summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/pkgs/tools/typesetting
diff options
authorDoron Behar <>2021-12-09 23:31:03 +0200
committerDoron Behar <>2021-12-10 09:30:14 +0200
commit5b8a8ed301b39c4df7103673ce2b212be924c1ae (patch)
treeb23e8a9dd51915db7b4f51280e8b6ffc5feec67f /pkgs/tools/typesetting
parent2e3fd2634dbabe5215d1aa59e16a1ad04693ea6a (diff)
asciidoctor-with-extensions: init at 2.0.16
Add a separate asciidoctor-with-extensions with many extensions enabled.
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/tools/typesetting')
4 files changed, 709 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/typesetting/asciidoctor-with-extensions/Gemfile b/pkgs/tools/typesetting/asciidoctor-with-extensions/Gemfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..feb1437d6d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/tools/typesetting/asciidoctor-with-extensions/Gemfile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+source ''
+gem 'asciidoctor'
+gem 'asciidoctor-diagram'
+gem 'asciidoctor-pdf'
+gem 'asciidoctor-epub3'
+gem 'asciidoctor-mathematical'
+gem 'asciidoctor-bibtex'
+gem 'asciidoctor-revealjs'
+gem 'coderay'
+gem 'pygments.rb'
+gem 'rouge'
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/typesetting/asciidoctor-with-extensions/Gemfile.lock b/pkgs/tools/typesetting/asciidoctor-with-extensions/Gemfile.lock
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..14829ed7b0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/tools/typesetting/asciidoctor-with-extensions/Gemfile.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+  remote:
+  specs:
+    Ascii85 (1.1.0)
+    addressable (2.8.0)
+      public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 5.0)
+    afm (0.2.2)
+    asciidoctor (2.0.16)
+    asciidoctor-bibtex (0.8.0)
+      asciidoctor (~> 2.0)
+      bibtex-ruby (~> 5.1)
+      citeproc-ruby (~> 1)
+      csl-styles (~> 1)
+      latex-decode (~> 0.2)
+    asciidoctor-diagram (2.2.1)
+      asciidoctor (>= 1.5.7, < 3.x)
+      asciidoctor-diagram-ditaamini (~> 1.0)
+      asciidoctor-diagram-plantuml (~> 1.2021)
+      rexml
+    asciidoctor-diagram-ditaamini (1.0.1)
+    asciidoctor-diagram-plantuml (1.2021.8)
+    asciidoctor-epub3 (1.5.1)
+      asciidoctor (>= 1.5.6, < 3.0.0)
+      gepub (~> 1.0.0)
+      mime-types (~> 3.0)
+    asciidoctor-mathematical (0.3.5)
+      asciidoctor (~> 2.0)
+      asciimath (~> 2.0)
+      mathematical (~> 1.6.0)
+    asciidoctor-pdf (1.6.1)
+      asciidoctor (~> 2.0)
+      concurrent-ruby (~> 1.1)
+      prawn (~> 2.4.0)
+      prawn-icon (~> 3.0.0)
+      prawn-svg (~> 0.32.0)
+      prawn-table (~> 0.2.0)
+      prawn-templates (~> 0.1.0)
+      safe_yaml (~> 1.0.0)
+      treetop (~> 1.6.0)
+    asciidoctor-revealjs (4.1.0)
+      asciidoctor (>= 2.0.0, < 3.0.0)
+      concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
+      thread_safe (~> 0.3.5)
+    asciimath (2.0.3)
+    bibtex-ruby (5.1.6)
+      latex-decode (~> 0.0)
+    citeproc (1.0.10)
+      namae (~> 1.0)
+    citeproc-ruby (1.1.14)
+      citeproc (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.9)
+      csl (~> 1.6)
+    coderay (1.1.3)
+    concurrent-ruby (1.1.9)
+    csl (1.6.0)
+      namae (~> 1.0)
+      rexml
+    csl-styles (
+      csl (~> 1.0)
+    css_parser (1.10.0)
+      addressable
+    gepub (1.0.15)
+      nokogiri (>= 1.8.2, < 2.0)
+      rubyzip (> 1.1.1, < 2.4)
+    hashery (2.1.2)
+    i18n (1.8.11)
+      concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
+    latex-decode (0.3.2)
+    mathematical (1.6.14)
+      ruby-enum (~> 0.4)
+    mime-types (3.4.1)
+      mime-types-data (~> 3.2015)
+    mime-types-data (3.2021.1115)
+    mini_portile2 (2.6.1)
+    namae (1.1.1)
+    nokogiri (1.12.5)
+      mini_portile2 (~> 2.6.1)
+      racc (~> 1.4)
+    pdf-core (0.9.0)
+    pdf-reader (2.6.0)
+      Ascii85 (~> 1.0)
+      afm (~> 0.2.1)
+      hashery (~> 2.0)
+      ruby-rc4
+      ttfunk
+    polyglot (0.3.5)
+    prawn (2.4.0)
+      pdf-core (~> 0.9.0)
+      ttfunk (~> 1.7)
+    prawn-icon (3.0.0)
+      prawn (>= 1.1.0, < 3.0.0)
+    prawn-svg (0.32.0)
+      css_parser (~> 1.6)
+      prawn (>= 0.11.1, < 3)
+      rexml (~> 3.2)
+    prawn-table (0.2.2)
+      prawn (>= 1.3.0, < 3.0.0)
+    prawn-templates (0.1.2)
