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2 files changed, 46 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/doc/languages-frameworks/ b/doc/languages-frameworks/
index f2a5efd05db..f3d9fb87573 100644
--- a/doc/languages-frameworks/
+++ b/doc/languages-frameworks/
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ The `dotnetCorePackages.sdk` contains both a runtime and the full sdk of a given
 To package Dotnet applications, you can use `buildDotnetModule`. This has similar arguments to `stdenv.mkDerivation`, with the following additions:
-* `projectFile` has to be used for specifying the dotnet project file relative to the source root. These usually have `.sln` or `.csproj` file extensions.
+* `projectFile` has to be used for specifying the dotnet project file relative to the source root. These usually have `.sln` or `.csproj` file extensions. This can be an array of multiple projects as well.
 * `nugetDeps` has to be used to specify the NuGet dependency file. Unfortunately, these cannot be deterministically fetched without a lockfile. This file should be generated using `nuget-to-nix` tool, which is available in nixpkgs.
 * `executables` is used to specify which executables get wrapped to `$out/bin`, relative to `$out/lib/$pname`. If this is unset, all executables generated will get installed. If you do not want to install any, set this to `[]`.
 * `runtimeDeps` is used to wrap libraries into `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`. This is how dotnet usually handles runtime dependencies.
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/build-dotnet-module/default.nix b/pkgs/build-support/build-dotnet-module/default.nix
index 6a7b70e070b..5178e08a9c7 100644
--- a/pkgs/build-support/build-dotnet-module/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/build-support/build-dotnet-module/default.nix
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 # Unfortunately, dotnet has no method for doing this automatically.
 # If unset, all executables in the projects root will get installed. This may cause bloat!
 , executables ? null
-# The packages project file, which contains instructions on how to compile it.
+# The packages project file, which contains instructions on how to compile it. This can be an array of multiple project files as well.
 , projectFile ? null
 # The NuGet dependency file. This locks all NuGet dependency versions, as otherwise they cannot be deterministically fetched.
 # This can be generated using the `nuget-to-nix` tool.
@@ -102,13 +102,15 @@ let
       export HOME=$(mktemp -d)
-      dotnet restore "$projectFile" \
-        ${lib.optionalString (!enableParallelBuilding) "--disable-parallel"} \
-        -p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=true \
-        -p:Deterministic=true \
-        --source "${nuget-source}/lib" \
-        "''${dotnetRestoreFlags[@]}" \
-        "''${dotnetFlags[@]}"
+      for project in ''${projectFile[@]}; do
+        dotnet restore "$project" \
+          ${lib.optionalString (!enableParallelBuilding) "--disable-parallel"} \
+          -p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=true \
+          -p:Deterministic=true \
+          --source "${nuget-source}/lib" \
+          "''${dotnetRestoreFlags[@]}" \
+          "''${dotnetFlags[@]}"
+      done
       runHook postConfigure
@@ -116,16 +118,18 @@ let
     buildPhase = args.buildPhase or ''
       runHook preBuild
-      dotnet build "$projectFile" \
-        -maxcpucount:${if enableParallelBuilding then "$NIX_BUILD_CORES" else "1"} \
-        -p:BuildInParallel=${if enableParallelBuilding then "true" else "false"} \
-        -p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=true \
-        -p:Deterministic=true \
-        -p:Version=${args.version} \
-        --configuration "$buildType" \
-        --no-restore \
-        "''${dotnetBuildFlags[@]}"  \
-        "''${dotnetFlags[@]}"
+      for project in ''${projectFile[@]}; do
+        dotnet build "$project" \
+          -maxcpucount:${if enableParallelBuilding then "$NIX_BUILD_CORES" else "1"} \
+          -p:BuildInParallel=${if enableParallelBuilding then "true" else "false"} \
+          -p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=true \
+          -p:Deterministic=true \
+          -p:Version=${args.version} \
+          --configuration "$buildType" \
+          --no-restore \
+          "''${dotnetBuildFlags[@]}"  \
+          "''${dotnetFlags[@]}"
+      done
       runHook postBuild
@@ -133,16 +137,18 @@ let
     checkPhase = args.checkPhase or ''
       runHook preCheck
-      ${lib.getBin dotnet-test-sdk}/bin/dotnet test "$testProjectFile" \
-        -maxcpucount:${if enableParallelBuilding then "$NIX_BUILD_CORES" else "1"} \
-        -p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=true \
-        -p:Deterministic=true \
-        --configuration "$buildType" \
-        --no-build \
-        --logger "console;verbosity=normal" \
-        ${lib.optionalString (disabledTests != []) "--filter \"FullyQualifiedName!=${lib.concatStringsSep "|FullyQualifiedName!=" disabledTests}\""} \
-        "''${dotnetTestFlags[@]}"  \
-        "''${dotnetFlags[@]}"
+      for project in ''${testProjectFile[@]}; do
+        ${lib.getBin dotnet-test-sdk}/bin/dotnet test "$project" \
+          -maxcpucount:${if enableParallelBuilding then "$NIX_BUILD_CORES" else "1"} \
+          -p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=true \
+          -p:Deterministic=true \
+          --configuration "$buildType" \
+          --no-build \
+          --logger "console;verbosity=normal" \
+          ${lib.optionalString (disabledTests != []) "--filter \"FullyQualifiedName!=${lib.concatStringsSep "&FullyQualifiedName!=" disabledTests}\""} \
+          "''${dotnetTestFlags[@]}"  \
+          "''${dotnetFlags[@]}"
+      done
       runHook postCheck
@@ -150,15 +156,17 @@ let
     installPhase = args.installPhase or ''
       runHook preInstall
-      dotnet publish "$projectFile" \
-        -p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=true \
-        -p:Deterministic=true \
-        --output $out/lib/${args.pname} \
-        --configuration "$buildType" \
-        --no-build \
-        --no-self-contained \
-        "''${dotnetInstallFlags[@]}"  \
-        "''${dotnetFlags[@]}"
+      for project in ''${projectFile[@]}; do
+        dotnet publish "$project" \
+          -p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=true \
+          -p:Deterministic=true \
+          --output $out/lib/${args.pname} \
+          --configuration "$buildType" \
+          --no-build \
+          --no-self-contained \
+          "''${dotnetInstallFlags[@]}"  \
+          "''${dotnetFlags[@]}"
+      done
     '' + (if executables != null then ''
       for executable in $executables; do