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path: root/maintainers/scripts/find-tarballs.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'maintainers/scripts/find-tarballs.nix')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/maintainers/scripts/find-tarballs.nix b/maintainers/scripts/find-tarballs.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..990185bbb3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maintainers/scripts/find-tarballs.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# This expression returns a list of all fetchurl calls used by ‘expr’.
+with import ../.. { };
+with lib;
+{ expr }:
+  root = expr;
+  uniqueUrls = map (x: x.file) (genericClosure {
+    startSet = map (file: { key = file.url; inherit file; }) urls;
+    operator = const [ ];
+  });
+  urls = map (drv: { url = head (drv.urls or [ drv.url ]); hash = drv.outputHash; type = drv.outputHashAlgo; name =; }) fetchurlDependencies;
+  fetchurlDependencies =
+    filter
+      (drv: drv.outputHash or "" != "" && drv.outputHashMode or "flat" == "flat"
+          && drv.postFetch or "" == "" && (drv ? url || drv ? urls))
+      dependencies;
+  dependencies = map (x: x.value) (genericClosure {
+    startSet = map keyDrv (derivationsIn' root);
+    operator = { key, value }: map keyDrv (immediateDependenciesOf value);
+  });
+  derivationsIn' = x:
+    if !canEval x then []
+    else if isDerivation x then optional (canEval x.drvPath) x
+    else if isList x then concatLists (map derivationsIn' x)
+    else if isAttrs x then concatLists (mapAttrsToList (n: v: addErrorContext "while finding tarballs in '${n}':" (derivationsIn' v)) x)
+    else [ ];
+  keyDrv = drv: if canEval drv.drvPath then { key = drv.drvPath; value = drv; } else { };
+  immediateDependenciesOf = drv:
+    concatLists (mapAttrsToList (n: v: derivationsIn v) (removeAttrs drv (["meta" "passthru"] ++ optionals (drv?passthru) (attrNames drv.passthru))));
+  derivationsIn = x:
+    if !canEval x then []
+    else if isDerivation x then optional (canEval x.drvPath) x
+    else if isList x then concatLists (map derivationsIn x)
+    else [ ];
+  canEval = val: (builtins.tryEval val).success;
+in uniqueUrls