summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/pkgs/test
diff options
authorAlyssa Ross <>2023-11-21 16:12:21 +0100
committerAlyssa Ross <>2023-11-21 16:12:48 +0100
commit048a4cd441a59cbf89defb18bb45c9f0b4429b35 (patch)
treef8f5850ff05521ab82d65745894714a8796cbfb6 /pkgs/test
parent030c5028b07afcedce7c5956015c629486cc79d9 (diff)
parent4c2d05dd6435d449a3651a6dd314d9411b5f8146 (diff)
Rebase onto e4ad989506ec7d71f7302cc3067abd82730a4beb HEAD rootfs
Signed-off-by: Alyssa Ross <>
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/test')
37 files changed, 962 insertions, 446 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/test/cc-wrapper/ b/pkgs/test/cc-wrapper/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..23601ae92f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/test/cc-wrapper/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#include <atomic>
+#include <cstdint>
+int main()
+  std::atomic_int x = {0};
+  return !std::atomic_is_lock_free(&x);
diff --git a/pkgs/test/cc-wrapper/default.nix b/pkgs/test/cc-wrapper/default.nix
index 8809030989e..a0088751d4a 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/cc-wrapper/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/test/cc-wrapper/default.nix
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ let
   staticLibc = lib.optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform.libc == "glibc") "-L ${glibc.static}/lib";
   emulator = stdenv.hostPlatform.emulator buildPackages;
-  libcxxStdenvSuffix = lib.optionalString ( != null) "-libcxx";
+  isCxx = != null;
+  libcxxStdenvSuffix = lib.optionalString isCxx "-libcxx";
 in stdenv.mkDerivation {
   pname = "cc-wrapper-test-${}${libcxxStdenvSuffix}";
   version =;
@@ -30,6 +31,21 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation {
     $CXX -o cxx-check ${./}
     ${emulator} ./cxx-check
+    # test for
+    # .../include/cxxabi.h:20:10: fatal error: '__cxxabi_config.h' file not found
+    # in libcxxStdenv
+    echo "checking whether cxxabi.h can be included... " >&2
+    $CXX -o include-cxxabi ${./}
+    ${emulator} ./include-cxxabi
+    # cxx doesn't have
+    ${lib.optionalString (!isCxx) ''
+      #
+      echo "checking whether can be linked... " >&2
+      $CXX -shared -o ${./} -latomic ${lib.optionalString ( && lib.versionOlder "6.0.0" ) "-std=c++17"}
+      $READELF -d ./ | grep && echo "ok" >&2 || echo "failed" >&2
+    ''}
     ${lib.optionalString (stdenv.isDarwin && ''
       echo "checking whether compiler can build with CoreFoundation.framework... " >&2
       mkdir -p foo/lib
diff --git a/pkgs/test/cc-wrapper/ b/pkgs/test/cc-wrapper/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6ffc97e414a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/test/cc-wrapper/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#include <cxxabi.h>
+#include <iostream>
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+  std::cerr << "ok" << std::endl;
+  return 0;
diff --git a/pkgs/test/cross/default.nix b/pkgs/test/cross/default.nix
index ff83aedca12..b4da2de5c5b 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/cross/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/test/cross/default.nix
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ let
   compareTest = { emulator, pkgFun, hostPkgs, crossPkgs, exec, args ? [] }: let
     pkgName = (pkgFun hostPkgs).name;
     args' = lib.concatStringsSep " " args;
-  in crossPkgs.runCommand "test-${pkgName}-${crossPkgs.hostPlatform.config}" {
+  in crossPkgs.runCommand "test-${pkgName}-${crossPkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.config}" {
     nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.dos2unix ];
   } ''
     # Just in case we are using wine, get rid of that annoying extra
@@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ let
       crossSystem = crossSystemFun system;
-    emulator = crossPkgs.hostPlatform.emulator pkgs;
+    emulator = crossPkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.emulator pkgs;
     # Apply some transformation on windows to get dlls in the right
     # place. Unfortunately mingw doesn’t seem to be able to do linking
     # properly.
-    platformFun = pkg: if crossPkgs.hostPlatform.isWindows then
+    platformFun = pkg: if crossPkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows then
       pkgs.buildEnv {
         name = "${}-winlinks";
         paths = [pkg] ++ pkg.buildInputs;
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ let
     pkg-config = {platformFun, crossPkgs, emulator}: crossPkgs.runCommand
-      "test-pkg-config-${crossPkgs.hostPlatform.config}"
+      "test-pkg-config-${crossPkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.config}"
       depsBuildBuild = [ crossPkgs.pkgsBuildBuild.pkg-config ];
       nativeBuildInputs = [ crossPkgs.pkgsBuildHost.pkg-config crossPkgs.buildPackages.zlib ];
@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ let
+    #pkgs.pkgsCross.gnu64_simplekernel.bash   #
     pkgs.pkgsCross.sheevaplug.stdenv  # for armv5tel
     pkgs.pkgsCross.raspberryPi.stdenv  # for armv6l
@@ -141,9 +142,23 @@ let
+    pkgs.pkgsCross.s390.stdenv
+  ] ++ lib.optionals (with pkgs.stdenv.buildPlatform; isx86_64 && isLinux) [
+    # Musl-to-glibc cross on the same architecture tends to turn up
+    # lots of interesting corner cases.  Only expected to work for
+    # x86_64-linux buildPlatform.
+    pkgs.pkgsMusl.pkgsCross.gnu64.hello
+    # Two web browsers -- exercises almost the entire packageset
+    pkgs.pkgsCross.aarch64-multiplatform.qt5.qutebrowser
+    pkgs.pkgsCross.aarch64-multiplatform.firefox
+    # Uses pkgsCross.riscv64-embedded; see
+    pkgs.spike
 in {
diff --git a/pkgs/test/cuda/cuda-samples/extension.nix b/pkgs/test/cuda/cuda-samples/extension.nix
index 05861ee5e0e..664349416b7 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/cuda/cuda-samples/extension.nix
+++ b/pkgs/test/cuda/cuda-samples/extension.nix
@@ -11,13 +11,15 @@ final: prev: let
     "11.4" = "082dkk5y34wyvjgj2p5j1d00rk8xaxb9z0mhvz16bd469r1bw2qk";
     "11.5" = "sha256-AKRZbke0K59lakhTi8dX2cR2aBuWPZkiQxyKaZTvHrI=";
     "11.6" = "sha256-AsLNmAplfuQbXg9zt09tXAuFJ524EtTYsQuUlV1tPkE=";
-    "11.7" = throw "The tag 11.7 of cuda-samples does not exist";
+    # The tag 11.7 of cuda-samples does not exist
     "11.8" = "sha256-7+1P8+wqTKUGbCUBXGMDO9PkxYr2+PLDx9W2hXtXbuc=";
     "12.0" = "sha256-Lj2kbdVFrJo5xPYPMiE4BS7Z8gpU5JLKXVJhZABUe/g=";
-  }.${prev.cudaVersion};
+    "12.1" = "sha256-xE0luOMq46zVsIEWwK4xjLs7NorcTIi9gbfZPVjIlqo=";
+    "12.2" = "sha256-pOy0qfDjA/Nr0T9PNKKefK/63gQnJV2MQsN2g3S2yng=";
+  };
-in {
+in prev.lib.attrsets.optionalAttrs (builtins.hasAttr prev.cudaVersion sha256) {
   cuda-samples = final.callPackage ./generic.nix {
-    inherit sha256;
+    sha256 = sha256.${prev.cudaVersion};
diff --git a/pkgs/test/cuda/cuda-samples/generic.nix b/pkgs/test/cuda/cuda-samples/generic.nix
index 267eca10d8e..e690f32959f 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/cuda/cuda-samples/generic.nix
+++ b/pkgs/test/cuda/cuda-samples/generic.nix
@@ -1,31 +1,46 @@
-{ lib
-, cudaPackages
+{ autoAddOpenGLRunpathHook
+, backendStdenv
+, cmake
+, cudatoolkit
+, cudaVersion
 , fetchFromGitHub
 , fetchpatch
-, addOpenGLRunpath
-, cudatoolkit
+, freeimage
+, glfw3
+, lib
 , pkg-config
 , sha256
-, glfw3
-, freeimage
-cudaPackages.backendStdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+backendStdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: {
   pname = "cuda-samples";
-  version = lib.versions.majorMinor cudatoolkit.version;
+  version = cudaVersion;
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "NVIDIA";
-    repo = pname;
-    rev = "v${version}";
+    repo = finalAttrs.pname;
+    rev = "v${finalAttrs.version}";
     inherit sha256;
-  nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config addOpenGLRunpath glfw3 freeimage ];
+  nativeBuildInputs = [
+    pkg-config
+    autoAddOpenGLRunpathHook
+    glfw3
+    freeimage
+  ]
+  # CMake has to run as a native, build-time dependency for libNVVM samples.
+  ++ lib.lists.optionals (lib.strings.versionAtLeast finalAttrs.version "12.2") [
+    cmake
+  ];
+  # CMake is not the primary build tool -- that's still make.
+  # As such, we disable CMake's build system.
+  dontUseCmakeConfigure = true;
   buildInputs = [ cudatoolkit ];
   # See
-  patches = lib.optionals (version == "11.3") [
+  patches = lib.optionals (finalAttrs.version == "11.3") [
     (fetchpatch {
       url = "";
       sha256 = "sha256-0XxdmNK9MPpHwv8+qECJTvXGlFxc+fIbta4ynYprfpU=";
@@ -41,21 +56,15 @@ cudaPackages.backendStdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   installPhase = ''
     runHook preInstall
-    install -Dm755 -t $out/bin bin/${}/${}/release/*
+    install -Dm755 -t $out/bin bin/${}/${}/release/*
     runHook postInstall
-  postFixup = ''
-    for exe in $out/bin/*; do
-      addOpenGLRunpath $exe
-    done
-  '';
   meta = {
     description = "Samples for CUDA Developers which demonstrates features in CUDA Toolkit";
     # CUDA itself is proprietary, but these sample apps are not.
     license = lib.licenses.bsd3;
-    maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ obsidian-systems-maintenance ];
+    maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ obsidian-systems-maintenance ] ++ lib.teams.cuda.members;
diff --git a/pkgs/test/default.nix b/pkgs/test/default.nix
index 05d8ee61e9a..9543e165a80 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/test/default.nix
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ with pkgs;
     llvmTests = let
       pkgSets = lib.pipe pkgNames [
         (filter (lib.hasPrefix "llvmPackages"))
+        (filter (n: n != "rocmPackages.llvm"))
+        # Is a throw alias.