+      pdf-reader (~> 2.0)
+      prawn (~> 2.2)
+    public_suffix (4.0.6)
+    pygments.rb (2.2.0)
+    racc (1.6.0)
+    rexml (3.2.5)
+    rouge (3.26.1)
+    ruby-enum (0.9.0)
+      i18n
+    ruby-rc4 (0.1.5)
+    rubyzip (2.3.2)
+    safe_yaml (1.0.5)
+    thread_safe (0.3.6)
+    treetop (1.6.11)
+      polyglot (~> 0.3)
+    ttfunk (1.7.0)
+  ruby
+  asciidoctor
+  asciidoctor-bibtex
+  asciidoctor-diagram
+  asciidoctor-epub3
+  asciidoctor-mathematical
+  asciidoctor-pdf
+  asciidoctor-revealjs
+  coderay
+  pygments.rb
+  rouge
+   2.2.24
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/typesetting/asciidoctor-with-extensions/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/typesetting/asciidoctor-with-extensions/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6bb0eac62f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/tools/typesetting/asciidoctor-with-extensions/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+{ lib
+, bundlerApp
+, bundlerUpdateScript
+, makeWrapper
+bundlerApp {
+  pname = "asciidoctor";
+  gemdir = ./.;
+  exes = [
+    "asciidoctor"
+    "asciidoctor-pdf"
+    "asciidoctor-epub3"
+    "asciidoctor-revealjs"
+  ];
+  passthru = {
+    updateScript = bundlerUpdateScript "asciidoctor-with-extensions";
+  };
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "A faster Asciidoc processor written in Ruby, with many extensions enabled";
+    homepage = "";
+    license =;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ doronbehar ];
+    platforms = platforms.unix;
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/typesetting/asciidoctor-with-extensions/gemset.nix b/pkgs/tools/typesetting/asciidoctor-with-extensions/gemset.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6bd49e09962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/tools/typesetting/asciidoctor-with-extensions/gemset.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+  addressable = {
+    dependencies = ["public_suffix"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "022r3m9wdxljpbya69y2i3h9g3dhhfaqzidf95m6qjzms792jvgp";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.8.0";
+  };
+  afm = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "06kj9hgd0z8pj27bxp2diwqh6fv7qhwwm17z64rhdc4sfn76jgn8";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.2.2";
+  };
+  Ascii85 = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1ds4v9xgsyvijnlflak4dzf1qwmda9yd5bv8jwsb56nngd399rlw";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.1.0";
+  };
+  asciidoctor = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "10h4pmmkbcrpy7bn76wxzkb0hriabh1k3ii1g8lm0mdji5drlhq2";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.0.16";
+  };
+  asciidoctor-bibtex = {
+    dependencies = ["asciidoctor" "bibtex-ruby" "citeproc-ruby" "csl-styles" "latex-decode"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0fx80bpykixvnlscyz2c4dnjr1063r5ar7j1zn2977vsr8fi8ial";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.8.0";
+  };
+  asciidoctor-diagram = {
+    dependencies = ["asciidoctor" "asciidoctor-diagram-ditaamini" "asciidoctor-diagram-plantuml" "rexml"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1z1ilpczjaydhcwpz3yygn03yrx2ljjj55xczwkrlb8rzgh03br3";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.2.1";
+  };
+  asciidoctor-diagram-ditaamini = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1nva5n6nyns0xp77d1dxng1rjhc8ma6gyd8hczjq3h9qqxcw2q4h";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.0.1";
+  };
+  asciidoctor-diagram-plantuml = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0n018kmqzapf5y1bacb5yyvb9jfwxdkfqnviwxivwz9322b9w6j7";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.2021.8";
+  };
+  asciidoctor-epub3 = {
+    dependencies = ["asciidoctor" "gepub" "mime-types"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "05lylv2k18vcnf3647n47zdqxpa70bg16znzn252ymp8say25zzg";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.5.1";
+  };
+  asciidoctor-mathematical = {
+    dependencies = ["asciidoctor" "asciimath" "mathematical"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1lxfq7qn3ql642pva6jh3h1abm9j9daxg5icfn1h73k6cjsmcisp";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.3.5";
+  };
+  asciidoctor-pdf = {
