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path: root/nixos/modules/config/users-groups.nix
diff options
authorAlyssa Ross <>2022-05-31 09:59:33 +0000
committerAlyssa Ross <>2022-05-31 09:59:57 +0000
commit9ff36293d1e428cd7bf03e8d4b03611b6d361c28 (patch)
tree1ab51a42b868c55b83f6ccdb80371b9888739dd9 /nixos/modules/config/users-groups.nix
parent1c4fcd0d4b0541e674ee56ace1053e23e562cc80 (diff)
parentddc3c396a51918043bb0faa6f676abd9562be62c (diff)
Last good Nixpkgs for Weston+nouveau? archive
I came this commit hash to terwiz[m] on IRC, who is trying to figure out
what the last version of Spectrum that worked on their NUC with Nvidia
graphics is.
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/modules/config/users-groups.nix')
1 files changed, 715 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/modules/config/users-groups.nix b/nixos/modules/config/users-groups.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b0f96c754fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/config/users-groups.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+{ config, lib, utils, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+  ids = config.ids;
+  cfg = config.users;
+  isPasswdCompatible = str: !(hasInfix ":" str || hasInfix "\n" str);
+  passwdEntry = type: lib.types.addCheck type isPasswdCompatible // {
+    name = "passwdEntry ${}";
+    description = "${type.description}, not containing newlines or colons";
+  };
+  # Check whether a password hash will allow login.
+  allowsLogin = hash:
+    hash == "" # login without password
+    || !(lib.elem hash
+      [ null   # password login disabled
+        "!"    # password login disabled
+        "!!"   # a variant of "!"
+        "*"    # password unset
+      ]);
+  passwordDescription = ''
+    The options <option>hashedPassword</option>,
+    <option>password</option> and <option>passwordFile</option>
+    controls what password is set for the user.
+    <option>hashedPassword</option> overrides both
+    <option>password</option> and <option>passwordFile</option>.
+    <option>password</option> overrides <option>passwordFile</option>.
+    If none of these three options are set, no password is assigned to
+    the user, and the user will not be able to do password logins.
+    If the option <option>users.mutableUsers</option> is true, the
+    password defined in one of the three options will only be set when
+    the user is created for the first time. After that, you are free to
+    change the password with the ordinary user management commands. If
+    <option>users.mutableUsers</option> is false, you cannot change
+    user passwords, they will always be set according to the password
+    options.
+  '';
+  hashedPasswordDescription = ''
+    To generate a hashed password run <literal>mkpasswd -m sha-512</literal>.
+    If set to an empty string (<literal>""</literal>), this user will
+    be able to log in without being asked for a password (but not via remote
+    services such as SSH, or indirectly via <command>su</command> or
+    <command>sudo</command>). This should only be used for e.g. bootable
+    live systems. Note: this is different from setting an empty password,
+    which ca be achieved using <option>users.users.&lt;name?&gt;.password</option>.
+    If set to <literal>null</literal> (default) this user will not
+    be able to log in using a password (i.e. via <command>login</command>
+    command).
+  '';
+  userOpts = { name, config, ... }: {
+    options = {
+      name = mkOption {
+        type = passwdEntry types.str;
+        apply = x: assert (builtins.stringLength x < 32 || abort "Username '${x}' is longer than 31 characters which is not allowed!"); x;
+        description = ''
+          The name of the user account. If undefined, the name of the
+          attribute set will be used.
+        '';
+      };
+      description = mkOption {
+        type = passwdEntry types.str;
+        default = "";
+        example = "Alice Q. User";
+        description = ''
+          A short description of the user account, typically the
+          user's full name.  This is actually the “GECOS” or “comment”
+          field in <filename>/etc/passwd</filename>.
+        '';
+      };
+      uid = mkOption {
+        type = with types; nullOr int;
+        default = null;
+        description = ''
+          The account UID. If the UID is null, a free UID is picked on
+          activation.
