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path: root/nixos/tests/podman/default.nix
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authorzowoq <>2021-12-09 12:10:44 +1000
committerzowoq <>2021-12-09 13:03:16 +1000
commit79e66fce1c2b5a7de3e9a0e75b591ca9552a62ef (patch)
treece67a92c6dee4e6a303db425d9eefccba438cbd9 /nixos/tests/podman/default.nix
parentce82da442b5f66c26f71443e7567e1765953ea9d (diff)
nixos/podman: sort files into directories
Makes codeowners, git history, etc. a bit simpler now that podman has expanded beyond the original single file module and test.
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/tests/podman/default.nix')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/tests/podman/default.nix b/nixos/tests/podman/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b52a7f060ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/podman/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# This test runs podman and checks if simple container starts
+import ../make-test-python.nix (
+  { pkgs, lib, ... }: {
+    name = "podman";
+    meta = {
+      maintainers = lib.teams.podman.members;
+    };
+    nodes = {
+      podman =
+        { pkgs, ... }:
+        {
+          virtualisation.podman.enable = true;
+          # To test docker socket support
+          virtualisation.podman.dockerSocket.enable = true;
+          environment.systemPackages = [
+            pkgs.docker-client
+          ];
+          users.users.alice = {
+            isNormalUser = true;
+            home = "/home/alice";
+            description = "Alice Foobar";
+            extraGroups = [ "podman" ];
+          };
+          users.users.mallory = {
+            isNormalUser = true;
+            home = "/home/mallory";
+            description = "Mallory Foobar";
+          };
+        };
+    };
+    testScript = ''
+      import shlex
+      def su_cmd(cmd, user = "alice"):
+          cmd = shlex.quote(cmd)
+          return f"su {user} -l -c {cmd}"
+      podman.wait_for_unit("")
+      start_all()
+      with subtest("Run container as root with runc"):
+          podman.succeed("tar cv --files-from /dev/null | podman import - scratchimg")
+          podman.succeed(
+              "podman run --runtime=runc -d --name=sleeping -v /nix/store:/nix/store -v /run/current-system/sw/bin:/bin scratchimg /bin/sleep 10"
+          )
+          podman.succeed("podman ps | grep sleeping")
+          podman.succeed("podman stop sleeping")
+          podman.succeed("podman rm sleeping")
+      with subtest("Run container as root with crun"):
+          podman.succeed("tar cv --files-from /dev/null | podman import - scratchimg")
+          podman.succeed(
+              "podman run --runtime=crun -d --name=sleeping -v /nix/store:/nix/store -v /run/current-system/sw/bin:/bin scratchimg /bin/sleep 10"
+          )
+          podman.succeed("podman ps | grep sleeping")
+          podman.succeed("podman stop sleeping")
+          podman.succeed("podman rm sleeping")
+      with subtest("Run container as root with the default backend"):
+          podman.succeed("tar cv --files-from /dev/null | podman import - scratchimg")
+          podman.succeed(
+              "podman run -d --name=sleeping -v /nix/store:/nix/store -v /run/current-system/sw/bin:/bin scratchimg /bin/sleep 10"
+          )
+          podman.succeed("podman ps | grep sleeping")
+          podman.succeed("podman stop sleeping")
+          podman.succeed("podman rm sleeping")
+      # create systemd session for rootless
+      podman.succeed("loginctl enable-linger alice")
+      with subtest("Run container rootless with runc"):
+          podman.succeed(su_cmd("tar cv --files-from /dev/null | podman import - scratchimg"))
+          podman.succeed(
+              su_cmd(
+                  "podman run --runtime=runc -d --name=sleeping -v /nix/store:/nix/store -v /run/current-system/sw/bin:/bin scratchimg /bin/sleep 10"
+              )
+          )
+          podman.succeed(su_cmd("podman ps | grep sleeping"))
+          podman.succeed(su_cmd("podman stop sleeping"))
+          podman.succeed(su_cmd("podman rm sleeping"))
+      with subtest("Run container rootless with crun"):
+          podman.succeed(su_cmd("tar cv --files-from /dev/null | podman import - scratchimg"))
+          podman.succeed(
+              su_cmd(
+                  "podman run --runtime=crun -d --name=sleeping -v /nix/store:/nix/store -v /run/current-system/sw/bin:/bin scratchimg /bin/sleep 10"
+              )
+          )
+          podman.succeed(su_cmd("podman ps | grep sleeping"))
+          podman.succeed(su_cmd("podman stop sleeping"))
+          podman.succeed(su_cmd("podman rm sleeping"))
+      with subtest("Run container rootless with the default backend"):
+          podman.succeed(su_cmd("tar cv --files-from /dev/null | podman import - scratchimg"))
+          podman.succeed(
+              su_cmd(
+                  "podman run -d --name=sleeping -v /nix/store:/nix/store -v /run/current-system/sw/bin:/bin scratchimg /bin/sleep 10"
+              )
+          )
+          podman.succeed(su_cmd("podman ps | grep sleeping"))
+          podman.succeed(su_cmd("podman stop sleeping"))
+          podman.succeed(su_cmd("podman rm sleeping"))
+      with subtest("Run container with init"):
+          podman.succeed(
+              "tar cv -C ${pkgs.pkgsStatic.busybox} . | podman import - busybox"
+          )
+          pid = podman.succeed("podman run --rm busybox readlink /proc/self").strip()
+          assert pid == "1"
+          pid = podman.succeed("podman run --rm --init busybox readlink /proc/self").strip()
+          assert pid == "2"
+      with subtest("A podman member can use the docker cli"):
+          podman.succeed(su_cmd("docker version"))
+      with subtest("Run container via docker cli"):
+          podman.succeed("docker network create default")
+          podman.succeed("tar cv --files-from /dev/null | podman import - scratchimg")
+          podman.succeed(
+            "docker run -d --name=sleeping -v /nix/store:/nix/store -v /run/current-system/sw/bin:/bin scratchimg /bin/sleep 10"
+          )
+          podman.succeed("docker ps | grep sleeping")
+          podman.succeed("podman ps | grep sleeping")
+          podman.succeed("docker stop sleeping")
+          podman.succeed("docker rm sleeping")
+          podman.succeed("docker network rm default")
+      with subtest("A podman non-member can not use the docker cli"):
+"docker version", user="mallory"))
+      # TODO: add docker-compose test
+    '';
+  }