         (filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_rocm"))
         (filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_latest"))
         (filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_git"))
@@ -37,41 +39,42 @@ with pkgs;
       name = "cc-wrapper-supported";
       builtGCC =
-          names = lib.pipe (attrNames gccTests) ([
-            (filter (n: lib.meta.availableOn stdenv.hostPlatform pkgs.${n}.cc))
+          inherit (lib) filterAttrs;
+          sets = lib.pipe gccTests ([
+            (filterAttrs (_: v: lib.meta.availableOn stdenv.hostPlatform
             # Broken
-            (filter (n: n != "gcc49Stdenv"))
-            (filter (n: n != "gccMultiStdenv"))
+            (filterAttrs (n: _: n != "gcc49Stdenv"))
+            (filterAttrs (n: _: n != "gccMultiStdenv"))
           ] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin && stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) [
             # fails with things like
             # ld: warning: ld: warning: object file (trunctfsf2_s.o) was built for newer macOS version (11.0) than being linked (10.5)
             # ld: warning: ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for ___fixunstfdi: register 20 saved somewhere other than in frame
-            (filter (n: n != "gcc11Stdenv"))
+            (filterAttrs (n: _: n != "gcc11Stdenv"))
-        toJSON (lib.genAttrs names (name: { name = pkgs.${name};  }));
+        toJSON sets;
       builtLLVM =
-          names = lib.pipe (attrNames llvmTests) ([
-            (filter (n: lib.meta.availableOn stdenv.hostPlatform pkgs.${n}
-            (filter (n: lib.meta.availableOn stdenv.hostPlatform pkgs.${n}
+          inherit (lib) filterAttrs;
+          sets = lib.pipe llvmTests ([
+            (filterAttrs (_: v: lib.meta.availableOn stdenv.hostPlatform
+            (filterAttrs (_: v: lib.meta.availableOn stdenv.hostPlatform
             # libcxxStdenv broken
             # fix in
           ] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux && stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) [
             # libcxx does not build for some reason on aarch64-linux
-            (filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_7"))
+            (filterAttrs (n: _: n != "llvmPackages_7"))
           ] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin && stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) [
-            (filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_5"))
-            (filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_6"))
-            (filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_7"))
-            (filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_8"))
-            (filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_9"))
-            (filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_10"))
+            (filterAttrs (n: _: n != "llvmPackages_6"))
+            (filterAttrs (n: _: n != "llvmPackages_7"))
+            (filterAttrs (n: _: n != "llvmPackages_8"))
+            (filterAttrs (n: _: n != "llvmPackages_9"))
+            (filterAttrs (n: _: n != "llvmPackages_10"))
-        toJSON (lib.genAttrs names (name: { stdenv = pkgs.${name}.stdenv; libcxx = pkgs.${name}.libcxxStdenv;  }));
+        toJSON sets;
         buildCommand = ''
           touch $out
@@ -104,6 +107,7 @@ with pkgs;
   cc-multilib-clang = callPackage ./cc-wrapper/multilib.nix { stdenv = clangMultiStdenv; };
   fetchurl = callPackages ../build-support/fetchurl/tests.nix { };
+  fetchtorrent = callPackages ../build-support/fetchtorrent/tests.nix { };
   fetchpatch = callPackages ../build-support/fetchpatch/tests.nix { };
   fetchpatch2 = callPackages ../build-support/fetchpatch/tests.nix { fetchpatch = fetchpatch2; };
   fetchDebianPatch = callPackages ../build-support/fetchdebianpatch/tests.nix { };
diff --git a/pkgs/test/haskell/upstreamStackHpackVersion/default.nix b/pkgs/test/haskell/upstreamStackHpackVersion/default.nix
index ddf26770259..f3ddbcd3e01 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/haskell/upstreamStackHpackVersion/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/test/haskell/upstreamStackHpackVersion/default.nix
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ let
   # This is a statically linked version of stack, so it should be usable within
   # the Nixpkgs builder (at least on x86_64-linux).
   stackDownloadUrl =
-    "${stack.version}/stack-${stack.version}-linux-x86_64-static.tar.gz";
+    "${stack.version}/stack-${stack.version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz";
   # This test code has been explicitly pulled out of the derivation below so
   # that it can be hashed and added to the `name` of the derivation.  This is
@@ -49,10 +49,11 @@ let
     # Fetch the statically-linked upstream Stack binary.
+    echo "Trying to download a statically linked stack binary from ${stackDownloadUrl} to ./stack.tar.gz ..."
     "''${curl[@]}" "${stackDownloadUrl}" > ./stack.tar.gz
     tar xf ./stack.tar.gz
-    upstream_stack_version_output="$(./stack-${stack.version}-linux-x86_64-static/stack --version)"
+    upstream_stack_version_output="$(./stack-${stack.version}-linux-x86_64/stack --version)"
     echo "upstream \`stack --version\` output: $upstream_stack_version_output"
     nixpkgs_stack_version_output="$(stack --version)"
diff --git a/pkgs/test/make-binary-wrapper/add-flags.c b/pkgs/test/make-binary-wrapper/add-flags.c
index 3ae8678d442..d998a5f6f98 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/make-binary-wrapper/add-flags.c
+++ b/pkgs/test/make-binary-wrapper/add-flags.c
@@ -3,19 +3,21 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
-    char **argv_tmp = calloc(4 + argc + 2 + 1, sizeof(*argv_tmp));
+    char **argv_tmp = calloc(6 + argc + 2 + 1, sizeof(*argv_tmp));
     assert(argv_tmp != NULL);
     argv_tmp[0] = argv[0];
     argv_tmp[1] = "-x";
     argv_tmp[2] = "-y";
     argv_tmp[3] = "-z";
     argv_tmp[4] = "-abc";
+    argv_tmp[5] = "-g";
+    argv_tmp[6] = "*.txt";
     for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
-        argv_tmp[4 + i] = argv[i];
+        argv_tmp[6 + i] = argv[i];
-    argv_tmp[4 + argc + 0] = "-foo";
-    argv_tmp[4 + argc + 1] = "-bar";
-    argv_tmp[4 + argc + 2] = NULL;
+    argv_tmp[6 + argc + 0] = "-foo";
+    argv_tmp[6 + argc + 1] = "-bar";
+    argv_tmp[6 + argc + 2] = NULL;
     argv = argv_tmp;
     argv[0] = "/send/me/flags";
diff --git a/pkgs/test/make-binary-wrapper/add-flags.cmdline b/pkgs/test/make-binary-wrapper/add-flags.cmdline
index f42d26f3adf..1ca964ab4e7 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/make-binary-wrapper/add-flags.cmdline
+++ b/pkgs/test/make-binary-wrapper/add-flags.cmdline
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
     --append-flags "-foo -bar" \
     --add-flags "-x -y -z" \
-    --add-flags -abc
+    --add-flags -abc \
+    --add-flags "-g *.txt"
diff --git a/pkgs/test/make-binary-wrapper/add-flags.env b/pkgs/test/make-binary-wrapper/add-flags.env
index 3626b8cf97b..f0641ef36f7 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/make-binary-wrapper/add-flags.env
+++ b/pkgs/test/make-binary-wrapper/add-flags.env
@@ -4,5 +4,7 @@ SUBST_ARGV0
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/Cargo.lock b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/Cargo.lock
index aa4459c7cff..fc3aeb9fd79 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/Cargo.lock
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/Cargo.lock
@@ -163,6 +163,12 @@ source = "registry+"
 checksum = "7704b5fdd17b18ae31c4c1da5a2e0305a2bf17b5249300a9ee9ed7b72114c636"
+name = "either"
+version = "1.9.0"
+source = "registry+"
+checksum = "a26ae43d7bcc3b814de94796a5e736d4029efb0ee900c12e2d54c993ad1a1e07"
 name = "errno"
 version = "0.3.2"
 source = "registry+"
@@ -219,6 +225,15 @@ dependencies = [
+name = "itertools"
+version = "0.11.0"
+source = "registry+"
+checksum = "b1c173a5686ce8bfa551b3563d0c2170bf24ca44da99c7ca4bfdab5418c3fe57"
+dependencies = [
+ "either",
 name = "itoa"
 version = "1.0.9"
 source = "registry+"
@@ -274,6 +289,7 @@ dependencies = [
+ "itertools",
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/Cargo.toml b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/Cargo.toml
index 70b44d04820..1e6eaa1106d 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/Cargo.toml
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/Cargo.toml
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ serde = { version = "1.0.185", features = ["derive"] }
 anyhow = "1.0"
 lazy_static = "1.4.0"
 colored = "2.0.4"
+itertools = "0.11.0"
 temp-env = "0.3.5"
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/
index 4dd694acd2f..146cea0a64b 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Nixpkgs pkgs/by-name checker
-This directory implements a program to check the [validity](#validity-checks) of the `pkgs/by-name` Nixpkgs directory once introduced.
+This directory implements a program to check the [validity](#validity-checks) of the `pkgs/by-name` Nixpkgs directory.
 It is being used by [this GitHub Actions workflow](../../../.github/workflows/check-by-name.yml).
 This is part of the implementation of [RFC 140](
@@ -11,13 +11,20 @@ This API may be changed over time if the CI workflow making use of it is adjuste
 - Command line: `nixpkgs-check-by-name <NIXPKGS>`
 - Arguments:
   - `<NIXPKGS>`: The path to the Nixpkgs to check
+  - `--version <VERSION>`: The version of the checks to perform.
+    Possible values:
+    - `v0` (default)
+    - `v1`
+    See [validation](#validity-checks) for the differences.