+        '';
+      };
+      isSystemUser = mkOption {
+        type = types.bool;
+        default = false;
+        description = ''
+          Indicates if the user is a system user or not. This option
+          only has an effect if <option>uid</option> is
+          <option>null</option>, in which case it determines whether
+          the user's UID is allocated in the range for system users
+          (below 500) or in the range for normal users (starting at
+          1000).
+          Exactly one of <literal>isNormalUser</literal> and
+          <literal>isSystemUser</literal> must be true.
+        '';
+      };
+      isNormalUser = mkOption {
+        type = types.bool;
+        default = false;
+        description = ''
+          Indicates whether this is an account for a “real” user. This
+          automatically sets <option>group</option> to
+          <literal>users</literal>, <option>createHome</option> to
+          <literal>true</literal>, <option>home</option> to
+          <filename>/home/<replaceable>username</replaceable></filename>,
+          <option>useDefaultShell</option> to <literal>true</literal>,
+          and <option>isSystemUser</option> to
+          <literal>false</literal>.
+          Exactly one of <literal>isNormalUser</literal> and
+          <literal>isSystemUser</literal> must be true.
+        '';
+      };
+      group = mkOption {
+        type = types.str;
+        apply = x: assert (builtins.stringLength x < 32 || abort "Group name '${x}' is longer than 31 characters which is not allowed!"); x;
+        default = "";
+        description = "The user's primary group.";
+      };
+      extraGroups = mkOption {
+        type = types.listOf types.str;
+        default = [];
+        description = "The user's auxiliary groups.";
+      };
+      home = mkOption {
+        type = passwdEntry types.path;
+        default = "/var/empty";
+        description = "The user's home directory.";
+      };
+      cryptHomeLuks = mkOption {
+        type = with types; nullOr str;
+        default = null;
+        description = ''
+          Path to encrypted luks device that contains
+          the user's home directory.
+        '';
+      };
+      pamMount = mkOption {
+        type = with types; attrsOf str;
+        default = {};
+        description = ''
+          Attributes for user's entry in
+          <filename>pam_mount.conf.xml</filename>.
+          Useful attributes might include <code>path</code>,
+          <code>options</code>, <code>fstype</code>, and <code>server</code>.
+          See <link
+          xlink:href="" />
+          for more information.
+        '';
+      };
+      shell = mkOption {
+        type = types.nullOr (types.either types.shellPackage (passwdEntry types.path));
+        default = pkgs.shadow;
+        defaultText = literalExpression "pkgs.shadow";
+        example = literalExpression "pkgs.bashInteractive";
+        description = ''
+          The path to the user's shell. Can use shell derivations,
+          like <literal>pkgs.bashInteractive</literal>. Don’t
+          forget to enable your shell in
+          <literal>programs</literal> if necessary,
+          like <code>programs.zsh.enable = true;</code>.
+        '';
+      };
+      subUidRanges = mkOption {
+        type = with types; listOf (submodule subordinateUidRange);
+        default = [];
+        example = [
+          { startUid = 1000; count = 1; }
+          { startUid = 100001; count = 65534; }
+        ];
+        description = ''
+          Subordinate user ids that user is allowed to use.
+          They are set into <filename>/etc/subuid</filename> and are used
+          by <literal>newuidmap</literal> for user namespaces.
+        '';
+      };
+      subGidRanges = mkOption {
+        type = with types; listOf (submodule subordinateGidRange);
+        default = [];
+        example = [
+          { startGid = 100; count = 1; }
+          { startGid = 1001; count = 999; }
+        ];
+        description = ''
+          Subordinate group ids that user is allowed to use.
+          They are set into <filename>/etc/subgid</filename> and are used
+          by <literal>newgidmap</literal> for user namespaces.
+        '';
+      };
+      autoSubUidGidRange = mkOption {
+        type = types.bool;
+        default = false;
+        example = true;
+        description = ''
+          Automatically allocate subordinate user and group ids for this user.
+          Allocated range is currently always of size 65536.
+        '';
+      };
+      createHome = mkOption {
+        type = types.bool;
+        default = false;
+        description = ''
+          Whether to create the home directory and ensure ownership as well as
+          permissions to match the user.
