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path: root/pkgs/os-specific/linux
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authorAlyssa Ross <>2021-05-13 20:13:24 +0000
committerAlyssa Ross <>2021-05-18 08:40:55 +0000
commit64ad908eb80c9b494454f0e4ac06e691a89fdb22 (patch)
treeea090c079936d8f709064d3de3897dcb3dc8d4a7 /pkgs/os-specific/linux
parent5ebae3db48bfb2157bbbd36cad8b4dc6db96f148 (diff)
spectrumPackages: use link-local router addresses
There's no need for every interface on a router to have it's own
unique IP.  Using link-local addresses, we can assign every interface
on a single router the same IP, and save the effort of
adding/subtracting one all the time to infer the address of one side
of a link from the other.

This means that routers and clients are both only interested in what
the IP of the client should be, since that's the only thing that is
different between different links.  So we change our MAC format to
communicate the client IP to both sides.  If we just made the whole
NIC portion of the MAC the last three octets of an IP address like we
did before, then both ends of the link would have the same MAC, so we
still need to set a bit to encode whether a MAC is at the router side
of the link or the client side.  I've decided to simplify the
implementation by using the most significant bit of the NIC part for
that, and just declaring the rest of that octet to be reserved.  This
way, no calculation is required in the guests -- they just need to
look at the last two octets.  And we can still identify 65536 links in
this scheme, which should be enough for anybody, right?

Message-Id: <>
Reviewed-by: Cole Helbling <>
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/os-specific/linux')
3 files changed, 23 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/spectrum/testhost/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/spectrum/testhost/default.nix
index 21c585f1490..de62f0add67 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/spectrum/testhost/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/spectrum/testhost/default.nix
@@ -45,23 +45,20 @@ let
           if { ip link set br0 up }
           # Calculate the MACs for our TAP and the router's TAP.
-          backtick -in router_nic_dec {
-            expr ${toString} * 2 + 64 * 256 * 256
-          }
-          backtick -in client_nic_dec {
-            expr ${toString} * 2 + 64 * 256 * 256 + 1
-          }
-          multisubstitute {
-            importas -iu router_nic_dec router_nic_dec
-            importas -iu client_nic_dec client_nic_dec
-          }
+          # MAC address format, by octet:
+          #
+          #  0-3  Static OUI for Spectrum
+          #    4  Most significant bit is used to differentiate
+          #       routers from clients.  Other bits are reserved.
+          #  5-6  Last two octets of client's IP (in
+          #
           backtick -i router_mac {
-            pipeline { printf %x $router_nic_dec }
-            sed s/^\\(..\\)\\(..\\)\\(..\\)$/0A:B3:EC:\\1:\\2:\\3/
+            pipeline { printf %.4x ${toString} }
+            sed s/^\\(..\\)\\(..\\)$/0A:B3:EC:80:\\1:\\2/
           backtick -i client_mac {
-            pipeline { printf %x $client_nic_dec }
-            sed s/^\\(..\\)\\(..\\)\\(..\\)$/0A:B3:EC:\\1:\\2:\\3/
+            pipeline { printf %.4x ${toString} }
+            sed s/^\\(..\\)\\(..\\)$/0A:B3:EC:00:\\1:\\2/
           multisubstitute {
             importas -iu router_mac router_mac
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/spectrum/vm/app/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/spectrum/vm/app/default.nix
index 65dbb51f5e1..f8ff480932c 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/spectrum/vm/app/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/spectrum/vm/app/default.nix
@@ -28,20 +28,15 @@ runCommand "vm-app" rec {
       up = writeText "net-up" ''
         backtick -i LOCAL_IP {
           pipeline { ip -j link show eth0 }
-          pipeline { jq -r ".[0].address | split(\":\") | .[3:6] | \"0x\" + .[]" }
-          xargs printf "100.%d.%d.%d"
+          pipeline { jq -r ".[0].address | split(\":\") | .[4:6] | \"0x\" + .[]" }
+          xargs printf "100.64.%d.%d"
         importas -iu LOCAL_IP LOCAL_IP
-        backtick -i REMOTE_IP {
-          jq -jn --arg localip $LOCAL_IP
-            "$localip | split(\".\") | .[3] |= tonumber - 1 | join(\".\")"
-        }
-        importas -iu REMOTE_IP REMOTE_IP
-        if { ip address add ''${LOCAL_IP}/31 dev eth0 }
+        if { ip address add ''${LOCAL_IP}/32 dev eth0 }
         if { ip link set eth0 up }
-        ip route add default via $REMOTE_IP
+        if { ip route add dev eth0 }
+        ip route add default via dev eth0
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/spectrum/vm/net/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/spectrum/vm/net/default.nix
index 1deb7031caf..5921b62fcf7 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/spectrum/vm/net/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/spectrum/vm/net/default.nix
@@ -54,15 +54,16 @@ runCommand "vm-net" rec {
               # Our IP is encoded in the NIC-specific portion of the
               # interface's MAC address.
-              backtick -i LOCAL_IP {
+              backtick -i CLIENT_IP {
                 pipeline { ip -j link show $INTERFACE }
-                pipeline { jq -r ".[0].address | split(\":\") | .[3:6] | \"0x\" + .[]" }
-                xargs printf "100.%d.%d.%d"
+                pipeline { jq -r ".[0].address | split(\":\") | .[4:6] | \"0x\" + .[]" }
+                xargs printf "100.64.%d.%d"
-              importas -iu LOCAL_IP LOCAL_IP
+              importas -iu CLIENT_IP CLIENT_IP
-              if { ip address add ''${LOCAL_IP}/31 dev $INTERFACE }
-              ip link set $INTERFACE up
+              if { ip address add dev $INTERFACE }
+              if { ip link set $INTERFACE up }
+              ip route add $CLIENT_IP dev $INTERFACE