 - Exit code:
   - `0`: If the [validation](#validity-checks) is successful
   - `1`: If the [validation](#validity-checks) is not successful
   - `2`: If an unexpected I/O error occurs
 - Standard error:
   - Informative messages
-  - Error messages if validation is not successful
+  - Detected problems if validation is not successful
 ## Validity checks
@@ -35,6 +42,7 @@ These checks are performed by this tool:
 ### Nix evaluation checks
 - `pkgs.${name}` is defined as `callPackage pkgs/by-name/${shard}/${name}/package.nix args` for some `args`.
+  - **Only after --version v1**: If `pkgs.${name}` is not auto-called from `pkgs/by-name`, `args` must not be empty
 - `pkgs.lib.isDerivation pkgs.${name}` is `true`.
 ## Development
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/eval.nix b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/eval.nix
index 7c0ae755215..bf9f19d8e46 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/eval.nix
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/eval.nix
@@ -18,19 +18,42 @@ let
     callPackage = fn: args:
         result = super.callPackage fn args;
+        variantInfo._attributeVariant = {
+          # These names are used by the deserializer on the Rust side
+          CallPackage.path =
+            if builtins.isPath fn then
+              toString fn
+            else
+              null;
+          CallPackage.empty_arg =
+            args == { };
+        };
       if builtins.isAttrs result then
         # If this was the last overlay to be applied, we could just only return the `_callPackagePath`,
         # but that's not the case because stdenv has another overlays on top of user-provided ones.
         # So to not break the stdenv build we need to return the mostly proper result here
-        result // {
-          _callPackagePath = fn;
-        }
+        result // variantInfo
         # It's very rare that callPackage doesn't return an attribute set, but it can occur.
-        {
-          _callPackagePath = fn;
+        variantInfo;
+    _internalCallByNamePackageFile = file:
+      let
+        result = super._internalCallByNamePackageFile file;
+        variantInfo._attributeVariant = {
+          # This name is used by the deserializer on the Rust side
+          AutoCalled = null;
+      in
+      if builtins.isAttrs result then
+        # If this was the last overlay to be applied, we could just only return the `_callPackagePath`,
+        # but that's not the case because stdenv has another overlays on top of user-provided ones.
+        # So to not break the stdenv build we need to return the mostly proper result here
+        result // variantInfo
+      else
+        # It's very rare that callPackage doesn't return an attribute set, but it can occur.
+        variantInfo;
   pkgs = import nixpkgsPath {
@@ -39,14 +62,14 @@ let
     overlays = [ callPackageOverlay ];
-  attrInfo = attr: {
+  attrInfo = attr:
+    let
+      value = pkgs.${attr};
+    in
+    {
     # These names are used by the deserializer on the Rust side
-    call_package_path =
-      if pkgs.${attr} ? _callPackagePath && builtins.isPath pkgs.${attr}._callPackagePath then
-        toString pkgs.${attr}._callPackagePath
-      else
-        null;
-    is_derivation = pkgs.lib.isDerivation pkgs.${attr};
+    variant = value._attributeVariant or { Other = null; };
+    is_derivation = pkgs.lib.isDerivation value;
   attrInfos = builtins.listToAttrs (map (name: {
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
index 17e22495b22..e4f986748b4 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
+use crate::nixpkgs_problem::NixpkgsProblem;
 use crate::structure;
-use crate::utils::ErrorWriter;
+use crate::validation::{self, Validation::Success};
+use crate::Version;
 use std::path::Path;
 use anyhow::Context;
 use serde::Deserialize;
 use std::collections::HashMap;
-use std::io;
 use std::path::PathBuf;
 use std::process;
 use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
@@ -13,20 +14,38 @@ use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
 /// Attribute set of this structure is returned by eval.nix
 struct AttributeInfo {
-    call_package_path: Option<PathBuf>,
+    variant: AttributeVariant,
     is_derivation: bool,
+enum AttributeVariant {
+    /// The attribute is auto-called as pkgs.callPackage using pkgs/by-name,
+    /// and it is not overridden by a definition in all-packages.nix
+    AutoCalled,
+    /// The attribute is defined as a pkgs.callPackage <path> <args>,
+    /// and overridden by all-packages.nix
+    CallPackage {
+        /// The <path> argument or None if it's not a path
+        path: Option<PathBuf>,
+        /// true if <args> is { }
+        empty_arg: bool,
+    },
+    /// The attribute is not defined as pkgs.callPackage
+    Other,
 const EXPR: &str = include_str!("eval.nix");
 /// Check that the Nixpkgs attribute values corresponding to the packages in pkgs/by-name are
 /// of the form `callPackage <package_file> { ... }`.
 /// See the `eval.nix` file for how this is achieved on the Nix side
-pub fn check_values<W: io::Write>(
-    error_writer: &mut ErrorWriter<W>,
-    nixpkgs: &structure::Nixpkgs,
+pub fn check_values(
+    version: Version,
+    nixpkgs_path: &Path,
+    package_names: Vec<String>,
     eval_accessible_paths: Vec<&Path>,
-) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
+) -> validation::Result<()> {
     // Write the list of packages we need to check into a temporary JSON file.
     // This can then get read by the Nix evaluation.
     let attrs_file = NamedTempFile::new().context("Failed to create a temporary file")?;
@@ -36,7 +55,7 @@ pub fn check_values<W: io::Write>(
     // entry is needed.
     let attrs_file_path = attrs_file.path().canonicalize()?;
-    serde_json::to_writer(&attrs_file, &nixpkgs.package_names).context(format!(
+    serde_json::to_writer(&attrs_file, &package_names).context(format!(
         "Failed to serialise the package names to the temporary path {}",
@@ -68,9 +87,9 @@ pub fn check_values<W: io::Write>(
         // Same for the nixpkgs to test
         .args(["--arg", "nixpkgsPath"])
-        .arg(&nixpkgs.path)
+        .arg(nixpkgs_path)
-        .arg(&nixpkgs.path);
+        .arg(nixpkgs_path);
     // Also add extra paths that need to be accessible
     for path in eval_accessible_paths {
@@ -92,39 +111,54 @@ pub fn check_values<W: io::Write>(
-    for package_name in &nixpkgs.package_names {
-        let relative_package_file = structure::Nixpkgs::relative_file_for_package(package_name);
-        let absolute_package_file = nixpkgs.path.join(&relative_package_file);
+    Ok(validation::sequence_(package_names.iter().map(
+        |package_name| {
+            let relative_package_file = structure::relative_file_for_package(package_name);
+            let absolute_package_file = nixpkgs_path.join(&relative_package_file);
-        if let Some(attribute_info) = actual_files.get(package_name) {
-            let is_expected_file =
-                if let Some(call_package_path) = &attribute_info.call_package_path {
-                    absolute_package_file == *call_package_path
-                } else {
-                    false
+            if let Some(attribute_info) = actual_files.get(package_name) {
+                let valid = match &attribute_info.variant {
+                    AttributeVariant::AutoCalled => true,
+                    AttributeVariant::CallPackage { path, empty_arg } => {
+                        let correct_file = if let Some(call_package_path) = path {
+                            absolute_package_file == *call_package_path
+                        } else {
+                            false
+                        };
+                        // Only check for the argument to be non-empty if the version is V1 or
+                        // higher
+                        let non_empty = if version >= Version::V1 {
+                            !empty_arg
+                        } else {
+                            true
+                        };
+                        correct_file && non_empty
+                    }
+                    AttributeVariant::Other => false,
-            if !is_expected_file {
-                error_writer.write(&format!(
-                    "pkgs.{package_name}: This attribute is not defined as `pkgs.callPackage {} {{ ... }}`.",
-                    relative_package_file.display()
-                ))?;
-                continue;
-            }
-            if !attribute_info.is_derivation {
-                error_writer.write(&format!(
-                    "pkgs.{package_name}: This attribute defined by {} is not a derivation",
-                    relative_package_file.display()
-                ))?;
+                if !valid {
+                    NixpkgsProblem::WrongCallPackage {
+                        relative_package_file: relative_package_file.clone(),
+                        package_name: package_name.clone(),
+                    }
+                    .into()
+                } else if !attribute_info.is_derivation {
+                    NixpkgsProblem::NonDerivation {
+                        relative_package_file: relative_package_file.clone(),
+                        package_name: package_name.clone(),
+                    }
+                    .into()
+                } else {
+                    Success(())
+                }
+            } else {
+                NixpkgsProblem::UndefinedAttr {
+                    relative_package_file: relative_package_file.clone(),
+                    package_name: package_name.clone(),
+                }
+                .into()
-        } else {
-            error_writer.write(&format!(
-                "pkgs.{package_name}: This attribute is not defined but it should be defined automatically as {}",
-                relative_package_file.display()
-            ))?;
-            continue;
-        }
-    }
-    Ok(())
+        },
+    )))
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
index 8c663061bb0..4cabf8f446f 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
@@ -1,28 +1,45 @@
 mod eval;
+mod nixpkgs_problem;
 mod references;
 mod structure;
 mod utils;
+mod validation;
+use crate::structure::check_structure;
+use crate::validation::Validation::Failure;
+use crate::validation::Validation::Success;
 use anyhow::Context;
-use clap::Parser;
+use clap::{Parser, ValueEnum};
 use colored::Colorize;
 use std::io;
 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
 use std::process::ExitCode;
-use structure::Nixpkgs;
-use utils::ErrorWriter;
 /// Program to check the validity of pkgs/by-name
 #[derive(Parser, Debug)]
-struct Args {
+pub struct Args {
     /// Path to nixpkgs
     nixpkgs: PathBuf,
+    /// The version of the checks
+    /// Increasing this may cause failures for a Nixpkgs that succeeded before
+    /// TODO: Remove default once Nixpkgs CI passes this argument
+    #[arg(long, value_enum, default_value_t = Version::V0)]
+    version: Version,
+/// The version of the checks
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, ValueEnum)]
+pub enum Version {
+    /// Initial version
+    V0,
+    /// Empty argument check
+    V1,
 fn main() -> ExitCode {
     let args = Args::parse();
-    match check_nixpkgs(&args.nixpkgs, vec![], &mut io::stderr()) {
+    match check_nixpkgs(&args.nixpkgs, args.version, vec![], &mut io::stderr()) {
         Ok(true) => {
             eprintln!("{}", "Validated successfully".green());
@@ -49,10 +66,11 @@ fn main() -> ExitCode {
 /// # Return value
 /// - `Err(e)` if an I/O-related error `e` occurred.