+    dependencies = ["asciidoctor" "concurrent-ruby" "prawn" "prawn-icon" "prawn-svg" "prawn-table" "prawn-templates" "safe_yaml" "treetop"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "17d3fa6ix6r5ikydqz41r620mm98s076wdg4w6ydsr655r7mvnpk";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.6.1";
+  };
+  asciidoctor-revealjs = {
+    dependencies = ["asciidoctor" "concurrent-ruby" "thread_safe"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "03vmbcc3x059h17ry4qwk1p0yar9wgh87l2qssi307gy45cjw2mq";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "4.1.0";
+  };
+  asciimath = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0h4fz93pf96y5syxwpv0vibjf7lidv2718ikpvyd2vy8c1am8zyn";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.0.3";
+  };
+  bibtex-ruby = {
+    dependencies = ["latex-decode"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0adh2x935r69nm8qmns5fjsjw034xlyaqddzza2jr2npvf41g34r";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "5.1.6";
+  };
+  citeproc = {
+    dependencies = ["namae"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "13vl5sjmksk5a8kjcqnjxh7kn9gn1n4f9p1rvqfgsfhs54p0m6l2";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.0.10";
+  };
+  citeproc-ruby = {
+    dependencies = ["citeproc" "csl"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0a8ahyhhmdinl4kcyv51r74ipnclmfyz4zjv366dns8v49n5vkk3";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.1.14";
+  };
+  coderay = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0jvxqxzply1lwp7ysn94zjhh57vc14mcshw1ygw14ib8lhc00lyw";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.1.3";
+  };
+  concurrent-ruby = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0nwad3211p7yv9sda31jmbyw6sdafzmdi2i2niaz6f0wk5nq9h0f";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.1.9";
+  };
+  csl = {
+    dependencies = ["namae" "rexml"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0n8iqmzvvqy2b1wfr4c7yj28x4z3zgm36628y8ybl49dgnmjycrk";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.6.0";
+  };
+  csl-styles = {
+    dependencies = ["csl"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0l29qlk7i74088fpba5iqhhgiqkj7glcmc42nbmvgqysx577nag8";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "";
+  };
+  css_parser = {
+    dependencies = ["addressable"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1q8gj3wkc2mbzsqw5zcsr3kyzrrb2pda03pi769rjbvqr94g3bm5";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.10.0";
+  };
+  gepub = {
+    dependencies = ["nokogiri" "rubyzip"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "08fny807zd4700f263ckc76bladjipsniyk3clv8a7x76x3fqshx";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.0.15";
+  };
+  hashery = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0qj8815bf7q6q7llm5rzdz279gzmpqmqqicxnzv066a020iwqffj";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.1.2";
+  };
+  i18n = {
+    dependencies = ["concurrent-ruby"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0vdd1kii40qhbr9n8qx71k2gskq6rkl8ygy8hw5hfj8bb5a364xf";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.8.11";
+  };
+  latex-decode = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1wnxg82lfkb8bl5la9nmg1434rpkcygygm0ckixjn6ah2dy6i53m";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.3.2";
+  };
+  mathematical = {
+    dependencies = ["ruby-enum"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "05mn68gxhfa37qsnzsmdqaa005hf511j5lga76qsrad2gcnhan1b";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.6.14";
+  };
+  mime-types = {
+    dependencies = ["mime-types-data"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0ipw892jbksbxxcrlx9g5ljq60qx47pm24ywgfbyjskbcl78pkvb";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.4.1";
+  };
+  mime-types-data = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "03m3fkix2haah20kvh1jgv262yg9jlzn6wq0y31kafxk8fysfy27";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.2021.1115";
+  };
+  mini_portile2 = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1lvxm91hi0pabnkkg47wh1siv56s6slm2mdq1idfm86dyfidfprq";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.6.1";
+  };
+  namae = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1j3nl1klkx3gymrdxfc1hlq4a8qlvhhl9aj5v1v08b9fz27sky0l";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.1.1";
+  };
+  nokogiri = {