+        '';
+      };
+      useDefaultShell = mkOption {
+        type = types.bool;
+        default = false;
+        description = ''
+          If true, the user's shell will be set to
+          <option>users.defaultUserShell</option>.
+        '';
+      };
+      hashedPassword = mkOption {
+        type = with types; nullOr (passwdEntry str);
+        default = null;
+        description = ''
+          Specifies the hashed password for the user.
+          ${passwordDescription}
+          ${hashedPasswordDescription}
+        '';
+      };
+      password = mkOption {
+        type = with types; nullOr str;
+        default = null;
+        description = ''
+          Specifies the (clear text) password for the user.
+          Warning: do not set confidential information here
+          because it is world-readable in the Nix store. This option
+          should only be used for public accounts.
+          ${passwordDescription}
+        '';
+      };
+      passwordFile = mkOption {
+        type = with types; nullOr str;
+        default = null;
+        description = ''
+          The full path to a file that contains the user's password. The password
+          file is read on each system activation. The file should contain
+          exactly one line, which should be the password in an encrypted form
+          that is suitable for the <literal>chpasswd -e</literal> command.
+          ${passwordDescription}
+        '';
+      };
+      initialHashedPassword = mkOption {
+        type = with types; nullOr (passwdEntry str);
+        default = null;
+        description = ''
+          Specifies the initial hashed password for the user, i.e. the
+          hashed password assigned if the user does not already
+          exist. If <option>users.mutableUsers</option> is true, the
+          password can be changed subsequently using the
+          <command>passwd</command> command. Otherwise, it's
+          equivalent to setting the <option>hashedPassword</option> option.
+          ${hashedPasswordDescription}
+        '';
+      };
+      initialPassword = mkOption {
+        type = with types; nullOr str;
+        default = null;
+        description = ''
+          Specifies the initial password for the user, i.e. the
+          password assigned if the user does not already exist. If
+          <option>users.mutableUsers</option> is true, the password
+          can be changed subsequently using the
+          <command>passwd</command> command. Otherwise, it's
+          equivalent to setting the <option>password</option>
+          option. The same caveat applies: the password specified here
+          is world-readable in the Nix store, so it should only be
+          used for guest accounts or passwords that will be changed
+          promptly.
+        '';
+      };
+      packages = mkOption {
+        type = types.listOf types.package;
+        default = [];
+        example = literalExpression "[ pkgs.firefox pkgs.thunderbird ]";
+        description = ''
+          The set of packages that should be made available to the user.
+          This is in contrast to <option>environment.systemPackages</option>,
+          which adds packages to all users.
+        '';
+      };
+    };
+    config = mkMerge
+      [ { name = mkDefault name;
+          shell = mkIf config.useDefaultShell (mkDefault cfg.defaultUserShell);
+        }
+        (mkIf config.isNormalUser {
+          group = mkDefault "users";
+          createHome = mkDefault true;
+          home = mkDefault "/home/${}";
+          useDefaultShell = mkDefault true;
+          isSystemUser = mkDefault false;
+        })
+        # If !mutableUsers, setting ‘initialPassword’ is equivalent to
+        # setting ‘password’ (and similarly for hashed passwords).
+        (mkIf (!cfg.mutableUsers && config.initialPassword != null) {
+          password = mkDefault config.initialPassword;
+        })
+        (mkIf (!cfg.mutableUsers && config.initialHashedPassword != null) {
+          hashedPassword = mkDefault config.initialHashedPassword;
+        })
+        (mkIf (config.isNormalUser && config.subUidRanges == [] && config.subGidRanges == []) {
+          autoSubUidGidRange = mkDefault true;
+        })
+      ];
+  };
+  groupOpts = { name, config, ... }: {
+    options = {
+      name = mkOption {
+        type = passwdEntry types.str;
+        description = ''
+          The name of the group. If undefined, the name of the attribute set
+          will be used.