-/// - `Ok(false)` if the structure is invalid, all the structural errors have been written to `error_writer`.
-/// - `Ok(true)` if the structure is valid, nothing will have been written to `error_writer`.
+/// - `Ok(false)` if there are problems, all of which will be written to `error_writer`.
+/// - `Ok(true)` if there are no problems
 pub fn check_nixpkgs<W: io::Write>(
     nixpkgs_path: &Path,
+    version: Version,
     eval_accessible_paths: Vec<&Path>,
     error_writer: &mut W,
 ) -> anyhow::Result<bool> {
@@ -61,31 +79,39 @@ pub fn check_nixpkgs<W: io::Write>(
-    // Wraps the error_writer to print everything in red, and tracks whether anything was printed
-    // at all. Later used to figure out if the structure was valid or not.
-    let mut error_writer = ErrorWriter::new(error_writer);
-    if !nixpkgs_path.join(structure::BASE_SUBPATH).exists() {
+    let check_result = if !nixpkgs_path.join(utils::BASE_SUBPATH).exists() {
             "Given Nixpkgs path does not contain a {} subdirectory, no check necessary.",
-            structure::BASE_SUBPATH
+            utils::BASE_SUBPATH
+        Success(())
     } else {
-        let nixpkgs = Nixpkgs::new(&nixpkgs_path, &mut error_writer)?;
+        match check_structure(&nixpkgs_path)? {
+            Failure(errors) => Failure(errors),
+            Success(package_names) =>
+            // Only if we could successfully parse the structure, we do the evaluation checks
+            {
+                eval::check_values(version, &nixpkgs_path, package_names, eval_accessible_paths)?
+            }
+        }
+    };
-        if error_writer.empty {
-            // Only if we could successfully parse the structure, we do the semantic checks
-            eval::check_values(&mut error_writer, &nixpkgs, eval_accessible_paths)?;
-            references::check_references(&mut error_writer, &nixpkgs)?;
+    match check_result {
+        Failure(errors) => {
+            for error in errors {
+                writeln!(error_writer, "{}", error.to_string().red())?
+            }
+            Ok(false)
+        Success(_) => Ok(true),
-    Ok(error_writer.empty)
 mod tests {
     use crate::check_nixpkgs;
-    use crate::structure;
+    use crate::utils;
+    use crate::Version;
     use anyhow::Context;
     use std::fs;
     use std::path::Path;
@@ -129,7 +155,7 @@ mod tests {
             return Ok(());
-        let base = path.join(structure::BASE_SUBPATH);
+        let base = path.join(utils::BASE_SUBPATH);
         fs::write(base.join("fo/foo/package.nix"), "{ someDrv }: someDrv")?;
@@ -174,7 +200,7 @@ mod tests {
         // We don't want coloring to mess up the tests
         let writer = temp_env::with_var("NO_COLOR", Some("1"), || -> anyhow::Result<_> {
             let mut writer = vec![];
-            check_nixpkgs(&path, vec![&extra_nix_path], &mut writer)
+            check_nixpkgs(&path, Version::V1, vec![&extra_nix_path], &mut writer)
                 .context(format!("Failed test case {name}"))?;
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2344a8cc132
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+use crate::utils::PACKAGE_NIX_FILENAME;
+use rnix::parser::ParseError;
+use std::ffi::OsString;
+use std::fmt;
+use std::io;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+/// Any problem that can occur when checking Nixpkgs
+pub enum NixpkgsProblem {
+    ShardNonDir {
+        relative_shard_path: PathBuf,
+    },
+    InvalidShardName {
+        relative_shard_path: PathBuf,
+        shard_name: String,
+    },
+    PackageNonDir {
+        relative_package_dir: PathBuf,
+    },
+    CaseSensitiveDuplicate {
+        relative_shard_path: PathBuf,
+        first: OsString,
+        second: OsString,
+    },
+    InvalidPackageName {
+        relative_package_dir: PathBuf,
+        package_name: String,
+    },
+    IncorrectShard {
+        relative_package_dir: PathBuf,
+        correct_relative_package_dir: PathBuf,
+    },
+    PackageNixNonExistent {
+        relative_package_dir: PathBuf,
+    },
+    PackageNixDir {
+        relative_package_dir: PathBuf,
+    },
+    UndefinedAttr {
+        relative_package_file: PathBuf,
+        package_name: String,
+    },
+    WrongCallPackage {
+        relative_package_file: PathBuf,
+        package_name: String,
+    },
+    NonDerivation {
+        relative_package_file: PathBuf,
+        package_name: String,
+    },
+    OutsideSymlink {
+        relative_package_dir: PathBuf,
+        subpath: PathBuf,
+    },
+    UnresolvableSymlink {
+        relative_package_dir: PathBuf,
+        subpath: PathBuf,
+        io_error: io::Error,
+    },
+    CouldNotParseNix {
+        relative_package_dir: PathBuf,
+        subpath: PathBuf,
+        error: ParseError,
+    },
+    PathInterpolation {
+        relative_package_dir: PathBuf,
+        subpath: PathBuf,
+        line: usize,
+        text: String,
+    },
+    SearchPath {
+        relative_package_dir: PathBuf,
+        subpath: PathBuf,
+        line: usize,
+        text: String,
+    },
+    OutsidePathReference {
+        relative_package_dir: PathBuf,
+        subpath: PathBuf,
+        line: usize,
+        text: String,
+    },
+    UnresolvablePathReference {
+        relative_package_dir: PathBuf,
+        subpath: PathBuf,
+        line: usize,
+        text: String,
+        io_error: io::Error,
+    },
+impl fmt::Display for NixpkgsProblem {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        match self {
+            NixpkgsProblem::ShardNonDir { relative_shard_path } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "{}: This is a file, but it should be a directory.",
+                    relative_shard_path.display(),
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::InvalidShardName { relative_shard_path, shard_name } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "{}: Invalid directory name \"{shard_name}\", must be at most 2 ASCII characters consisting of a-z, 0-9, \"-\" or \"_\".",
+                    relative_shard_path.display()
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::PackageNonDir { relative_package_dir } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "{}: This path is a file, but it should be a directory.",
+                    relative_package_dir.display(),
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::CaseSensitiveDuplicate { relative_shard_path, first, second } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "{}: Duplicate case-sensitive package directories {first:?} and {second:?}.",
+                    relative_shard_path.display(),
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::InvalidPackageName { relative_package_dir, package_name } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "{}: Invalid package directory name \"{package_name}\", must be ASCII characters consisting of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, \"-\" or \"_\".",
+                    relative_package_dir.display(),
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::IncorrectShard { relative_package_dir, correct_relative_package_dir } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "{}: Incorrect directory location, should be {} instead.",
+                    relative_package_dir.display(),
+                    correct_relative_package_dir.display(),
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::PackageNixNonExistent { relative_package_dir } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "{}: Missing required \"{PACKAGE_NIX_FILENAME}\" file.",
+                    relative_package_dir.display(),
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::PackageNixDir { relative_package_dir } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "{}: \"{PACKAGE_NIX_FILENAME}\" must be a file.",
+                    relative_package_dir.display(),
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::UndefinedAttr { relative_package_file, package_name } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "pkgs.{package_name}: This attribute is not defined but it should be defined automatically as {}",
+                    relative_package_file.display()
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::WrongCallPackage { relative_package_file, package_name } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "pkgs.{package_name}: This attribute is manually defined (most likely in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix), which is only allowed if the definition is of the form `pkgs.callPackage {} {{ ... }}` with a non-empty second argument.",
+                    relative_package_file.display()
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::NonDerivation { relative_package_file, package_name } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "pkgs.{package_name}: This attribute defined by {} is not a derivation",
+                    relative_package_file.display()
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::OutsideSymlink { relative_package_dir, subpath } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "{}: Path {} is a symlink pointing to a path outside the directory of that package.",
+                    relative_package_dir.display(),
+                    subpath.display(),
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::UnresolvableSymlink { relative_package_dir, subpath, io_error } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "{}: Path {} is a symlink which cannot be resolved: {io_error}.",
+                    relative_package_dir.display(),
+                    subpath.display(),
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::CouldNotParseNix { relative_package_dir, subpath, error } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "{}: File {} could not be parsed by rnix: {}",
+                    relative_package_dir.display(),
+                    subpath.display(),
+                    error,
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::PathInterpolation { relative_package_dir, subpath, line, text } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "{}: File {} at line {line} contains the path expression \"{}\", which is not yet supported and may point outside the directory of that package.",
+                    relative_package_dir.display(),
+                    subpath.display(),
+                    text
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::SearchPath { relative_package_dir, subpath, line, text } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "{}: File {} at line {line} contains the nix search path expression \"{}\" which may point outside the directory of that package.",
+                    relative_package_dir.display(),
+                    subpath.display(),
+                    text
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::OutsidePathReference { relative_package_dir, subpath, line, text } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "{}: File {} at line {line} contains the path expression \"{}\" which may point outside the directory of that package.",
+                    relative_package_dir.display(),
+                    subpath.display(),
+                    text,
+                ),
+            NixpkgsProblem::UnresolvablePathReference { relative_package_dir, subpath, line, text, io_error } =>
+                write!(
+                    f,
+                    "{}: File {} at line {line} contains the path expression \"{}\" which cannot be resolved: {io_error}.",
+                    relative_package_dir.display(),
+                    subpath.display(),
+                    text,
+                ),
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
index 16dc60729c4..0561a9b22e8 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
@@ -1,105 +1,98 @@
-use crate::structure::Nixpkgs;
+use crate::nixpkgs_problem::NixpkgsProblem;
 use crate::utils;
-use crate::utils::{ErrorWriter, LineIndex};
+use crate::utils::LineIndex;
+use crate::validation::{self, ResultIteratorExt, Validation::Success};
 use anyhow::Context;
 use rnix::{Root, SyntaxKind::NODE_PATH};
 use std::ffi::OsStr;
 use std::fs::read_to_string;
-use std::io;
-use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
-/// Small helper so we don't need to pass in the same arguments to all functions
-struct PackageContext<'a, W: io::Write> {
-    error_writer: &'a mut ErrorWriter<W>,
-    /// The package directory relative to Nixpkgs, such as `pkgs/by-name/fo/foo`
-    relative_package_dir: &'a PathBuf,
-    /// The absolute package directory
-    absolute_package_dir: &'a PathBuf,
+use std::path::Path;
 /// Check that every package directory in pkgs/by-name doesn't link to outside that directory.