+    dependencies = ["mini_portile2" "racc"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1v02g7k7cxiwdcahvlxrmizn3avj2q6nsjccgilq1idc89cr081b";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.12.5";
+  };
+  pdf-core = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1fz0yj4zrlii2j08kaw11j769s373ayz8jrdhxwwjzmm28pqndjg";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.9.0";
+  };
+  pdf-reader = {
+    dependencies = ["Ascii85" "afm" "hashery" "ruby-rc4" "ttfunk"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0zgv9pp9cqd1cf8bwk7pb5lkm81gn7znnan0a7s42wd0qavs4nnz";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.6.0";
+  };
+  polyglot = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1bqnxwyip623d8pr29rg6m8r0hdg08fpr2yb74f46rn1wgsnxmjr";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.3.5";
+  };
+  prawn = {
+    dependencies = ["pdf-core" "ttfunk"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1g9avv2rprsjisdk137s9ljr05r7ajhm78hxa1vjsv0jyx22f1l2";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.4.0";
+  };
+  prawn-icon = {
+    dependencies = ["prawn"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1xdnjik5zinnkjavmybbh2s52wzcpb8hzaqckiv0mxp0vs0x9j6s";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.0.0";
+  };
+  prawn-svg = {
+    dependencies = ["css_parser" "prawn" "rexml"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0mbxzw7r7hv43db9422flc24ib9d8bdy1nasbni2h998jc5a5lb6";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.32.0";
+  };
+  prawn-table = {
+    dependencies = ["prawn"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1nxd6qmxqwl850icp18wjh5k0s3amxcajdrkjyzpfgq0kvilcv9k";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.2.2";
+  };
+  prawn-templates = {
+    dependencies = ["pdf-reader" "prawn"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1w9irn3rllm992c6j7fsx81gg539i7yy8zfddyw7q53hnlys0yhi";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.1.2";
+  };
+  public_suffix = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1xqcgkl7bwws1qrlnmxgh8g4g9m10vg60bhlw40fplninb3ng6d9";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "4.0.6";
+  };
+  "pygments.rb" = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1mshqjh8v0v8k29f8annqfr4qlgkp39nbwx3sgm69aymv4skfddb";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.2.0";
+  };
+  racc = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0la56m0z26j3mfn1a9lf2l03qx1xifanndf9p3vx1azf6sqy7v9d";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.6.0";
+  };
+  rexml = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "08ximcyfjy94pm1rhcx04ny1vx2sk0x4y185gzn86yfsbzwkng53";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.2.5";
+  };
+  rouge = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "197k0vskf72wxx0gzwld2jzg27bb7982xlvnzy9adlvkzp7nh8vf";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "3.26.1";
+  };
+  ruby-enum = {
+    dependencies = ["i18n"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "1pys90hxylhyg969iw9lz3qai5lblf8xwbdg1g5aj52731a9k83p";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.9.0";
+  };
+  ruby-rc4 = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "00vci475258mmbvsdqkmqadlwn6gj9m01sp7b5a3zd90knil1k00";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.1.5";
+  };
+  rubyzip = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0grps9197qyxakbpw02pda59v45lfgbgiyw48i0mq9f2bn9y6mrz";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "2.3.2";
+  };
+  safe_yaml = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0j7qv63p0vqcd838i2iy2f76c3dgwzkiz1d1xkg7n0pbnxj2vb56";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.0.5";
+  };
+  thread_safe = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0nmhcgq6cgz44srylra07bmaw99f5271l0dpsvl5f75m44l0gmwy";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "0.3.6";
+  };
+  treetop = {
+    dependencies = ["polyglot"];
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "0697qz1akblf8r3wi0s2dsjh468hfsd57fb0mrp93z35y2ni6bhh";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.6.11";
+  };
+  ttfunk = {
+    groups = ["default"];
+    platforms = [];
+    source = {
+      remotes = [""];
+      sha256 = "15iaxz9iak5643bq2bc0jkbjv8w2zn649lxgvh5wg48q9d4blw13";
+      type = "gem";
+    };
+    version = "1.7.0";
+  };