summary refs log tree commit diff
diff options
-rw-r--r--pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/hooks/ (renamed from pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/
6 files changed, 112 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/build-lua-package.nix b/pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/build-lua-package.nix
index 64e872ad5f6..e74649cab4a 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/build-lua-package.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/build-lua-package.nix
@@ -82,66 +82,25 @@ let
   # configured trees)
   luarocks_config = "luarocks-config.lua";
   luarocks_content = let
-    extraVariablesStr = lib.concatStringsSep "\n "
-      (lib.mapAttrsToList (k: v: "${k}='${v}';") extraVariables);
-  in ''
-    local_cache = ""
-    -- To prevent collisions when creating environments, we install the rock
-    -- files into per-package subdirectories
-    rocks_subdir = '${rocksSubdir}'
-    -- Then we need to tell luarocks where to find the rock files per
-    -- dependency
-    rocks_trees = {
-      ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n, " rocksTrees}
-    }
-  '' + lib.optionalString lua.pkgs.isLuaJIT ''
-    -- Luajit provides some additional functionality built-in; this exposes
-    -- that to luarock's dependency system
-    rocks_provided = {
-      jit='${lua.luaversion}-1';
-      ffi='${lua.luaversion}-1';
-      luaffi='${lua.luaversion}-1';
-      bit='${lua.luaversion}-1';
-    }
-  '' + ''
-    -- For single-output external dependencies
-    external_deps_dirs = {
-      ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n, " externalDepsDirs}
-    }
-    variables = {
-      -- Some needed machinery to handle multiple-output external dependencies,
-      -- as per
-      ${lib.optionalString (lib.length depVariables > 0) ''
-        ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n  " depVariables}''}
-      ${extraVariablesStr}
-    }
-    ${extraConfig}
-  '';
+    generatedConfig = lua.pkgs.lib.generateLuarocksConfig {
+      inherit externalDeps;
+      inherit extraVariables;
+      inherit rocksSubdir;
+      inherit requiredLuaRocks;
+    };
+    in
+      ''
+      ${generatedConfig}
+      ${extraConfig}
+      '';
   rocksSubdir = "${attrs.pname}-${version}-rocks";
-  externalDepsDirs = map
-    (x: "'${builtins.toString x}'")
-    (lib.filter (lib.isDerivation) externalDeps);
-  rocksTrees = lib.imap0
-    (i: dep: "{ name = [[dep-${toString i}]], root = '${dep}', rocks_dir = '${dep}/${dep.rocksSubdir}' }")
-    requiredLuaRocks;
   # Filter out the lua derivation itself from the Lua module dependency
   # closure, as it doesn't have a rock tree :)
   requiredLuaRocks = lib.filter (d: d ? luaModule)
     (lua.pkgs.requiredLuaModules propagatedBuildInputs);
-  # Explicitly point luarocks to the relevant locations for multiple-output
-  # derivations that are external dependencies, to work around an issue it has
-  # (
-  depVariables = lib.concatMap ({name, dep}: [
-    "${name}_INCDIR='${lib.getDev dep}/include';"
-    "${name}_LIBDIR='${lib.getLib dep}/lib';"
-    "${name}_BINDIR='${lib.getBin dep}/bin';"
-  ]) externalDeps';
   # example externalDeps': [ { name = "CRYPTO"; dep = pkgs.openssl; } ]
   externalDeps' = lib.filter (dep: !lib.isDerivation dep) externalDeps;
diff --git a/pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/hooks/default.nix b/pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/hooks/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8fd725a9b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/hooks/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Hooks for building lua packages.
+{ lua
+, lib
+, makeSetupHook
+, findutils
+, runCommand
+  callPackage = lua.pkgs.callPackage;
+  luaInterpreter = lua.interpreter;
+in {
+  lua-setup-hook = LuaPathSearchPaths: LuaCPathSearchPaths:
+    let
+      hook = ./;
+    in runCommand "" {
+      # hum doesn't seem to like caps !! BUG ?
+      luapathsearchpaths=lib.escapeShellArgs LuaPathSearchPaths;
+      luacpathsearchpaths=lib.escapeShellArgs LuaCPathSearchPaths;
+    } ''
+      cp ${hook}
+      substituteAllInPlace
+      mv $out
+    '';
diff --git a/pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/ b/pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/hooks/
index 1c445b82afd..1c445b82afd 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/
+++ b/pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/hooks/
diff --git a/pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/setup-hook.nix b/pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/setup-hook.nix
index 62caffd8d8a..e69de29bb2d 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/setup-hook.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/interpreters/lua-5/setup-hook.nix
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-{ runCommand, lib, }:
-LuaPathSearchPaths: LuaCPathSearchPaths:
-  hook = ./;
-in runCommand "" {
-  # hum doesn't seem to like caps !! BUG ?