 /// Both symlinks and Nix path expressions are checked.
-pub fn check_references<W: io::Write>(
-    error_writer: &mut ErrorWriter<W>,
-    nixpkgs: &Nixpkgs,
-) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
-    // Check the directories for each package separately
-    for package_name in &nixpkgs.package_names {
-        let relative_package_dir = Nixpkgs::relative_dir_for_package(package_name);
-        let mut context = PackageContext {
-            error_writer,
-            relative_package_dir: &relative_package_dir,
-            absolute_package_dir: &nixpkgs.path.join(&relative_package_dir),
-        };
-        // The empty argument here is the subpath under the package directory to check
-        // An empty one means the package directory itself
-        check_path(&mut context, Path::new("")).context(format!(
-            "While checking the references in package directory {}",
-            relative_package_dir.display()
-        ))?;
-    }
-    Ok(())
+pub fn check_references(
+    relative_package_dir: &Path,
+    absolute_package_dir: &Path,
+) -> validation::Result<()> {
+    // The empty argument here is the subpath under the package directory to check
+    // An empty one means the package directory itself
+    check_path(relative_package_dir, absolute_package_dir, Path::new("")).context(format!(
+        "While checking the references in package directory {}",
+        relative_package_dir.display()
+    ))
 /// Checks for a specific path to not have references outside
-fn check_path<W: io::Write>(context: &mut PackageContext<W>, subpath: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
-    let path = context.absolute_package_dir.join(subpath);
+fn check_path(
+    relative_package_dir: &Path,
+    absolute_package_dir: &Path,
+    subpath: &Path,
+) -> validation::Result<()> {
+    let path = absolute_package_dir.join(subpath);
-    if path.is_symlink() {
+    Ok(if path.is_symlink() {
         // Check whether the symlink resolves to outside the package directory
         match path.canonicalize() {
             Ok(target) => {
                 // No need to handle the case of it being inside the directory, since we scan through the
                 // entire directory recursively anyways
-                if let Err(_prefix_error) = target.strip_prefix(context.absolute_package_dir) {
-                    context.error_writer.write(&format!(
-                        "{}: Path {} is a symlink pointing to a path outside the directory of that package.",
-                        context.relative_package_dir.display(),
-                        subpath.display(),
-                    ))?;
+                if let Err(_prefix_error) = target.strip_prefix(absolute_package_dir) {
+                    NixpkgsProblem::OutsideSymlink {
+                        relative_package_dir: relative_package_dir.to_path_buf(),
+                        subpath: subpath.to_path_buf(),
+                    }
+                    .into()
+                } else {
+                    Success(())
-            Err(e) => {
-                context.error_writer.write(&format!(
-                    "{}: Path {} is a symlink which cannot be resolved: {e}.",
-                    context.relative_package_dir.display(),
-                    subpath.display(),
-                ))?;
+            Err(io_error) => NixpkgsProblem::UnresolvableSymlink {
+                relative_package_dir: relative_package_dir.to_path_buf(),
+                subpath: subpath.to_path_buf(),
+                io_error,
+            .into(),
     } else if path.is_dir() {
         // Recursively check each entry
-        for entry in utils::read_dir_sorted(&path)? {
-            let entry_subpath = subpath.join(entry.file_name());
-            check_path(context, &entry_subpath)
-                .context(format!("Error while recursing into {}", subpath.display()))?
-        }
+        validation::sequence_(
+            utils::read_dir_sorted(&path)?
+                .into_iter()
+                .map(|entry| {
+                    let entry_subpath = subpath.join(entry.file_name());
+                    check_path(relative_package_dir, absolute_package_dir, &entry_subpath)
+                        .context(format!("Error while recursing into {}", subpath.display()))
+                })
+                .collect_vec()?,
+        )
     } else if path.is_file() {
         // Only check Nix files
         if let Some(ext) = path.extension() {
             if ext == OsStr::new("nix") {
-                check_nix_file(context, subpath).context(format!(
-                    "Error while checking Nix file {}",
-                    subpath.display()
-                ))?
+                check_nix_file(relative_package_dir, absolute_package_dir, subpath).context(
+                    format!("Error while checking Nix file {}", subpath.display()),
+                )?
+            } else {
+                Success(())
+        } else {
+            Success(())
     } else {
         // This should never happen, git doesn't support other file types
         anyhow::bail!("Unsupported file type for path {}", subpath.display());
-    }
-    Ok(())
+    })
 /// Check whether a nix file contains path expression references pointing outside the package
 /// directory
-fn check_nix_file<W: io::Write>(
-    context: &mut PackageContext<W>,
+fn check_nix_file(
+    relative_package_dir: &Path,
+    absolute_package_dir: &Path,
     subpath: &Path,
-) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
-    let path = context.absolute_package_dir.join(subpath);
+) -> validation::Result<()> {
+    let path = absolute_package_dir.join(subpath);
     let parent_dir = path.parent().context(format!(
         "Could not get parent of path {}",
@@ -110,75 +103,73 @@ fn check_nix_file<W: io::Write>(
     let root = Root::parse(&contents);
     if let Some(error) = root.errors().first() {
-        context.error_writer.write(&format!(
-            "{}: File {} could not be parsed by rnix: {}",
-            context.relative_package_dir.display(),
-            subpath.display(),
-            error,
-        ))?;
-        return Ok(());
+        return Ok(NixpkgsProblem::CouldNotParseNix {
+            relative_package_dir: relative_package_dir.to_path_buf(),
+            subpath: subpath.to_path_buf(),
+            error: error.clone(),
+        }
+        .into());
     let line_index = LineIndex::new(&contents);
-    for node in root.syntax().descendants() {
-        // We're only interested in Path expressions
-        if node.kind() != NODE_PATH {
-            continue;
-        }
-        let text = node.text().to_string();
-        let line = line_index.line(node.text_range().start().into());
-        // Filters out ./foo/${bar}/baz
-        // TODO: We can just check ./foo
-        if node.children().count() != 0 {
-            context.error_writer.write(&format!(
-                "{}: File {} at line {line} contains the path expression \"{}\", which is not yet supported and may point outside the directory of that package.",
-                context.relative_package_dir.display(),
-                subpath.display(),
-                text
-            ))?;
-            continue;
-        }
-        // Filters out search paths like <nixpkgs>
-        if text.starts_with('<') {
-            context.error_writer.write(&format!(
-                "{}: File {} at line {line} contains the nix search path expression \"{}\" which may point outside the directory of that package.",
-                context.relative_package_dir.display(),
-                subpath.display(),
-                text
-            ))?;
-            continue;
-        }
-        // Resolves the reference of the Nix path
-        // turning `../baz` inside `/foo/bar/default.nix` to `/foo/baz`
-        match parent_dir.join(Path::new(&text)).canonicalize() {
-            Ok(target) => {
-                // Then checking if it's still in the package directory
-                // No need to handle the case of it being inside the directory, since we scan through the
-                // entire directory recursively anyways
-                if let Err(_prefix_error) = target.strip_prefix(context.absolute_package_dir) {
-                    context.error_writer.write(&format!(
-                        "{}: File {} at line {line} contains the path expression \"{}\" which may point outside the directory of that package.",
-                        context.relative_package_dir.display(),
-                        subpath.display(),
-                        text,
-                    ))?;
+    Ok(validation::sequence_(root.syntax().descendants().map(
+        |node| {
+            let text = node.text().to_string();
+            let line = line_index.line(node.text_range().start().into());
+            if node.kind() != NODE_PATH {
+                // We're only interested in Path expressions
+                Success(())
+            } else if node.children().count() != 0 {
+                // Filters out ./foo/${bar}/baz
+                // TODO: We can just check ./foo
+                NixpkgsProblem::PathInterpolation {
+                    relative_package_dir: relative_package_dir.to_path_buf(),
+                    subpath: subpath.to_path_buf(),
+                    line,
+                    text,
-            }
-            Err(e) => {
-                context.error_writer.write(&format!(
-                    "{}: File {} at line {line} contains the path expression \"{}\" which cannot be resolved: {e}.",
-                    context.relative_package_dir.display(),
-                    subpath.display(),
+                .into()
+            } else if text.starts_with('<') {
+                // Filters out search paths like <nixpkgs>
+                NixpkgsProblem::SearchPath {
+                    relative_package_dir: relative_package_dir.to_path_buf(),
+                    subpath: subpath.to_path_buf(),
+                    line,
-                ))?;
+                }
+                .into()
+            } else {
+                // Resolves the reference of the Nix path
+                // turning `../baz` inside `/foo/bar/default.nix` to `/foo/baz`
+                match parent_dir.join(Path::new(&text)).canonicalize() {
+                    Ok(target) => {
+                        // Then checking if it's still in the package directory
+                        // No need to handle the case of it being inside the directory, since we scan through the
+                        // entire directory recursively anyways
+                        if let Err(_prefix_error) = target.strip_prefix(absolute_package_dir) {
+                            NixpkgsProblem::OutsidePathReference {
+                                relative_package_dir: relative_package_dir.to_path_buf(),
+                                subpath: subpath.to_path_buf(),
+                                line,
+                                text,
+                            }
+                            .into()
+                        } else {
+                            Success(())
+                        }
+                    }
+                    Err(e) => NixpkgsProblem::UnresolvablePathReference {
+                        relative_package_dir: relative_package_dir.to_path_buf(),
+                        subpath: subpath.to_path_buf(),
+                        line,
+                        text,
+                        io_error: e,
+                    }
+                    .into(),
+                }
-        };
-    }
-    Ok(())
+        },
+    )))
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
index ea80128e487..4051ca037c9 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
@@ -1,152 +1,170 @@
+use crate::nixpkgs_problem::NixpkgsProblem;
+use crate::references;
 use crate::utils;
-use crate::utils::ErrorWriter;
+use crate::validation::{self, ResultIteratorExt, Validation::Success};
+use itertools::concat;
 use lazy_static::lazy_static;
 use regex::Regex;
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-use std::io;
+use std::fs::DirEntry;
 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
-pub const BASE_SUBPATH: &str = "pkgs/by-name";
-pub const PACKAGE_NIX_FILENAME: &str = "package.nix";
 lazy_static! {
     static ref SHARD_NAME_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"^[a-z0-9_-]{1,2}$").unwrap();
     static ref PACKAGE_NAME_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$").unwrap();
-/// Contains information about the structure of the pkgs/by-name directory of a Nixpkgs
-pub struct Nixpkgs {
-    /// The path to nixpkgs
-    pub path: PathBuf,
-    /// The names of all packages declared in pkgs/by-name
-    pub package_names: Vec<String>,
-impl Nixpkgs {
-    // Some utility functions for the basic structure
+// Some utility functions for the basic structure
-    pub fn shard_for_package(package_name: &str) -> String {
-        package_name.to_lowercase().chars().take(2).collect()
-    }
-    pub fn relative_dir_for_shard(shard_name: &str) -> PathBuf {
-        PathBuf::from(format!("{BASE_SUBPATH}/{shard_name}"))
-    }
+pub fn shard_for_package(package_name: &str) -> String {
+    package_name.to_lowercase().chars().take(2).collect()
-    pub fn relative_dir_for_package(package_name: &str) -> PathBuf {
-        Nixpkgs::relative_dir_for_shard(&Nixpkgs::shard_for_package(package_name))
-            .join(package_name)
-    }
+pub fn relative_dir_for_shard(shard_name: &str) -> PathBuf {
+    PathBuf::from(format!("{BASE_SUBPATH}/{shard_name}"))
-    pub fn relative_file_for_package(package_name: &str) -> PathBuf {
-        Nixpkgs::relative_dir_for_package(package_name).join(PACKAGE_NIX_FILENAME)
-    }
+pub fn relative_dir_for_package(package_name: &str) -> PathBuf {
+    relative_dir_for_shard(&shard_for_package(package_name)).join(package_name)
-impl Nixpkgs {
-    /// Read the structure of a Nixpkgs directory, displaying errors on the writer.