+        '';
+      };
+      gid = mkOption {
+        type = with types; nullOr int;
+        default = null;
+        description = ''
+          The group GID. If the GID is null, a free GID is picked on
+          activation.
+        '';
+      };
+      members = mkOption {
+        type = with types; listOf (passwdEntry str);
+        default = [];
+        description = ''
+          The user names of the group members, added to the
+          <literal>/etc/group</literal> file.
+        '';
+      };
+    };
+    config = {
+      name = mkDefault name;
+      members = mapAttrsToList (n: u: (
+        filterAttrs (n: u: elem u.extraGroups) cfg.users
+      );
+    };
+  };
+  subordinateUidRange = {
+    options = {
+      startUid = mkOption {
+        type =;
+        description = ''
+          Start of the range of subordinate user ids that user is
+          allowed to use.
+        '';
+      };
+      count = mkOption {
+        type =;
+        default = 1;
+        description = "Count of subordinate user ids";
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  subordinateGidRange = {
+    options = {
+      startGid = mkOption {
+        type =;
+        description = ''
+          Start of the range of subordinate group ids that user is
+          allowed to use.
+        '';
+      };
+      count = mkOption {
+        type =;
+        default = 1;
+        description = "Count of subordinate group ids";
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  idsAreUnique = set: idAttr: !(foldr (name: args@{ dup, acc }:
+    let
+      id = builtins.toString (builtins.getAttr idAttr (builtins.getAttr name set));
+      exists = builtins.hasAttr id acc;
+      newAcc = acc // (builtins.listToAttrs [ { name = id; value = true; } ]);
+    in if dup then args else if exists
+      then builtins.trace "Duplicate ${idAttr} ${id}" { dup = true; acc = null; }
+      else { dup = false; acc = newAcc; }
+    ) { dup = false; acc = {}; } (builtins.attrNames set)).dup;
+  uidsAreUnique = idsAreUnique (filterAttrs (n: u: u.uid != null) cfg.users) "uid";
+  gidsAreUnique = idsAreUnique (filterAttrs (n: g: g.gid != null) cfg.groups) "gid";
+  spec = pkgs.writeText "users-groups.json" (builtins.toJSON {
+    inherit (cfg) mutableUsers;
+    users = mapAttrsToList (_: u:
+      { inherit (u)
+          name uid group description home createHome isSystemUser
+          password passwordFile hashedPassword
+          autoSubUidGidRange subUidRanges subGidRanges
+          initialPassword initialHashedPassword;
+        shell = utils.toShellPath;
+      }) cfg.users;
+    groups = attrValues cfg.groups;
+  });
+  systemShells =
+    let
+      shells = mapAttrsToList (_: u: cfg.users;
+    in
+      filter types.shellPackage.check shells;
+in {
+  imports = [
+    (mkAliasOptionModule [ "users" "extraUsers" ] [ "users" "users" ])
+    (mkAliasOptionModule [ "users" "extraGroups" ] [ "users" "groups" ])
+    (mkRenamedOptionModule ["security" "initialRootPassword"] ["users" "users" "root" "initialHashedPassword"])
+  ];
+  ###### interface
+  options = {
+    users.mutableUsers = mkOption {
+      type = types.bool;
+      default = true;
+      description = ''
+        If set to <literal>true</literal>, you are free to add new users and groups to the system
+        with the ordinary <literal>useradd</literal> and
+        <literal>groupadd</literal> commands. On system activation, the
+        existing contents of the <literal>/etc/passwd</literal> and
+        <literal>/etc/group</literal> files will be merged with the
+        contents generated from the <literal>users.users</literal> and
+        <literal>users.groups</literal> options.
+        The initial password for a user will be set
+        according to <literal>users.users</literal>, but existing passwords
+        will not be changed.
+        <warning><para>
+        If set to <literal>false</literal>, the contents of the user and
+        group files will simply be replaced on system activation. This also
+        holds for the user passwords; all changed
+        passwords will be reset according to the
+        <literal>users.users</literal> configuration on activation.