-  luapathsearchpaths=lib.escapeShellArgs LuaPathSearchPaths;
-  luacpathsearchpaths=lib.escapeShellArgs LuaCPathSearchPaths;
-} ''
-  cp ${hook}
-  substituteAllInPlace
-  mv $out
diff --git a/pkgs/development/lua-modules/lib.nix b/pkgs/development/lua-modules/lib.nix
index 9c31f9a5c53..0d429b3ba6d 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/lua-modules/lib.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/lua-modules/lib.nix
@@ -60,4 +60,72 @@ rec {
         requiredLuaModules = requiredLuaModules drv.propagatedBuildInputs;
+  /* generate luarocks config
+  generateLuarocksConfig {
+    externalDeps = [ { name = "CRYPTO"; dep = pkgs.openssl; } ];
+    rocksSubdir = "subdir";
+  };
+  */
+  generateLuarocksConfig = {
+    externalDeps
+    , requiredLuaRocks
+    , extraVariables ? {}
+    , rocksSubdir
+    }: let
+      rocksTrees = lib.imap0
+        (i: dep: "{ name = [[dep-${toString i}]], root = '${dep}', rocks_dir = '${dep}/${dep.rocksSubdir}' }")
+        requiredLuaRocks;
+      # Explicitly point luarocks to the relevant locations for multiple-output
+      # derivations that are external dependencies, to work around an issue it has
+      # (
+      depVariables = lib.concatMap ({name, dep}: [
+        "${name}_INCDIR='${lib.getDev dep}/include';"
+        "${name}_LIBDIR='${lib.getLib dep}/lib';"
+        "${name}_BINDIR='${lib.getBin dep}/bin';"
+      ]) externalDeps';
+      # example externalDeps': [ { name = "CRYPTO"; dep = pkgs.openssl; } ]
+      externalDeps' = lib.filter (dep: !lib.isDerivation dep) externalDeps;
+      externalDepsDirs = map
+        (x: "'${builtins.toString x}'")
+        (lib.filter (lib.isDerivation) externalDeps);
+      extraVariablesStr = lib.concatStringsSep "\n "
+        (lib.mapAttrsToList (k: v: "${k}='${v}';") extraVariables);
+  in ''
+    local_cache = ""
+    -- To prevent collisions when creating environments, we install the rock
+    -- files into per-package subdirectories
+    rocks_subdir = '${rocksSubdir}'
+    -- Then we need to tell luarocks where to find the rock files per
+    -- dependency
+    rocks_trees = {
+      ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n, " rocksTrees}
+    }
+  '' + lib.optionalString lua.pkgs.isLuaJIT ''
+    -- Luajit provides some additional functionality built-in; this exposes
+    -- that to luarock's dependency system
+    rocks_provided = {
+      jit='${lua.luaversion}-1';
+      ffi='${lua.luaversion}-1';
+      luaffi='${lua.luaversion}-1';
+      bit='${lua.luaversion}-1';
+    }
+  '' + ''
+    -- For single-output external dependencies
+    external_deps_dirs = {
+      ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n, " externalDepsDirs}
+    }
+    variables = {
+      -- Some needed machinery to handle multiple-output external dependencies,
+      -- as per
+      ${lib.optionalString (lib.length depVariables > 0) ''
+        ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n  " depVariables}''}
+      ${extraVariablesStr}
+    }
+  '';
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/lua-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/lua-packages.nix
index 80f71dc1942..3d8272633f1 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/lua-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/lua-packages.nix
@@ -12,18 +12,12 @@
 , fetchFromGitHub, which, writeText
 , pkgs
 , lib
   packages = ( self:
-  # a function of lua_path / lua_cpath
-  lua-setup-hook = callPackage ../development/interpreters/lua-5/setup-hook.nix {
-    inherit lib;
-  };
   callPackage = pkgs.newScope self;
   buildLuaApplication = args: buildLuarocksPackage ({namePrefix="";} // args );
@@ -52,11 +46,13 @@ in
   # helper functions for dealing with LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH
   lib = luaLib;
-  getLuaPath = drv: luaLib.getPath drv (luaLib.luaPathList lua.luaversion) ;
-  getLuaCPath = drv: luaLib.getPath drv (luaLib.luaCPathList lua.luaversion) ;
+  getLuaPath = drv: getPath drv (luaLib.luaPathList lua.luaversion) ;
+  getLuaCPath = drv: getPath drv (luaLib.luaCPathList lua.luaversion) ;
+  inherit (callPackage ../development/interpreters/lua-5/hooks { inherit (args) lib;})
+    lua-setup-hook;
-  inherit lua lua-setup-hook callPackage;
+  inherit lua callPackage;
   inherit buildLuaPackage buildLuarocksPackage buildLuaApplication;
   inherit (luaLib) luaOlder luaAtLeast isLua51 isLua52 isLua53 isLuaJIT
     requiredLuaModules toLuaModule hasLuaModule;