-    /// May return early with I/O errors.
-    pub fn new<W: io::Write>(
-        path: &Path,
-        error_writer: &mut ErrorWriter<W>,
-    ) -> anyhow::Result<Nixpkgs> {
-        let base_dir = path.join(BASE_SUBPATH);
+pub fn relative_file_for_package(package_name: &str) -> PathBuf {
+    relative_dir_for_package(package_name).join(PACKAGE_NIX_FILENAME)
-        let mut package_names = Vec::new();
+/// Check the structure of Nixpkgs, returning the attribute names that are defined in
+/// `pkgs/by-name`
+pub fn check_structure(path: &Path) -> validation::Result<Vec<String>> {
+    let base_dir = path.join(BASE_SUBPATH);
-        for shard_entry in utils::read_dir_sorted(&base_dir)? {
+    let shard_results = utils::read_dir_sorted(&base_dir)?
+        .into_iter()
+        .map(|shard_entry| -> validation::Result<_> {
             let shard_path = shard_entry.path();
             let shard_name = shard_entry.file_name().to_string_lossy().into_owned();
-            let relative_shard_path = Nixpkgs::relative_dir_for_shard(&shard_name);
+            let relative_shard_path = relative_dir_for_shard(&shard_name);
-            if shard_name == "" {
+            Ok(if shard_name == "" {
                 // is allowed to be a file and not checked
-                continue;
-            }
-            if !shard_path.is_dir() {
-                error_writer.write(&format!(
-                    "{}: This is a file, but it should be a directory.",
-                    relative_shard_path.display(),
-                ))?;
-                // we can't check for any other errors if it's a file, since there's no subdirectories to check
-                continue;
-            }
-            let shard_name_valid = SHARD_NAME_REGEX.is_match(&shard_name);
-            if !shard_name_valid {
-                error_writer.write(&format!(
-                    "{}: Invalid directory name \"{shard_name}\", must be at most 2 ASCII characters consisting of a-z, 0-9, \"-\" or \"_\".",
-                    relative_shard_path.display()
-                ))?;
-            }
-            let mut unique_package_names = HashMap::new();
-            for package_entry in utils::read_dir_sorted(&shard_path)? {
-                let package_path = package_entry.path();
-                let package_name = package_entry.file_name().to_string_lossy().into_owned();
-                let relative_package_dir =
-                    PathBuf::from(format!("{BASE_SUBPATH}/{shard_name}/{package_name}"));
-                if !package_path.is_dir() {
-                    error_writer.write(&format!(
-                        "{}: This path is a file, but it should be a directory.",
-                        relative_package_dir.display(),
-                    ))?;
-                    continue;
-                }
-                if let Some(duplicate_package_name) =
-                    unique_package_names.insert(package_name.to_lowercase(), package_name.clone())
-                {
-                    error_writer.write(&format!(
-                        "{}: Duplicate case-sensitive package directories \"{duplicate_package_name}\" and \"{package_name}\".",
-                        relative_shard_path.display(),
-                    ))?;
+                Success(vec![])
+            } else if !shard_path.is_dir() {
+                NixpkgsProblem::ShardNonDir {
+                    relative_shard_path: relative_shard_path.clone(),
-                let package_name_valid = PACKAGE_NAME_REGEX.is_match(&package_name);
-                if !package_name_valid {
-                    error_writer.write(&format!(
-                        "{}: Invalid package directory name \"{package_name}\", must be ASCII characters consisting of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, \"-\" or \"_\".",
-                        relative_package_dir.display(),
-                    ))?;
-                }
-                let correct_relative_package_dir = Nixpkgs::relative_dir_for_package(&package_name);
-                if relative_package_dir != correct_relative_package_dir {
-                    // Only show this error if we have a valid shard and package name
-                    // Because if one of those is wrong, you should fix that first
-                    if shard_name_valid && package_name_valid {
-                        error_writer.write(&format!(
-                            "{}: Incorrect directory location, should be {} instead.",
-                            relative_package_dir.display(),
-                            correct_relative_package_dir.display(),
-                        ))?;
+                .into()
+                // we can't check for any other errors if it's a file, since there's no subdirectories to check
+            } else {
+                let shard_name_valid = SHARD_NAME_REGEX.is_match(&shard_name);
+                let result = if !shard_name_valid {
+                    NixpkgsProblem::InvalidShardName {
+                        relative_shard_path: relative_shard_path.clone(),
+                        shard_name: shard_name.clone(),
-                }
+                    .into()
+                } else {
+                    Success(())
+                };
+                let entries = utils::read_dir_sorted(&shard_path)?;
+                let duplicate_results = entries
+                    .iter()
+                    .zip(entries.iter().skip(1))
+                    .filter(|(l, r)| {
+                        l.file_name().to_ascii_lowercase() == r.file_name().to_ascii_lowercase()
+                    })
+                    .map(|(l, r)| {
+                        NixpkgsProblem::CaseSensitiveDuplicate {
+                            relative_shard_path: relative_shard_path.clone(),
+                            first: l.file_name(),
+                            second: r.file_name(),
+                        }
+                        .into()
+                    });
+                let result = result.and(validation::sequence_(duplicate_results));
+                let package_results = entries
+                    .into_iter()
+                    .map(|package_entry| {
+                        check_package(path, &shard_name, shard_name_valid, package_entry)
+                    })
+                    .collect_vec()?;
+                result.and(validation::sequence(package_results))
+            })
+        })
+        .collect_vec()?;
-                let package_nix_path = package_path.join(PACKAGE_NIX_FILENAME);
-                if !package_nix_path.exists() {
-                    error_writer.write(&format!(
-                        "{}: Missing required \"{PACKAGE_NIX_FILENAME}\" file.",
-                        relative_package_dir.display(),
-                    ))?;
-                } else if package_nix_path.is_dir() {
-                    error_writer.write(&format!(
-                        "{}: \"{PACKAGE_NIX_FILENAME}\" must be a file.",
-                        relative_package_dir.display(),
-                    ))?;
-                }
+    // Combine the package names conatained within each shard into a longer list
+    Ok(validation::sequence(shard_results).map(concat))
-                package_names.push(package_name.clone());
-            }
+fn check_package(
+    path: &Path,
+    shard_name: &str,
+    shard_name_valid: bool,
+    package_entry: DirEntry,
+) -> validation::Result<String> {
+    let package_path = package_entry.path();
+    let package_name = package_entry.file_name().to_string_lossy().into_owned();
+    let relative_package_dir = PathBuf::from(format!("{BASE_SUBPATH}/{shard_name}/{package_name}"));
+    Ok(if !package_path.is_dir() {
+        NixpkgsProblem::PackageNonDir {
+            relative_package_dir: relative_package_dir.clone(),
-        Ok(Nixpkgs {
-            path: path.to_owned(),
-            package_names,
-        })
-    }
+        .into()
+    } else {
+        let package_name_valid = PACKAGE_NAME_REGEX.is_match(&package_name);
+        let result = if !package_name_valid {
+            NixpkgsProblem::InvalidPackageName {
+                relative_package_dir: relative_package_dir.clone(),
+                package_name: package_name.clone(),
+            }
+            .into()
+        } else {
+            Success(())
+        };
+        let correct_relative_package_dir = relative_dir_for_package(&package_name);
+        let result = result.and(if relative_package_dir != correct_relative_package_dir {
+            // Only show this error if we have a valid shard and package name
+            // Because if one of those is wrong, you should fix that first
+            if shard_name_valid && package_name_valid {
+                NixpkgsProblem::IncorrectShard {
+                    relative_package_dir: relative_package_dir.clone(),
+                    correct_relative_package_dir: correct_relative_package_dir.clone(),
+                }
+                .into()
+            } else {
+                Success(())
+            }
+        } else {
+            Success(())
+        });
+        let package_nix_path = package_path.join(PACKAGE_NIX_FILENAME);
+        let result = result.and(if !package_nix_path.exists() {
+            NixpkgsProblem::PackageNixNonExistent {
+                relative_package_dir: relative_package_dir.clone(),
+            }
+            .into()
+        } else if package_nix_path.is_dir() {
+            NixpkgsProblem::PackageNixDir {
+                relative_package_dir: relative_package_dir.clone(),
+            }
+            .into()
+        } else {
+            Success(())
+        });
+        let result = result.and(references::check_references(
+            &relative_package_dir,
+            &path.join(&relative_package_dir),
+        )?);
+|_| package_name.clone())
+    })
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
index 325c736eca9..5cc4a0863ba 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
 use anyhow::Context;
-use colored::Colorize;
 use std::fs;
 use std::io;
 use std::path::Path;
+pub const BASE_SUBPATH: &str = "pkgs/by-name";
+pub const PACKAGE_NIX_FILENAME: &str = "package.nix";
 /// Deterministic file listing so that tests are reproducible
 pub fn read_dir_sorted(base_dir: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<fs::DirEntry>> {
     let listing = base_dir
@@ -47,26 +49,3 @@ impl LineIndex {
-/// A small wrapper around a generic io::Write specifically for errors:
-/// - Print everything in red to signal it's an error
-/// - Keep track of whether anything was printed at all, so that
-///   it can be queried whether any errors were encountered at all
-pub struct ErrorWriter<W> {
-    pub writer: W,
-    pub empty: bool,
-impl<W: io::Write> ErrorWriter<W> {
-    pub fn new(writer: W) -> ErrorWriter<W> {
-        ErrorWriter {
-            writer,
-            empty: true,
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn write(&mut self, string: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
-        self.empty = false;
-        writeln!(self.writer, "{}",
-    }
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e7279385152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+use crate::nixpkgs_problem::NixpkgsProblem;
+use itertools::concat;
+use itertools::{
+    Either::{Left, Right},
+    Itertools,
+use Validation::*;
+/// The validation result of a check.