+        </para></warning>
+      '';
+    };
+    users.enforceIdUniqueness = mkOption {
+      type = types.bool;
+      default = true;
+      description = ''
+        Whether to require that no two users/groups share the same uid/gid.
+      '';
+    };
+    users.users = mkOption {
+      default = {};
+      type = with types; attrsOf (submodule userOpts);
+      example = {
+        alice = {
+          uid = 1234;
+          description = "Alice Q. User";
+          home = "/home/alice";
+          createHome = true;
+          group = "users";
+          extraGroups = ["wheel"];
+          shell = "/bin/sh";
+        };
+      };
+      description = ''
+        Additional user accounts to be created automatically by the system.
+        This can also be used to set options for root.
+      '';
+    };
+    users.groups = mkOption {
+      default = {};
+      example =
+        { students.gid = 1001;
+          hackers = { };
+        };
+      type = with types; attrsOf (submodule groupOpts);
+      description = ''
+        Additional groups to be created automatically by the system.
+      '';
+    };
+    users.allowNoPasswordLogin = mkOption {
+      type = types.bool;
+      default = false;
+      description = ''
+        Disable checking that at least the <literal>root</literal> user or a user in the <literal>wheel</literal> group can log in using
+        a password or an SSH key.
+        WARNING: enabling this can lock you out of your system. Enable this only if you know what are you doing.
+      '';
+    };
+  };
+  ###### implementation
+  config = {
+    users.users = {
+      root = {
+        uid = ids.uids.root;
+        description = "System administrator";
+        home = "/root";
+        shell = mkDefault cfg.defaultUserShell;
+        group = "root";
+        initialHashedPassword = mkDefault "!";
+      };
+      nobody = {
+        uid = ids.uids.nobody;
+        isSystemUser = true;
+        description = "Unprivileged account (don't use!)";
+        group = "nogroup";
+      };
+    };
+    users.groups = {
+      root.gid = ids.gids.root;
+      wheel.gid = ids.gids.wheel;
+      disk.gid = ids.gids.disk;
+      kmem.gid = ids.gids.kmem;
+      tty.gid = ids.gids.tty;
+      floppy.gid = ids.gids.floppy;
+      uucp.gid = ids.gids.uucp;
+      lp.gid = ids.gids.lp;
+      cdrom.gid = ids.gids.cdrom;
+      tape.gid = ids.gids.tape;
+      audio.gid =;
+      video.gid =;
+      dialout.gid = ids.gids.dialout;
+      nogroup.gid = ids.gids.nogroup;
+      users.gid = ids.gids.users;
+      nixbld.gid = ids.gids.nixbld;
+      utmp.gid = ids.gids.utmp;
+      adm.gid = ids.gids.adm;
+      input.gid = ids.gids.input;
+      kvm.gid = ids.gids.kvm;
+      render.gid = ids.gids.render;
+      sgx.gid = ids.gids.sgx;
+      shadow.gid = ids.gids.shadow;
+    };
+    system.activationScripts.users = {
+      supportsDryActivation = true;
+      text = ''
+        install -m 0700 -d /root
+        install -m 0755 -d /home
+        ${pkgs.perl.withPackages (p: [ p.FileSlurp p.JSON ])}/bin/perl \
+        -w ${./} ${spec}
+      '';
+    };
+    # for backwards compatibility
+    system.activationScripts.groups = stringAfter [ "users" ] "";
+    # Install all the user shells
+    environment.systemPackages = systemShells;
+    environment.etc = (mapAttrs' (_: { packages, name, ... }: {
+      name = "profiles/per-user/${name}";
+      value.source = pkgs.buildEnv {
+        name = "user-environment";
+        paths = packages;
+        inherit (config.environment) pathsToLink extraOutputsToInstall;
+        inherit (config.system.path) ignoreCollisions postBuild;
+      };
+    }) (filterAttrs (_: u: u.packages != []) cfg.users));
+    environment.profiles = [
+      "$HOME/.nix-profile"
+      "/etc/profiles/per-user/$USER"
+    ];
+    assertions = [
+      { assertion = !cfg.enforceIdUniqueness || (uidsAreUnique && gidsAreUnique);
+        message = "UIDs and GIDs must be unique!";
+      }
+      { # If mutableUsers is false, to prevent users creating a
+        # configuration that locks them out of the system, ensure that
+        # there is at least one "privileged" account that has a
+        # password or an SSH authorized key. Privileged accounts are
+        # root and users in the wheel group.
