays impurely.
+    else { overlays = include-overlays; }
+  );
+  inherit (pkgs) lib;
+  /* Remove duplicate elements from the list based on some extracted value. O(n^2) complexity.
+   */
+  nubOn = f: list:
+    if list == [] then
+      []
+    else
+      let
+        x = lib.head list;
+        xs = lib.filter (p: f x != f p) (lib.drop 1 list);
+      in
+        [x] ++ nubOn f xs;
+  /* Recursively find all packages (derivations) in `pkgs` matching `cond` predicate.
+    Type: packagesWithPath :: AttrPath → (AttrPath → derivation → bool) → AttrSet → List<AttrSet{attrPath :: str; package :: derivation; }>
+          AttrPath :: [str]
+    The packages will be returned as a list of named pairs comprising of:
+      - attrPath: stringified attribute path (based on `rootPath`)
+      - package: corresponding derivation
+   */
+  packagesWithPath = rootPath: cond: pkgs:
+    let
+      packagesWithPathInner = path: pathContent:
+        let
+          result = builtins.tryEval pathContent;
+          dedupResults = lst: nubOn ({ package, attrPath }: package.updateScript) (lib.concatLists lst);
+        in
+          if result.success then
+            let
+              evaluatedPathContent = result.value;
+            in
+              if lib.isDerivation evaluatedPathContent then
+                lib.optional (cond path evaluatedPathContent) { attrPath = lib.concatStringsSep "." path; package = evaluatedPathContent; }
+              else if lib.isAttrs evaluatedPathContent then
+                # If user explicitly points to an attrSet or it is marked for recursion, we recur.
+                if path == rootPath || evaluatedPathContent.recurseForDerivations or false || evaluatedPathContent.recurseForRelease or false then
+                  dedupResults (lib.mapAttrsToList (name: elem: packagesWithPathInner (path ++ [name]) elem) evaluatedPathContent)
+                else []
+              else []
+          else [];
+    in
+      packagesWithPathInner rootPath pkgs;
+  /* Recursively find all packages (derivations) in `pkgs` matching `cond` predicate.
+   */
+  packagesWith = packagesWithPath [];
+  /* Recursively find all packages in `pkgs` with updateScript matching given predicate.
+   */
+  packagesWithUpdateScriptMatchingPredicate = cond:
+    packagesWith (path: pkg: builtins.hasAttr "updateScript" pkg && cond path pkg);
+  /* Recursively find all packages in `pkgs` with updateScript by given maintainer.
+   */
+  packagesWithUpdateScriptAndMaintainer = maintainer':
+    let
+      maintainer =
+        if ! builtins.hasAttr maintainer' lib.maintainers then
+          builtins.throw "Maintainer with name `${maintainer'} does not exist in `maintainers/maintainer-list.nix`."
+        else
+          builtins.getAttr maintainer' lib.maintainers;
+    in
+      packagesWithUpdateScriptMatchingPredicate (path: pkg:
+                         (if builtins.hasAttr "maintainers" pkg.meta
+                           then (if builtins.isList pkg.meta.maintainers
+                                   then builtins.elem maintainer pkg.meta.maintainers
+                                   else maintainer == pkg.meta.maintainers
+                                )
+                           else false
+                         )
+                   );
+  /* Recursively find all packages under `path` in `pkgs` with updateScript.
+   */
+  packagesWithUpdateScript = path: pkgs:
+    let
+      prefix = lib.splitString "." path;
+      pathContent = lib.attrByPath prefix null pkgs;
+    in
+      if pathContent == null then
+        builtins.throw "Attribute path `${path}` does not exist."
+      else
+        packagesWithPath prefix (path: pkg: builtins.hasAttr "updateScript" pkg)
+                       pathContent;
+  /* Find a package under `path` in `pkgs` and require that it has an updateScript.
+   */
+  packageByName = path: pkgs:
+    let
+        package = lib.attrByPath (lib.splitString "." path) null pkgs;
+    in
+      if package == null then
+        builtins.throw "Package with an attribute name `${path}` does not exist."
+      else if ! builtins.hasAttr "updateScript" package then
+        builtins.throw "Package with an attribute name `${path}` does not have a `passthru.updateScript` attribute defined."
+      else
+        { attrPath = path; inherit package; };
+  /* List of packages matched based on the CLI arguments.
+   */
+  packages =
+    if package != null then
+      [ (packageByName package pkgs) ]
+    else if predicate != null then
+      packagesWithUpdateScriptMatchingPredicate predicate pkgs
+    else if maintainer != null then
+      packagesWithUpdateScriptAndMaintainer maintainer pkgs
+    else if path != null then
+      packagesWithUpdateScript path pkgs
+    else
+      builtins.throw "No arguments provided.\n\n${helpText}";
+  helpText = ''
+    Please run:
+        % nix-shell maintainers/scripts/update.nix --argstr maintainer garbas
+    to run all update scripts for all packages that lists \`garbas\` as a maintainer
+    and have \`updateScript\` defined, or:
+        % nix-shell maintainers/scripts/update.nix --argstr package gnome.nautilus
+    to run update script for specific package, or
+        % nix-shell maintainers/scripts/update.nix --arg predicate '(path: pkg: or null == "gnome-update-script")'
+    to run update script for all packages matching given predicate, or
+        % nix-shell maintainers/scripts/update.nix --argstr path gnome
+    to run update script for all package under an attribute path.
+    You can also add
+        --argstr max-workers 8
+    to increase the number of jobs in parallel, or
+        --argstr keep-going true
+    to continue running when a single update fails.
+    You can also make the updater automatically commit on your behalf from updateScripts
+    that support it by adding
+        --argstr commit true
+  '';
+  /* Transform a matched package into an object for
+   */
+  packageData = { package, attrPath }: {
+    name =;
+    pname = lib.getName package;
+    oldVersion = lib.getVersion package;
+    updateScript = map builtins.toString (lib.toList (package.updateScript.command or package.updateScript));
+    supportedFeatures = package.updateScript.supportedFeatures or [];
+    attrPath = package.updateScript.attrPath or attrPath;
+  };
+  /* JSON file with data for
+   */
+  packagesJson = pkgs.writeText "packages.json" (builtins.toJSON (map packageData packages));
+  optionalArgs =
+    lib.optional (max-workers != null) "--max-workers=${max-workers}"
+    ++ lib.optional (keep-going == "true") "--keep-going"
+    ++ lib.optional (commit == "true") "--commit";
+  args = [ packagesJson ] ++ optionalArgs;
+in pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
+  name = "nixpkgs-update-script";
+  buildCommand = ''
+    echo ""
+    echo "----------------------------------------------------------------"
+    echo ""
+    echo "Not possible to update packages using \`nix-build\`"
+    echo ""
+    echo "${helpText}"
+    echo "----------------------------------------------------------------"
+    exit 1
+  '';
+  shellHook = ''
+    unset shellHook # do not contaminate nested shells
+    exec ${pkgs.python3.interpreter} ${./} ${builtins.concatStringsSep " " args}
+  '';