+/// Instead of exiting at the first failure,
+/// this type can accumulate multiple failures.
+/// This can be achieved using the functions `and`, `sequence` and `sequence_`
+/// This leans on
+pub enum Validation<A> {
+    Failure(Vec<NixpkgsProblem>),
+    Success(A),
+impl<A> From<NixpkgsProblem> for Validation<A> {
+    /// Create a `Validation<A>` from a single check problem
+    fn from(value: NixpkgsProblem) -> Self {
+        Failure(vec![value])
+    }
+/// A type alias representing the result of a check, either:
+/// - Err(anyhow::Error): A fatal failure, typically I/O errors.
+///   Such failures are not caused by the files in Nixpkgs.
+///   This hints at a bug in the code or a problem with the deployment.
+/// - Ok(Failure(Vec<NixpkgsProblem>)): A non-fatal validation problem with the Nixpkgs files.
+///   Further checks can be run even with this result type.
+///   Such problems can be fixed by changing the Nixpkgs files.
+/// - Ok(Success(A)): A successful (potentially intermediate) result with an arbitrary value.
+///   No fatal errors have occurred and no validation problems have been found with Nixpkgs.
+pub type Result<A> = anyhow::Result<Validation<A>>;
+pub trait ResultIteratorExt<A, E>: Sized + Iterator<Item = std::result::Result<A, E>> {
+    fn collect_vec(self) -> std::result::Result<Vec<A>, E>;
+impl<I, A, E> ResultIteratorExt<A, E> for I
+    I: Sized + Iterator<Item = std::result::Result<A, E>>,
+    /// A convenience version of `collect` specialised to a vector
+    fn collect_vec(self) -> std::result::Result<Vec<A>, E> {
+        self.collect()
+    }
+impl<A> Validation<A> {
+    /// Map a `Validation<A>` to a `Validation<B>` by applying a function to the
+    /// potentially contained value in case of success.
+    pub fn map<B>(self, f: impl FnOnce(A) -> B) -> Validation<B> {
+        match self {
+            Failure(err) => Failure(err),
+            Success(value) => Success(f(value)),
+        }
+    }
+impl Validation<()> {
+    /// Combine two validations, both of which need to be successful for the return value to be successful.
+    /// The `NixpkgsProblem`s of both sides are returned concatenated.
+    pub fn and<A>(self, other: Validation<A>) -> Validation<A> {
+        match (self, other) {
+            (Success(_), Success(right_value)) => Success(right_value),
+            (Failure(errors), Success(_)) => Failure(errors),
+            (Success(_), Failure(errors)) => Failure(errors),
+            (Failure(errors_l), Failure(errors_r)) => Failure(concat([errors_l, errors_r])),
+        }
+    }
+/// Combine many validations into a single one.
+/// All given validations need to be successful in order for the returned validation to be successful,
+/// in which case the returned validation value contains a `Vec` of each individual value.
+/// Otherwise the `NixpkgsProblem`s of all validations are returned concatenated.
+pub fn sequence<A>(check_results: impl IntoIterator<Item = Validation<A>>) -> Validation<Vec<A>> {
+    let (errors, values): (Vec<Vec<NixpkgsProblem>>, Vec<A>) = check_results
+        .into_iter()
+        .partition_map(|validation| match validation {
+            Failure(err) => Left(err),
+            Success(value) => Right(value),
+        });
+    // To combine the errors from the results we flatten all the error Vec's into a new Vec
+    // This is not very efficient, but doesn't matter because generally we should have no errors
+    let flattened_errors = errors.into_iter().concat();
+    if flattened_errors.is_empty() {
+        Success(values)
+    } else {
+        Failure(flattened_errors)
+    }
+/// Like `sequence`, but without any containing value, for convenience
+pub fn sequence_(validations: impl IntoIterator<Item = Validation<()>>) -> Validation<()> {
+    sequence(validations).map(|_| ())
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/mock-nixpkgs.nix b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/mock-nixpkgs.nix
index 50ad6761754..01bb27a4803 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/mock-nixpkgs.nix
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/mock-nixpkgs.nix
@@ -75,9 +75,14 @@ let
   # Turns autoCalledPackageFiles into an overlay that `callPackage`'s all of them
   autoCalledPackages = self: super:
-    builtins.mapAttrs (name: file:
-      self.callPackage file { }
-    ) autoCalledPackageFiles;
+    {
+      # Needed to be able to detect empty arguments in all-packages.nix
+      # See a more detailed description in pkgs/top-level/by-name-overlay.nix
+      _internalCallByNamePackageFile = file: self.callPackage file { };
+    }
+    // builtins.mapAttrs
+      (name: self._internalCallByNamePackageFile)
+      autoCalledPackageFiles;
   # A list optionally containing the `all-packages.nix` file from the test case as an overlay
   optionalAllPackagesOverlay =
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-different-file/expected b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-different-file/expected
index 1c6377d8aef..51479e22d26 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-different-file/expected
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-different-file/expected
@@ -1 +1 @@
-pkgs.nonDerivation: This attribute is not defined as `pkgs.callPackage pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation/package.nix { ... }`.
+pkgs.nonDerivation: This attribute is manually defined (most likely in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix), which is only allowed if the definition is of the form `pkgs.callPackage pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation/package.nix { ... }` with a non-empty second argument.
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-empty-arg/all-packages.nix b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-empty-arg/all-packages.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d369dd7228d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-empty-arg/all-packages.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+self: super: {
+  nonDerivation = self.callPackage ./pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation/package.nix { };
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-empty-arg/default.nix b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-empty-arg/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af25d145012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-empty-arg/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+import ../mock-nixpkgs.nix { root = ./.; }
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-empty-arg/expected b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-empty-arg/expected
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..51479e22d26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-empty-arg/expected
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+pkgs.nonDerivation: This attribute is manually defined (most likely in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix), which is only allowed if the definition is of the form `pkgs.callPackage pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation/package.nix { ... }` with a non-empty second argument.
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-empty-arg/pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation/package.nix b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-empty-arg/pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation/package.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a1b92efbbad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-empty-arg/pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation/package.nix
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ someDrv }: someDrv
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-no-call-package/expected b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-no-call-package/expected
index 1c6377d8aef..51479e22d26 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-no-call-package/expected
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-no-call-package/expected
@@ -1 +1 @@
-pkgs.nonDerivation: This attribute is not defined as `pkgs.callPackage pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation/package.nix { ... }`.
+pkgs.nonDerivation: This attribute is manually defined (most likely in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix), which is only allowed if the definition is of the form `pkgs.callPackage pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation/package.nix { ... }` with a non-empty second argument.
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-no-file/expected b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-no-file/expected
index 1c6377d8aef..51479e22d26 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-no-file/expected
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-no-file/expected
@@ -1 +1 @@
-pkgs.nonDerivation: This attribute is not defined as `pkgs.callPackage pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation/package.nix { ... }`.
+pkgs.nonDerivation: This attribute is manually defined (most likely in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix), which is only allowed if the definition is of the form `pkgs.callPackage pkgs/by-name/no/nonDerivation/package.nix { ... }` with a non-empty second argument.