+        # The check does not apply when users.disableLoginPossibilityAssertion
+        # The check does not apply when users.mutableUsers
+        assertion = !cfg.mutableUsers -> !cfg.allowNoPasswordLogin ->
+          any id (mapAttrsToList (name: cfg:
+            (name == "root"
+             || == "wheel"
+             || elem "wheel" cfg.extraGroups)
+            &&
+            (allowsLogin cfg.hashedPassword
+             || cfg.password != null
+             || cfg.passwordFile != null
+             || cfg.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys != []
+             || cfg.openssh.authorizedKeys.keyFiles != [])
+          ) cfg.users ++ [
+          ]);
+        message = ''
+          Neither the root account nor any wheel user has a password or SSH authorized key.
+          You must set one to prevent being locked out of your system.
+          If you really want to be locked out of your system, set users.allowNoPasswordLogin = true;
+          However you are most probably better off by setting users.mutableUsers = true; and
+          manually running passwd root to set the root password.
+          '';
+      }
+    ] ++ flatten (flip mapAttrsToList cfg.users (name: user:
+      [
+        {
+        assertion = (user.hashedPassword != null)
+        -> (builtins.match ".*:.*" user.hashedPassword == null);
+        message = ''
+            The password hash of user "${}" contains a ":" character.
+            This is invalid and would break the login system because the fields
+            of /etc/shadow (file where hashes are stored) are colon-separated.
+            Please check the value of option `users.users."${}".hashedPassword`.'';
+          }
+          {
+            assertion = let
+              xor = a: b: a && !b || b && !a;
+              isEffectivelySystemUser = user.isSystemUser || (user.uid != null && user.uid < 500);
+            in xor isEffectivelySystemUser user.isNormalUser;
+            message = ''
+              Exactly one of users.users.${}.isSystemUser and users.users.${}.isNormalUser must be set.
+            '';
+          }
+          {
+            assertion = != "";
+            message = ''
+              users.users.${}.group is unset. This used to default to
+              nogroup, but this is unsafe. For example you can create a group
+              for this user with:
+              users.users.${}.group = "${}";
+              users.groups.${} = {};
+            '';
+          }
+        ]
+    ));
+    warnings =
+      builtins.filter (x: x != null) (
+        flip mapAttrsToList cfg.users (_: user:
+        # This regex matches a subset of the Modular Crypto Format (MCF)[1]
+        # informal standard. Since this depends largely on the OS or the
+        # specific implementation of crypt(3) we only support the (sane)
+        # schemes implemented by glibc and BSDs. In particular the original
+        # DES hash is excluded since, having no structure, it would validate
+        # common mistakes like typing the plaintext password.
+        #
+        # [1]:
+        let
+          sep = "\\$";
+          base64 = "[a-zA-Z0-9./]+";
+          id = "[a-z0-9-]+";
+          value = "[a-zA-Z0-9/+.-]+";
+          options = "${id}(=${value})?(,${id}=${value})*";
+          scheme  = "${id}(${sep}${options})?";
+          content = "${base64}${sep}${base64}";
+          mcf = "^${sep}${scheme}${sep}${content}$";
+        in
+        if (allowsLogin user.hashedPassword
+            && user.hashedPassword != ""  # login without password
+            && builtins.match mcf user.hashedPassword == null)
+        then ''
+          The password hash of user "${}" may be invalid. You must set a
+          valid hash or the user will be locked out of their account. Please
+          check the value of option `users.users."${}".hashedPassword`.''
+        else null
+      ));
+  };