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-success/all-packages.nix b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-success/all-packages.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6b323756ae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-success/all-packages.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+self: super: {
+  foo = self.callPackage ./pkgs/by-name/fo/foo/package.nix {
+    enableBar = true;
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-success/default.nix b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-success/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af25d145012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-success/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+import ../mock-nixpkgs.nix { root = ./.; }
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-success/pkgs/by-name/fo/foo/package.nix b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-success/pkgs/by-name/fo/foo/package.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c811a7215a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/tests/override-success/pkgs/by-name/fo/foo/package.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  someDrv,
+  enableBar ? false,
+if enableBar then
+  someDrv
+  {}
diff --git a/pkgs/test/simple/ b/pkgs/test/simple/
index 908faec3c38..0b09a109bea 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/simple/
+++ b/pkgs/test/simple/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-if [ -e ]; then source; fi
+if [ -e "$NIX_ATTRS_SH_FILE" ]; then . "$NIX_ATTRS_SH_FILE"; elif [ -f ]; then .; fi
 set -x
 export NIX_DEBUG=1
diff --git a/pkgs/test/stdenv/default.nix b/pkgs/test/stdenv/default.nix
index 0fa87cccc21..3882eb2b625 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/stdenv/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/test/stdenv/default.nix
@@ -142,6 +142,15 @@ in
+  # Check that mkDerivation rejects MD5 hashes
+  rejectedHashes = lib.recurseIntoAttrs {
+    md5 =
+      let drv = runCommand "md5 outputHash rejected" {
+        outputHash = "md5-fPt7dxVVP7ffY3MxkQdwVw==";
+      } "true";
+      in assert !(builtins.tryEval drv).success; {};
+  };
   test-inputDerivation = let
     inherit (stdenv.mkDerivation {
       dep1 = derivation { name = "dep1"; builder = "/bin/sh"; args = [ "-c" ": > $out" ]; system = builtins.currentSystem; };
diff --git a/pkgs/test/texlive/default.nix b/pkgs/test/texlive/default.nix
index 12c42444f18..12fdd5c45f8 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/texlive/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/test/texlive/default.nix
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, buildEnv, runCommand, fetchurl, file, texlive, writeShellScript, writeText }:
+{ lib, stdenv, buildEnv, runCommand, fetchurl, file, texlive, writeShellScript, writeText, texliveInfraOnly, texliveSmall, texliveMedium, texliveFull }:
 rec {
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ rec {
     { name
     , format
     , text
-    , texLive ? texlive.combined.scheme-small
+    , texLive ? texliveSmall
     , options ? "-interaction=errorstopmode"
     , preTest ? ""
     , postTest ? ""
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ rec {
     lualatex = mkTeXTest {
       name = "opentype-fonts-lualatex";
       format = "lualatex";
-      texLive = texlive.combine { inherit (texlive) scheme-small libertinus-fonts; };
+      texLive = texliveSmall.withPackages (ps: [ ps.libertinus-fonts ]);
       text = ''
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ rec {
   chktex = runCommand "texlive-test-chktex" {
     nativeBuildInputs = [
-      (texlive.combine { inherit (texlive) scheme-infraonly chktex; })
+      (texlive.withPackages (ps: [ ps.chktex ]))
     input = builtins.toFile "chktex-sample.tex" ''
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ rec {
   dvipng = lib.recurseIntoAttrs {
     basic = runCommand "texlive-test-dvipng-basic" {
-      nativeBuildInputs = [ file texlive.combined.scheme-medium ];
+      nativeBuildInputs = [ file texliveMedium ];
       input = fetchurl {
         name = "test_dvipng.tex";
         url = "";
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ rec {
     # test dvipng's limited capability to render postscript specials via GS
     ghostscript = runCommand "texlive-test-ghostscript" {
-      nativeBuildInputs = [ file (texlive.combine { inherit (texlive) scheme-small dvipng; }) ];
+      nativeBuildInputs = [ file (texliveSmall.withPackages (ps: [ ps.dvipng ])) ];
       input = builtins.toFile "postscript-sample.tex" ''
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ rec {
   dvisvgm = runCommand "texlive-test-dvisvgm" {
-    nativeBuildInputs = [ file texlive.combined.scheme-medium ];
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ file texliveMedium ];
     input = builtins.toFile "dvisvgm-sample.tex" ''
@@ -166,10 +166,7 @@ rec {
   texdoc = runCommand "texlive-test-texdoc" {
     nativeBuildInputs = [
-      (texlive.combine {
-        inherit (texlive) scheme-infraonly luatex texdoc;
-        pkgFilter = pkg: lib.elem pkg.tlType [ "run" "bin" "doc" ];
-      })
+      (texlive.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ luatex ps.texdoc ps.texdoc.texdoc ]))
   } ''
     texdoc --version
@@ -214,7 +211,7 @@ rec {
   # check that all languages are available, including synonyms
-  allLanguages = let hyphenBase = lib.head texlive.hyphen-base.pkgs; texLive = texlive.combined.scheme-full; in
+  allLanguages = let hyphenBase = texlive.pkgs.hyphen-base; texLive = texliveFull; in
     lib.recurseIntoAttrs {
       # language.def
       etex = mkTeXTest {
@@ -289,9 +286,9 @@ rec {
   # test that language files are generated as expected
   hyphen-base = runCommand "texlive-test-hyphen-base" {
-    hyphenBase = lib.head texlive.hyphen-base.pkgs;
-    schemeFull = texlive.combined.scheme-full;
-    schemeInfraOnly = texlive.combined.scheme-infraonly;
+    hyphenBase = texlive.pkgs.hyphen-base;
+    schemeFull = texliveFull;
+    schemeInfraOnly = texliveInfraOnly;
   } ''
     mkdir -p "$out"/{scheme-infraonly,scheme-full}
@@ -322,8 +319,8 @@ rec {
   # test that fmtutil.cnf is fully regenerated on scheme-full
   fmtutilCnf = runCommand "texlive-test-fmtutil.cnf" {
-    kpathsea = lib.head texlive.kpathsea.pkgs;
-    schemeFull = texlive.combined.scheme-full;
+    kpathsea = texlive.pkgs.kpathsea.tex;
+    schemeFull = texliveFull;
   } ''
     mkdir -p "$out"
@@ -335,7 +332,7 @@ rec {
   # verify that the restricted mode gets enabled when
   # needed (detected by checking if it disallows --gscmd)
   repstopdf = runCommand "texlive-test-repstopdf" {
-    nativeBuildInputs = [ (texlive.combine { inherit (texlive) scheme-infraonly epstopdf; }) ];
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ (texlive.withPackages (ps: [ ps.epstopdf ])) ];
   } ''
     ! (epstopdf --gscmd echo /dev/null 2>&1 || true) | grep forbidden >/dev/null
     (repstopdf --gscmd echo /dev/null 2>&1 || true) | grep forbidden >/dev/null
@@ -345,7 +342,7 @@ rec {
   # verify that the restricted mode gets enabled when
   # needed (detected by checking if it disallows --gscmd)
   rpdfcrop = runCommand "texlive-test-rpdfcrop" {
-    nativeBuildInputs = [ (texlive.combine { inherit (texlive) scheme-infraonly pdfcrop; }) ];
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ (texlive.withPackages (ps: [ ps.pdfcrop ])) ];
   } ''
     ! (pdfcrop --gscmd echo $(command -v pdfcrop) 2>&1 || true) | grep 'restricted mode' >/dev/null
     (rpdfcrop --gscmd echo $(command -v pdfcrop) 2>&1 || true) | grep 'restricted mode' >/dev/null
@@ -454,14 +451,13 @@ rec {
       # link all binaries in single derivation
-      allPackages = with lib; concatLists (catAttrs "pkgs" (filter isAttrs (attrValues texlive)));
-      binPackages = lib.filter (p: p.tlType == "bin") allPackages;
+      binPackages = lib.catAttrs "out" (lib.attrValues texlive.pkgs);
       binaries = buildEnv { name = "texlive-binaries"; paths = binPackages; };
     runCommand "texlive-test-binaries"
         inherit binaries contextTestTex latexTestTex texTestTex;
-        texliveScheme = texlive.combined.scheme-full;
+        texliveScheme = texliveFull;
         loadables="$(command -v bash)"
@@ -565,8 +561,7 @@ rec {
   # check that all scripts have a Nix shebang
   shebangs = let
-      allPackages = with lib; concatLists (catAttrs "pkgs" (filter isAttrs (attrValues texlive)));
-      binPackages = lib.filter (p: p.tlType == "bin") allPackages;
+      binPackages = lib.catAttrs "out" (lib.attrValues texlive.pkgs);
     runCommand "texlive-test-shebangs" { }
@@ -615,7 +610,7 @@ rec {
         correctLicenses = scheme: builtins.foldl'
                 (acc: pkg: concatLicenses acc (lib.toList (pkg.meta.license or [])))
-                scheme.passthru.packages;
+                scheme.passthru.requiredTeXPackages;
         correctLicensesAttrNames = scheme:
           lib.sort lt
             (map licenseToAttrName (correctLicenses scheme));
@@ -625,7 +620,7 @@ rec {
           (savedLicensesAttrNames scheme) != (correctLicensesAttrNames scheme);
         incorrectSchemes = lib.filterAttrs
           (n: hasLicenseMismatch)
-          texlive.combined;
+          (texlive.combined // texlive.schemes);
         prettyPrint = name: scheme:
             license info for ${name} is incorrect! Note that order is enforced.
@@ -648,10 +643,13 @@ rec {
   # this is effectively an eval-time assertion, converted into a derivation for
   # ease of testing
   fixedHashes = with lib; let
-    combine = findFirst (p: (head p.pkgs).pname == "combine") { pkgs = []; } (head texlive.collection-latexextra.pkgs).tlDeps;
-    all = concatLists (map (p: p.pkgs or []) (attrValues (removeAttrs texlive [ "bin" "combine" "combined" "tlpdb" ]))) ++ combine.pkgs;
-    fods = filter (p: isDerivation p && p.tlType != "bin") all;
-    errorText = concatMapStrings (p: optionalString (! p ? outputHash) "${p.pname + optionalString (p.tlType != "run") ("." + p.tlType)} does not have a fixed output hash\n") fods;
+    fods = lib.concatMap
+      (p: lib.optional (p ? tex && isDerivation p.tex) p.tex
+        ++ lib.optional (p ? texdoc) p.texdoc
+        ++ lib.optional (p ? texsource) p.texsource
+        ++ lib.optional (p ? tlpkg) p.tlpkg)
+      (attrValues texlive.pkgs);
+    errorText = concatMapStrings (p: optionalString (! p ? outputHash) "${p.pname}-${p.tlOutputName} does not have a fixed output hash\n") fods;
   in runCommand "texlive-test-fixed-hashes" {
     inherit errorText;
     passAsFile = [ "errorText" ];
diff --git a/pkgs/test/vim/default.nix b/pkgs/test/vim/default.nix
index 4d8e59a306a..33e1e551d4f 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/vim/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/test/vim/default.nix
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 , pkgs
-  inherit (vimUtils) buildVimPluginFrom2Nix;
+  inherit (vimUtils) buildVimPlugin;
   packages.myVimPackage.start = with vimPlugins; [ vim-nix ];